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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

2009 Plaques and Sponsors

SSB | CW | Combined

List of awards and sponsors for the 2009 CQ WPX Contests.


Plaque Sponsor Winner
Single Operator, All Band  
WORLD High Power Stanley Cohen, W8QDQ CN2R operated by James P Sullivan, W7EJ
WORLD Low Power Caribbean Contesting Consortium P40A operated by John Bayne, KK9A
WORLD QRP Phil Krichbaum, N0KE TI5N operated by Philip Krichbaum, N0KE
USA High Power Atilano de Oms, PY5EG WY3P operated by Kamal Sirageldin, N3KS
USA Low Power Terry Zivney, N4TZ NV1N operated by Edward Sawyer, N1UR
USA QRP Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q Julius Fazekas, N2WN/4
USA Zone 4 High Power Society of Midwest Contesters George A. Demontrond, III, NR5M
USA Zone 4 Low Power Society of Midwest Contesters Ed Campbell, NX7TT/0
USA Zone 3 Lauri "Mac" McCreary, KG7C NY6N operated by Jim Stevenson, W6YI
EUROPE High Power Jim Hoffman, N5FA GI5K operated by Chris Smith, MI0LLL
EUROPE Low Power Ed Sawyer, N1UR Gediminas Lucinskas, LY9A
AFRICA Peter Sprengel, PY5CC 3V8BB operated by Hranislav Milosevic, YT1AD
ASIA Chris Terkla, N1XS 5B4AII operated by Evgeny (Jack) Danielyan, RW3QC
NORTH AMERICA* Albert Crespo, F5VHJ 8P5A operated by Tom Georgens, W2SC
NORTH AMERICA QRP* Phil Krichbaum, N0KE Doug Ferris, VA3DF
SOUTH AMERICA Andrew Faber, AE6Y Hamilton Oliveira Martins, PY2YU
OCEANIA Phillip Frazier, K6ZM Memorial Bill Kollenbaum, KH7XS
CANADA High Power Saskatchewan Contest Club VC3A operated by Ron Vander Kraats, VE3AT
CANADA Low Power Contest Club Ontario Yuri Onipko, VE3DZ
JAPAN Hamad Alnusif, 9K2HN Akira Minagawa, JA0JHA
Single Operator, Single Band  
WORLD Steve Merchant, K6AW 5D5A operated by Carlo De Mari, IK1HJS
WORLD 21 MHz Stuart Santelmann KC1F Memorial (Gene Shablygin, W3UA/RA3AA sponsor) ZX5J operated by Sergio Lima De Almeida, PP5JR
WORLD 14 MHz Jorge Taboada, EA9LZ 6W1SJ operated by Jovica Todorovic, E78A
WORLD 7 MHz Jorge Taboada, EA9LZ ZL3A operated by Dusko Dumanovic, ZL3WW
WORLD 7 MHz Low Power Neal Campbell, K3NC Ted Jimenez, HI3TEJ
WORLD 3.7 MHz D4C Contest Team RW2F operated by Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB
USA 28 MHz Maurice Schietecatte, N4LZ KZ5MM operated by Chuck Dietz, W5PR
USA 21 MHz Maurice Schietecatte, N4LZ NJ4U operated by Neal Sulmeyer, K4EA
USA 14 MHz Charles Wooten, NF4A Robert L. Shohet, KQ2M/1
USA 7 MHz Yankee Clipper Contest Club NN5J operated by Brian Smith, KI0MB
USA 3.5 MHz Bernie Welch, W8IMZ Memorial (WB8MRU sponsor) Steven Sussman, W3BGN
EUROPE 28 MHz SKY Contest Club Vitomir Kregar, S56M
EUROPE 21 MHz SKY Contest Club George Charokopakis, SV9GPV
EUROPE 14 MHz SKY Contest Club CT1JLZ operated by Jiri Pesta, OK1RF
EUROPE 7 MHz SKY Contest Club YT8A operated by Dusan Ceha, YU1EA
EUROPE 3.7 MHz SKY Contest Club 9A5Y operated by Zvonimir Karnik, 9A3LG
EUROPE 1.8 MHz SKY Contest Club SN3R operated by Wieslaw Gebal, SP6HEQ
Single Operator Assisted  
WORLD Emir-Braco Memic, OE1EMS CS9L operated by Helmut Mueller, DF7ZS
USA Alabama Contest Group WU3A/1 operated by Gene Shablygin, W3UA
EUROPE Martin Huml, OL5Y RZ3AXX operated by Alex Tokarev, RA4HTX
Overlay Categories  
WORLD Tribander/Wires Helmut Mueller, DF7ZS HG8R operated by Pál Vrbovszki, HA8JV
USA Tribander/Wires Paul H. Newberry, Jr., N4PN Wayne Rogers, N1WR/3
WORLD Rookie Val Edwards W8KIC Memorial (K3LR sponsor) Ken Long, N0QO
Multi-Op, Single Transmitter  
WORLD Latvian Contest Club EF8R operated by EA8AH, EA8CAC, EA8EW, EA8ZS, ES2RR
USA Steve Bolia, N8BJQ K1LZ operated by K1LZ, N8BO, K3JO
ASIA W2MIG Memorial (NX7TT sponsor) P33W operated by RN3QO, RW4WR, RX3DCX, RA3AUU
EUROPE Tonno Vahk, ES5TV E7DX operated by 9A1TT, E70R, E70T, E74AW, E76C, E77DX
Multi-Op, Two-Transmitter  
WORLD Ken Adams, K5KA CT9M operated by CT3BD, CT3DL, CT3DZ, CT3EE, CT3IA, CT3KU, CT3KY
USA Florida Contest Group KD4D/3 operated by K3RA, K3MM, NA3D, KD4D, K3MIM, AC6WI
EUROPE Bernd Och, DL6FBL 9A800VZ operated by 9A2X, 9A3TR, 9A3OS, 9A5X, 9A7V
Multi-Op, Multi-Transmitter  
USA Dale Hoppe, K6UA Memorial WE3C operated by WE3C, W3FV, NN3Q, KQ3V, K3TUF, N3RD
EUROPE Rick Dougherty, NQ4I OT5A operated by DF3TJ, JK3GAD, ON1GL, ON3AEI, ON3BD, ON3DGA, ON3MP, ON3NG, ON3PTZ, ON3VS, ON4AID, ON4AMI, ON4ASB, ON4AWT, ON4AWU, ON4CDE, ON4CFQ, ON4FG, ON4LN, ON4PVH, ON4ROS, ON4XB, ON5AEI, ON5CD, ON5CIM, ON5DH, ON5OT, ON5PVH, ON5WL, ON6HP, ON6LK, ON6LUQ, ON6MR, ON6PU, ON6RJ, ON6SX, ON6YYY, ON7GF, ON7NB, ON8UM, PA1BX, PB2T, Annelien, Carolina, Ellen, Jessie, Jimmie, Linda, Marc, Marleen, Olivier, Tim
Contest Expedition  
C6APR Memorial Andre Coelho, PT7ZZ C91TX operated by KG5U, W5MJ, N4AL, W5PF, K5WAF, WF5W, ZS6JR

