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Call Category Comments
KJ5TSO QRP ALLKX2 @ 5W / Hustler 6BTV After a couple of months completely off the air due to a crazy busy work schedule and trying to learn how to raise a kid (nearly 6 month old little girl) it felt great to get on the air again. Highlights as always are logging friends, especially the number of familiar CWOps members. Biggest bummer was not being able to get the JA3 on 15M, I was just too weak for the exchange to happen. Thanks for those who did stick with the repeats. I decided to go QRP because I did QRP last year and I wanted to give the KX2 a bit of love, it's such a fun little radio to operate. I will probably stick with QRP in this contest in future years. 73 de KJ5T
KJ9CSO HP ALLVery part time at the Indy remote shack... maintenance, yard work, indy 500
KK0USO QRP ALLExtremely limited time to operate. Was operating remote from Brussels, Bastogne, Cologne and Hamburg. Maybe next year I'll get a full time effort
KK4RSO HP ALLTrying out a new KPA500, my first amp ever, and making my first high power entry. Also operating un-assited for the Classic overlay. It was a great contest, if a little different without Russia and some of the multi-ops that had to cancel due to Covid. I had a great time and learned that I have a grounding problem in the shack, since the amp wouldn't tolerate it on 10 m. I stopped in the contest and rewired the grounds to clean things up and the amp was happy
KL1/K1KKSO LP 20MChance of a lifetime as a contest op to operate from AK
KM4SIISO LP ALLOperator age 19. Great fun! Despite conditions not being as good as I had hoped, I managed to surpass my score from 2020 (the last time I participated in WPX CW). I had high hopes of excellent propagation coming into this weekend since even Thursday saw 15m open to Europe into the wee hours of the morning and excellent JA/BY/YB openings during the day. However, with the SFI and sunspot number dropping dramatically at the contest start, and a K index of 5, propagation ended up being quite average in my opinion. 15m was open to EU much of both days, but never quite enough for any notable runs. On Saturday, I worked several loud JAs on 15m shortly before their sunrise, but it seemed few stations were on taking advantage of the opening. I managed to work a single JA on 20m around 05z of night one. 20m closed to EU at 06z on night one and soon after 07z on night two. 40m was decent throughout the contest, and 6-pointers were plentiful despite the summer QRN. In the times I checked 80m there were only a handful of signals visible, so I did not spend much time there. Thanks for the QSOs! 73 Mason - KM4SII (19 years old) Rig: Flex 6300 Antennas: 80: 80m dipole sloping from 70 to 40 ft 40: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 20: 20m delta loop at 60 ft 15: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 10: 20m delta loop at 60 ft
KM9PSO HP ALLtnx to K4JNY and the Ringgold Contest Club for use of the callsign
KN5SSO HP 10MUvalde strong!
KN6MLMSO LP 20MFirst license 12-2020. Rookie Licensed 12/03/2020
KN7ASO LP ALLHad a great time. The bands are opening up!
KN7YSO HP 15M1/4-wave vertical at 35' and 200 watts
KO4AWCSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2020
KO4DNSO LP ALLGot on when I could, some good contacts.Chris ko4dn
KO4GOFSO QRP ALLOperator age 20. Birth Year 2001. Serial Number Sequence directions misread
KO4VWSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020
KP2MSO HP ALLCould not put in a full time 36 hour effort so I operated the classic category. 73, Phil
KP4AAChecklogCheck log per request
KQ2MSO HP ALLPropagation and off-times are always a challenge in WPXCW but lots of fun. Wonderful to say hello to so many friends. Tnx for the qso's and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KR2QSO HP ALLI was mostly trying to work new CWOps members so I was mostly beaming USA instead of at DX. Had a fun time
KS7TSO HP ALLWhen I checked the prop numbers on Fri the K was 5 and I thought the bands would be awful the whole contest. Only a handful of EU coming through on Fri. nite on 20. When I went to 40 D4Z was 30 over, got him easy and heard no other DX the rest of the nite. Then Sat. cudn't believe my ears. Eu started coming in at 1400z after JAs were banging in and EU prop remained til 0600z! Sigs were a real 599 hr in dbl hop land!
KT7GSO LP 20Mcould not make n1mm key cw, finally went and did something else. terrible rcvr conditions auroral flutter with too fast keying, not much value in this log
KU2MSO HP 15MIs there an Overlay Category for 'Broken Rotator'? Oh well, better luck next year!
KV5YChecklogCheck Log
KV8QSO LP ALLYou could call this a 10+ Event!!! That means the A-Index was greater than ten for the entire contest. 80 was about useless here with the indoor antenna. I was amazed that I was ablt to run awhile on the other bands - except 10 which never opened that I found. My favorite contest. Now, I've got to come up with way to squeeze a few more Q's out of this setup next year. Thanks - 73 tom Rig = TenTec Eagle @ 100 Watts. Antenna = Mag Loop (40 thru 15) and an Isotron-80 in the attic 12' above garage floor and an indoor 10 meter dipole
KY4GSSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021
KY4IDSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021. Licensed in 06-2021
LA7AKSO HP ALLNice contest, but lack of time here so only few hours on the air. Coming back stronger next time!
LC1RSO LP ALLAntenna/coax problems, only 25w EFHW
LC9ASO LP ALLDifficult condx this year, thanks to everyone who participated
LO5DSO HP 10M17-year-old amateur radio operator
LT6MSO HP 10MExcelent contest no soo good the condx for 10 meters. See you the next year!
LU1DZSO HP ALLWWSA: Desde el 11 de Junio 15 hs al 12 de Junio 15 hs
LU5OMSO HP 15MElecraft: K2 + KPA500 HexBeam
LU6OASO LP ALLEste log es solo para Verificacion, muchas gracias y felicitaciones a los organizadores, lamento no haber participado en todo el contest, hasta la pr oxima.- 73 Oscar
LX1ERSO LP 15Mi had not many time , so only to make some qso??s next year will be again better
LX1NOSO HP 10MFirst license 00-1990
LX4ASO HP ALLFirst license 00-1990
LY0NASSO QRP ALLFirst license 10-2019. First licensed from 2019-10-30 remote TS-570D, power reduced to 5W, horizontal delta loop on 80m Very limited participation because of travel abroad
LY2EESO LP ALLFirst license 10-2019
LY5AXSO HP ALLOperator age 24. BORN IN 1997-06-19
LY5WMSLNew LY Record claimed
LZ7DPSO QRP ALL73 es mni DX!
M2JSO LP ALLK3, 22M Long Doublet for 80/40, TB31Jr Dipole 20/15/10 @ 12M
M4TSO HP ALLLack of free time to do any more. Many thanks. 73
M4XChecklogChecklog - conditions not good for me
M5WSO LP 15MGXP-7, IC-7300
M6WSO LP 20MThe sun played its part this weekend I kept thinking 20m would explode into life but it never really happened, just fleeting moments of greatness!

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