How mode-versatile are you? Announcing the new CQ WPX Contest Triathlon Award for the highest cumulative-scoring Single-Op making at least 500 QSOs in each of the three modes: RTTY, SSB and CW.
Here are the criteria:
- The CQ Triathlon Award is open to everyone who operates in any Single-Op category in all three CQ WPX contests: RTTY, SSB and CW.
- Contenders must make a minimum of 500 QSOs in each mode.
- Any Single-Op category may be used in each mode: Single-Op All Band or Single Band, Single-Op Assisted, and any power category. These can be different for each mode.
- The Single-Op can operate from any location and the location for each mode may be different.
- Score will be based on the total score from all three contests.
- Results will be included with the CQ WPX CW results.
- Thanks to Rudy, N2WQ, for sponsoring the plaque and encouraging this new award.
Direct any questions to