* NORTH AMERICA plaques apply only to stations outside the USA and Canada.


Plaque Sponsor  
Single Operator, All Band    
WORLD High Power Steve Bolia, N8BJQ EF8M operated by Valery Komarov, RD3AF
WORLD Low Power Caribbean Contesting Consortium VE3DZ/VP9 operated by Yuri Onipko, VE3DZ
WORLD QRP Bill Parker, W8QZA Dragan Djordjevic, 4O4A
USA Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV KC3R operated by Alexander Avramov, LZ4AX
USA Low Power Ken Boasi, N2ZN NV1N operated by Edward Sawyer, N1UR
USA QRP John T. Laney, K4BAI Gary Hembree, N7IR
USA ZONE 3 High Power Northern California Contest Club NY6N operated by Daniel M. Craig, N6MJ
USA ZONE 3 Low Power Arizona Outlaws Contest Club WV7Q operated by Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
USA ZONE 4 High Power Society of Midwest Contesters KT5J operated by Steve London, N2IC
USA ZONE 4 Low Power Society of Midwest Contesters John F. Meyer, K9QVB
EUROPE Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A CU2X operated by Toni Lindén, OH2UA
EUROPE Low Power Vitor Santos, PY2NY Gediminas Lucinskas, LY9A
EUROPE QRP Julius Fazekas, N2WN Antonin Bechyna, OK7CM
AFRICA Chris Terkla, N1XS 3V9A operated by Hranislav Milosevic, YT1AD
ASIA Rick Tavan, N6XI 4L0A operated by Andy Kazantsev, UU0JM
NORTH AMERICA* Louisiana Contest Club 8P5A operated by Tom Georgens, W2SC
NORTH AMERICA QRP* Dale Martin, KG5U Doug Ferris, VA3DF
OCEANIA Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC Bill Kollenbaum, KH7XS
SOUTH AMERICA David Kopacz, KY1V PJ2T operated by Jim Fitzpatrick, WI9WI
Southern Cone (CE,CX,LU) Tom Morton, K6CT Daniel Neves, CX9AU
CANADA Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) VY2TT operated by Ken Widelitz, K6LA
CANADA Low Power Contest Club Ontario Alexey Yushin, VE2XAA
JAPAN Simone Candotto, IV3NVN Masaki Okano, JH4UYB
Single Operator, Single Band    
WORLD 28 MHz Steve Hodgson, ZC4LI UP6P operated by Yuri Loparev, UN6P
WORLD 21 MHz Andrei Stchislenok, NP3D ZX5J operated by Carl Cook, AI6V
WORLD 14 MHz Gene Walsh, N2AA UP2L operated by Vladimir Umanets, UA9BA
WORLD 7 MHz 6Y1V Contest Station YW4D operated by Paolo Stradiotto, YV1DIG
WORLD 7 MHz Low Power Neal Campbell, K3NC 9A7T operated by Zlatko Maticic, 9A2EU
WORLD 3.5 MHz Ranko Boca, 4O3A 9A1CCY operated by Sasa Pokorni, 9A3NM
WORLD 1.8 MHz Dusko Dumanovic, ZL3WW Arunas Vaglys, LY2IJ
USA 28 MHz Paul Beringer, NG7Z WN1GIV/4 operated by Bob Patten, N4BP
USA 21 MHz Charlie Wooten, NF4A Eric Silverthorn, NM5M
USA 14 MHz Kansas City DX Club Robert L. Shohet, KQ2M/1
USA 7 MHz Darin Divinia, WG5J Mike Tessmer, K9NW
USA 3.5 MHz Wes Printz, W3SE / ZL3TE Steven Sussman, W3BGN
