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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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JS2ITISO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS2KHMSO LP ALLIt's been a long time since DX contest. Very enjoy
JS2PHOSO LP 15MTnx cu next test
K0UKSO LP ALLLOT got to me again Lack of Time. Had fun when I could. PTL bb uk
K1MDSO LP ALLGreat that evereyone 'talks' to everyone!
K1SECSO LP ALLGreat conditions. A lot of action when I did operate
K2EKMSO QRP ALLOne of my favorite contests- even with 5w and a less than ideal antenna system the popularity makes it enjoyable and rewarding!
K2LNSSO HP ALLTerrible condx on Friday night and Saturday morning. Saturday night 40 meters was the best I've heard in years Last WPX from the present QTH
K3CCRSO HP ALLK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. As the only CW op here for 2022 WPX CW, I (N3UM) did SOHP Assisted. My total of 740 Qs was 70 more than I got in 2021 WPX CW doing M/2 with W3GB, but 70 fewer than I got in 2020 with W3GB when condx were better. Non-ham-radio duties, normal meals, and getting enough sleep limited my BIC time to 17 hrs in all 3 years. At 0Z start, WX reports had T-storm and tornado watches. I got 19 20-M Qs in 20 min, then went QRT for 25 min. while WX radar + thunder showed lightning 8 miles away. On again I got 38 more 20-M Qs, then 66 40-M Qs in 66 min. by 0254Z. But, QRN and Kp=5 ruined 80 M weak sigs, 14 Qs, then 16 more on 40 M by 0348Z QRT. Back on at 1240Z, Kp=2 I got 31 20-M Qs in 34 min, then 2 Qs in 9 min! Got 61 Qs on 15 M, slowly it took 1.9 hrs. QRT at 1523Z to eat. From 1819-2024Z, 20 M was much better than at ~13Z 106 Qs in 125 min, 28 of them in a run at 67/hr. Got 12 15-M Qs in 14 min, plus KL, VK, LU, & 2 JA by 2040Z QRT to eat. Back at 0006Z I got 73 Qs on 40 M, 40 in a short run at 90/hr. Got just 8 Qs on 80 M by 0145Z QRT to sleep. Early EDT 1125-1304Z I got 57 20-M Qs, then 39 15-M Qs, and all 18 10-M Qs by 1524Z QRT for lunch. On 20 M 1816-2002Z I got 76 20-M Qs, 43 in a run at 67/hr, then 39 15-M Qs by 21Z QRT to eat. I then ran on 40 M 2315-2359Z for 65 Qs in 44 min, 88/hr, and 191 QSO pts! Nice way to end it
K3KEKSO HP ALLFirst license 05-2020. First licensed in 05/13/2020 as KI5IXP and changed to K3KEK on 02/23/2021
K3TWSO LP ALL'Band conditions are definitely improving.'
K4NNKSO LP 20MMy first contest, ever!
K4QPLSO HP ALLToken effort after we had to cancel VP5M this year due to Covid concerns after Dayton Hamvention. Turns out it was a good decision
K4WWSO LP 40MRestricted to 40 meters as it is the only antenna that survived the April 13 tornado that took down my tower. Both legs are still @ 15', but feed point is now @ 5'.Only goal was to see if 100 unique prefixes could hear me. Goal accomplished
K6CSLSO LP ALLInteresting how the solar flux deteriorated just before and during the contest. I would have liked to have seen better openings for Eu and Asia
K6NRSO HP ALLDecent conditions and lots of activity make for a good contest. 20 meters was good to Europe and most other parts of the world during large parts of the contest. 15 had strong stations to a subset of europe on the second day - France, Croatia for example. 15 and below were good for state side. 10 meters left something to be desired, mostly limited to South America. Few JAs on 15, none on 10. I worked a couple of Eu on 10 meters on Sunday - they were weak and my beam heading was South of East, about 90 degrees off a direct path. 40 and 80 were good in the morning to Asia, with quite a few JA stations worked. Each time I checked 160 I heard 1 station or less. Felt sorry for the NH7T 160 operator lots of calls, few replies. The wind at the station was averaging over 20 mph and gusting around 40 mph causing all sorts of noise on the radio. My 15 meter yagi is near the power line coming into the house and was useless in that direction (northwest). I have a A3 tribander about 200 feet away that had less