WWROF Seeks New Director for CQ WPX

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is seeking a new Director to manage the administration of the CQ WPX Contest. Please contact Randy Thompson, K5ZD, (k5zd@outlook.com) if you have questions or would like to be considered.


The Director of the CQ WPX Contest is responsible for the operation and results of the CQ WPX Contest. The ideal candidate will be passionate about the CQ WPX, a respected member of the contest community, have an eye for detail, possess political and communication skills, exhibit a high level of integrity, and have demonstrated proficiency in contesting.

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Using QRZ.com Logbook for the CQ WW WPX SSB/CW Contests

The following are instructions for using the QRZ.com Logbook to generate and submit logs for the CQ World Wide WPX SSB or CW contests.  The process involves three activities:

A. Configuring QRZ.com Logbook to capture the information required for the contest
B. Exporting the QRZ.com Logbook QSOs applicable to the contest to an ADIF file
C. Converting the ADIF file to a Cabrillo 3.0 file and uploading the Cabrillo 3.0 file to CQ WW WPX

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    Announcing the 2024 CQ World Wide WPX Contests

    • SSB: March 25-26 / CW: May 25-26, 2024
    • Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; Ends 2359 UTC Sunday
    • Log Deadlines: SSB – 2359 April 5 / CW – 2359 UTC May 31, 2024

    Thrill in the chase of thousands of unique callsign prefixes from hundreds of DX entities in the world’s largest everyone-works-everyone radio contests.

    The CQ World Wide WPX (WPX) contests are immensely popular operating activities that enjoy broad participation by amateurs around the globe.  The events attract amateurs at all levels of proficiency from beginner to world champion and are rich hunting grounds for bagging callsign prefixes in pursuit of the coveted CQ WPX Awards Program endorsements.  WPX features a diversity of categories for single operator and multi-operator stations, including the Youth Overlay for entrants 25 years of age or younger, so please come and join the fun!

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