Detailed scores for A1CLUB in the 2024 CQ WPX Contest. Click on any column header to change sort order.
Callsign | Category | Mode | Score | Operator(s) |
JG5DHX | SO LP ALL | CW | 318,864 | |
JN1THL | SO HP ALL | CW | 277,692 | |
JJ1FXF | SO HP 15M | CW | 117,397 | |
JF3KQA | SO LP 10M | PH | 96,480 | |
JF3KQA | SO LP ALL | CW | 85,936 | |
JF1JDG | SO LP ALL | CW | 59,943 | |
JK1BVN | SO LP ALL | CW | 49,000 | |
JF0RRH | SO LP ALL | CW | 36,079 | |
JK1BVN | SO LP ALL | PH | 31,654 | |
JR2NMJ | SO HP ALL | PH | 24,510 | |
JK7UST | SO QRP 15M | CW | 14,553 | |
JH0OXS | SO HP ALL | CW | 13,790 | |
JP1JZR | SO LP ALL | CW | 6,050 | |
JE1WOY | SO LP 15M | CW | 2,356 | |
JH4FUF | SO LP 15M | CW | 1,344 | |
JH4FUF | SO LP 15M | PH | 522 | |
JK7UST | SO LP 40M | PH | 150 | |
JK1AKA | SO LP ALL | CW | 75 | |
Total Score | 1,136,395 |
*Club scores calculated from information in the score database. May not match what was reported in the magazine results article.
Multi-Distributed category entries do not count for club score.
Please report any errors through the Contact Form.