noise. Hopefully when the wind eventually dies down the bands will get quieter. As always, the biggest challenge for me is sitting in the chair for so long, with a distinct lack of cooperation from various parts of my body. I worked the first half of the contest from the station near Victorville, but drove home and finished remotely from home where its easier to take breaks. Thanks for all of the QSOs everyone. Dana Station: Elecraft K4 with KPA1500 amp 5L @ 48' on 10 meters, 5L @45' on 15, 4L @ 55' on 20, 40 meter 4 square, 80 meter vertical over 66 radials K9AY and short beverage receive antennas
K6PVZSO LP ALLPortable from High Cliffs State Park, WI with 20 dipole
K6XTSO HP ALLIC-7300 + amp + multiband ground plane
K7HBNSO LP ALLConditions were strange due to solar activity Missed great conditions by about 5 days SFI dropped by over 80 point in the prior week and during the contest. Tried SD software for this test, easy and simple
K8GLSO HP ALLThanks for the contacts! I ran out of steam at the end
K9TRSO QRP 20MUsing a QCX-mini at 4W output and an indoor antenna, I hereby congratulate all those with good ears who copied my little signal. 73! Mark K9TR
KA0PQWSO LP ALLfun contest thanks for having it
KA1QYPSO LP 40MRan homebrew rig this time
KA3TTTSO QRP ALLI had a great time operating QRP from Philadelphia
KB7SDMSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021. first cw contest. please use this log, as I mis marked as non assisted in first upload
KC4LZNSO LP ALLDidn't get the opportunity to sit for a run. 10m wasn't as good as I hoped it would be but still was able to get a few. Had issues with some static on 80 & 40. 15 really shined. Really good activity. Had fun with what I could get time for. Had some keying issues with the computer so I'll have to figure that one out. Appreciate the patience of the ones I got locked up on, trying to decipher my keying but made it through. Always room for improvement, right?
KC6ZBESO LP 20MHad absolutely no time to do this contest this year. I was able to make one (1) Q with MD2C for an ATNO. Tu, Bob!
KD2SGMSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2019. First Licensed on June 13, 2019
KD6XSO HP 15MRegular life stuff took too many hours away from ham-time, but I really enjoyed the contest and chance to practice my CW skills. Thanks & 73!
KD7HUSO LP 20MNot much time to spend on this contest. Getting used to using N1MM software. Some antenna problems on 20m. Thunderstorm chased me off Sunday afternoon
KD8DEUSO LP ALLenjoyed the event again, thanks!
KD8WSO LP ALLShort time. Trying out new antenna configuration because of downsizing ! Thanks for sponsoring
KD9LSVSO LP ALLOperator age 21. Birthday 19-Aug-2000
KE0TTSO LP 15M100 watts to either of two dipoles at right angles. Fun! See you next time, 73, Dan ke0tt
KE2WYSO LP ALLRadio and computer worked flawlessly. The operator is another story... Lots of fun, as usual. Nice having some higher band propagation. That said, 10m is still a work in progress. 40m was active around the clock had my highest rate on 40m during the day! I missed the Russian hams, although I am reluctantly in favor of CQ's decision to exclude them. The world seems to be filling up with hatred
KE6JACSO LP ALLEnjoyed the contest
KE8HBVSO LP ALLOperator age 15
KF3GSO LP ALLPortable QTH - FM29jw Serial Number 82 accidently skipped. IR2D - 15m, 13XX UTC, 29052022 was not recorded by Software. Thank you for the 2022 CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest
KF4AVSO QRP 20MShort time with 4 W, but much fun
KF8NSO LP ALLReally do not like the mindless SkyNet 50wpm stations
KG5VKSO LP ALLPart Time effort Section Manager Duties took precedence, Club meeting and several phone calls etc But managed to play a small amount
KH6AQSO HP 15MPropagation made for many ups and downs this time but that is just part of the fun! 500W to a Hexbeam at 35 ft
KI2DSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2020

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