Detailed scores for RADIO CLUB KVARNER RIJEKA in the 2023 CQ WPX Contest. Click on any column header to change sort order.
Callsign | Category | Mode | Score | Operator(s) |
9A3YT | SO HP ALL | CW | 2,056,320 | |
9A1AR | SO LP 80M | PH | 428,868 | |
9A3YT | SO HP ALL | PH | 67,353 | |
9A2IK | SO LP ALL | CW | 60,207 | |
9A1AL | SO LP ALL | PH | 38,316 | |
9A1EJ | SO LP ALL | PH | 33,201 | |
9A1EA | SO LP ALL | PH | 30,135 | |
Total Score | 2,714,400 |
*Club scores calculated from information in the score database. May not match what was reported in the magazine results article.
Multi-Distributed category entries do not count for club score.
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