EUROPE 28 MHz SKY Contest Club UW1M operated by Victor Yarovoj, UR5MW
EUROPE 21 MHz SKY Contest Club Milan Milovanovic, YT0Z
EUROPE 14 MHz SKY Contest Club IU9T operated by Fabio Grisafi, IT9GSF
EUROPE 7 MHz SKY Contest Club CT1JLZ operated by Jiri Pesta, OK1RF
EUROPE 3.7 MHz SKY Contest Club RW2F operated by Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB
EUROPE 1.8 MHz SKY Contest Club OL1A operated by Vladimir SladeK, OK1CW
Single Operator Assisted    
WORLD D4C Station CN3A operated by Stefano Brioschi, IK2QEI
USA Ron Sigismonti, N3RS WK1Q operated by Michael Keane, K1MK
EUROPE Martin Huml, OL5Y IR4X operated by Matteo Marzilli, IZ3EYZ
Overlay Categories    
WORLD Tribander/Single Wire Helmut Mueller, DF7ZS VC2A operated by Lali Laki, VE3NE
USA Tribander/Single Wire Paul Newberry, N4PN KR4Z operated by Paul Newberry, N4PN
EUROPE Tribander/Single Wire Matija Brodnik, S53MM Matija Brodnik, S53MM
WORLD Rookie Val Edwards W8KIC Memorial (K3LR Sponsor). Sergej Volkov, RN3DBA
NORTH AMERICA Rookie Chris Kantarjiev, K6DBG David Davison, AF6EV
Multi-OP, Single Transmitter    
WORLD Steve Miller, N0SM CS9L operated by DL5AXX, DL8WAA, SV1RP
USA Phil Allardice, KT3Y K1LZ operated by K1LZ, K1VR, K1ZM, W1UE, K3JO
ASIA W2MIG Memorial (NX7TT Sponsor) C4N operated by 5B4AGM, 5B8AD, UA9CDV
NORTH AMERICA* Jim George, N3BB HQ2R operated by UA3AGW, HR2J
Multi-Op, Two Transmitter    
WORLD UA1DZ Memorial (W3UA Sponsor) OL0W operated by OK1WMV, OK1VWK, OK1DSZ, OK1HRA
USA Florida Contest Group KD4D/3 operated by N6CY, N8II, K3MM, K3RA, AC6WI, NA3D, KD4D
EUROPE Tom Georgens, W2SC 9A800VZ operated by 9A3TR, 9A3OS, 9A5X, 9A7V
Multi-Op, Multi-Transmitter    
WORLD Steve Merchant, K6AW WE3C operated by K3CT, K3TEJ, K3TUF, N3RD, NN3Q, W3FV, W8FJ, WE3C
USA Jim Reisert, AD1C NR4M operated by K1SE, K4EC, K4EU, K4GM, K4GMH, K4IA, K4ZW, K7SV, KC4D, N2YO, N4NW, NR4M, W3YY, WA4JUK
EUROPE David Robbins, K1TTT UU7J operated by UU6JJ, UT3UA, UT5UGR, UU4JMG, UU0JX, UU1AZ
Contest Expedition    
Phil Goetz N6ZZ Memorial Phil Goetz, N6ZZ Memorial by Paul Goetz YN2GY operated by Eric Hall, K9GY

* NORTH AMERICA plaques apply only to stations outside the USA and Canada.


Plaque Sponsor  
Single Operator, All Band    
WORLD Yuri Blanarovich, K3BU Hranislav Milosevic, YT1AD
USA Bill Fisher W4AN Memorial (KM3T Sponsor) Kamal Sirageldin, N3KS
Club (SSB & CW)    
WORLD CQ Magazine Bavarian Contest Club

If you are interested in sponsoring a plaque please contact the awards manager, Doug Grant, K1DG, at plaques@cqwpx.com

Special thanks to Barry Merrill, W5GN, who handles printing and mailing of all WPX contest certificates.


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