Call | Category | Comments |
UA3QAM | SA LP ALL | Kenwood TS-590S.Ant.G5RV. Up 25m |
UA3RU | SA HP 10M | GL & 73! |
UA4NC | SO HP ALL | TR/RX: FT-950 ANT: Delta-40,80,20,15,10 PA-200W |
UA4QK | SA LP ALL | 73 ! |
UA4Z | SA LP ALL | Elecraft k3 |
UB5MBA | SO LP ALL | Yaesu FT-757SX P=10W |
UN4L | SO HP ALL | so2r |
UN7LAN | SA LP 40M | RIG(s) TS-450 |
UR3QTN | SO LP ALL | MY LICENCE 05.01.2015 SDR-1000, ant G3XAP |
UR5AO | SO HP 20M | Sumy 40035 UKRAINE |
UR5EPV | SO LP ALL | Icom IC-718, Windom |
UR5FIL | SO LP 160M | My first WPX. Trial for 160m Inv-F ant w/single elevated radial. TU! |
UR5KBP | SA QRP 40M | , TRX home made 5W, ant GP 7 MHz, is a member of the UR-QRP-CLUB #96 |
UR5WCQ | SO HP ALL | FT1000mp . |
UR7CB | SA LP 80M | Using ICOM-718.Power abt 100 wtts.ANTENNA |
UR8GX | SO LP 160M | RCVR IC746, ANT GP, DIPOLE 160 M |
US0TA | Checklog | FT-990 |
US7IGN | SO LP 20M | Icom IC-706mk2g, delta loop |
US8IM | SA LP ALL | Tribander Single Element TH11-DX |
UT2UZ | SO QRP 20M | The first contest after a few years of silence |
UT4LW | SA LP ALL | SDR trcvr SunSDR2-PRO, KXPA100 Antenns 160,80,40 - dipole Up18m, fider 70m. 20,15,10 - Spider Up 10m, fider 30m |
UT5UQV | SO LP ALL | Equipment: IC-756PRO, a home made tuner; Antenna: a home made wire V-beam, arms 42m, up 52m, cable 75 Ohm, balun 1:9 |
UT8AS | SO LP 80M | TRX - MiniYES + PA 100W , ANT - Vert Delta 85m |
UW5EJX/MM | SO QRP 15M | worked from Lobito, ANGOLA. GRID |
UW7EA | SA HP ALL | 26.02.2019 |
UX7QD | SO LP 20M | RIG(s) |
UY3MW | SO LP ALL | Icom 7600, Dipole |
UY7C | SA LP ALL | Electricity outage for 6 hours in saturday prime-time swapped me to the just-for-fun category |
V73NS | SO LP 20M | Had to work the weekend and band conditions were terrible |
VA1MM | SO HP 40M | wow, I love this contest, so many mults and so many points- so much fun when the band is open like this weekend. first contest with my new FTDX5000MP with only 200 watts it performed flawlessly |
VA1RST | SO HP ALL | Thanks for the Q's! Looking forward to next year. Icom 7300, Palstar LA-1k, Inverted L 160m 80m/40m Inverted Vee, 2 el SteppIR yagi at 41'. Elevation 240' sloping away to the east to the Bedford Basin, saltwater inner Halifax Harbor, good location! 73, Roger VA1RST |
VA3PCJ | SO QRP ALL | Rig: IC-703 Ant: Endfed GU7TR Tuner(remote): LDG-100 |
VA3SB | SO LP ALL | Although I found the propagation to be up and down. It was a fun contest. See you next year! Serge VA3SB |
VA6RCN | SO LP 20M | Random wire about 10 feet up |
VE3GFN | SA LP ALL | Not bad, my tribander was locked in the SW position with a sick rotator! |
VE3KTB | SA LP ALL | Conditions were sometimes quite variable with the qsb making it tough to catch the exchange at times once everyone had gotten to 4 digits. It was a target rich environment for a slow search-n-pounce op like me! Thanks for the contacts and the repeats! |
VE3ZY | SO LP ALL | messed up some QSOs in log, 1 unrecoverable: VE2 on 80m sent "wrong" ser to NY4A and 8P5A log reflects what I sent |
VE7BGP | SO LP ALL | I had a lot of fun operating this years Contest. Bands were good despite low Solar Flux. There were a few openings to Europe. Rigs used FT-897D and venerable old IC-751A with dual Filters |
VE7KW | SA LP 40M | I was unavailable during the day so tried 40m SO LP with a dipole when I had time at night |
VE7MID | SA LP 15M | Thank you for your patience! Found a couple of hours to dust off VE7MID and try out the SDR bouncing off of the MUF. 73 Keith VE7KW |
VK2BJ | SO HP ALL | Lousy conditions. Where were all the JA's ? |
VK2IM | SO HP 40M | Started as SOAB but SO2R setup failed so switched to SB40 |
VK2PN | SO HP ALL | It was hard work this time. The condx were poor. However it was fun when the band opened |
VK3IO | SO HP 40M | Not much time available again this year, so search and pounce for any desperate callers on 40m band. 40m was in great shape this year. 73's and thanks for the qso's, until next contest, from Ron |
VK3VT | SA HP ALL | Great contest once again. Log starts at exchange No 055 due to my error!! |
VK5GG | SO LP ALL | Kenwood TS-43X at 50 watts with a W3EDP end fed wire antenna |