Detailed scores for NIAGARA FRONTIER RADIOSPORT in the 2022 CQ WPX Contest. Click on any column header to change sort order.
Callsign | Category | Mode | Score | Operator(s) |
NN2NN | SO HP ALL | PH | 1,461,026 | |
N2MF | SO HP ALL | CW | 904,050 | |
NS2N | SO HP ALL | CW | 779,898 | |
NF2RS | SO LP ALL | CW | 580,144 | |
WB2WPM | SO HP ALL | PH | 529,842 | |
NN2NN | SO HP ALL | CW | 500,688 | |
K2NV | SO HP ALL | CW | 337,185 | |
WB2WPM | SO HP ALL | CW | 284,445 | |
K2QO | SO HP ALL | PH | 266,220 | |
K2NV | SO HP ALL | PH | 169,180 | |
NS2N | SO HP ALL | PH | 141,480 | |
W2DXE | SO LP ALL | CW | 87,780 | |
K2QB | SO HP ALL | PH | 83,333 | |
N2CU | SO LP ALL | PH | 65,794 | |
W2TB | SO HP ALL | CW | 51,084 | |
KD2KEH | SO LP ALL | PH | 17,199 | |
KB2URI | SO LP ALL | CW | 6,164 | |
W2VM | SO LP ALL | CW | 1,400 | |
Total Score | 6,266,912 |
*Club scores calculated from information in the score database. May not match what was reported in the magazine results article.
Multi-Distributed category entries do not count for club score.
Please report any errors through the Contact Form.