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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

Soapbox Comments CW

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Call Category Comments
N3BBSO HP ALLThe WPX has got to be the best contest in terms of pure fun. Everyone works everyone and everyone is a mult, to some. It's more than 'just' a call-sign copying contest because the QSO number is the exchange. With only one or two bands really open and productive at a time, the QRM is amazing and finding a spot on 40 (especially) and 20 meters at times was really hard. A 'spot' didn't stay open very long and having a frequency that was not sandwiched between nearby stations was almost impossible for any length of time. I spent a lot of time in the prime real estate on 40 and 20 and it was brutal, a really tiring operating experience. My wife's health situation made it very hard to get more time in, and at the very end, the last two hours or so, a freak electrical storm erupted overhead and I had to disconnect and throw in the towel to make supper. But all in all the quality of the CW operators and skill levels were really impressive. In my humble opinion the WPX (and the IARU) are the two best contests. I really love this thing and appreciate CQ magazine and N8BJQ plus the many behind the scenes folks who make it possible to experience such a fun, demanding,and challenging radio-sporting event
N3CZSO QRP ALLGreat contest as always. Thanks to all who picked up my QRP signal. 73, Vlado N3CZ
N3EENSA LP ALLIC7300 died on Sunday. Had to take IC746 out of storage and make due
N3HCNSA QRP 20MThis one is for Lisa!
N3KASO LP ALLFirst reasonable attempt at WPX CW, can't wait for next year to try and do better! 73
N4CWSO HP ALLBest contest of all! Great fun, despite grueling conditions at times. Ops get better every year...fewer bad signals, higher speeds, fewer repeats, and courteous/thoughtful ops. Fun is what it's all about. 73
N4GLSO LP ALLFlex 6300, 40 meter inverted V, 20 meter dipole at 40 ft
N4KSSO HP ALLOne of my favorite contests. Nice to work so many fellow CW operators. The 10 meter opening was a lot of fun. The station got a good work out and hung in there. Murphy did not appear this time
N4WDSO QRP ALL4 watts, battery power with 31 ft vert wire in trees
N4WWM2Great fun. Great Ops. Thanks k1mm n4km w4wf!!!
N5JJSO HP 20MHad weather roll in about two hours before end of contest. Was having a good run and hurt my score. Had a great time. Probably my favorite contest
N6ANSO QRP ALL5 watts to 44' CAT5 twisted pair inverted vee with apex at 19' on 1st floor apartment patio 8' away from building. Apologies for straining your ears
N6HISO QRP ALLI ran ONE HALF WATT to a 20 Foot End Fed Wire, tossed into a tree out my window. Band conditions were very noisy Saturday, better on Sunday, and, for me, 15m was almost dead on Saturday, but woke up on Sunday. My initial goal was to make more QSOs than I made in this contest last year. I accomplished that early, and ended even beating my previous best WPX-CW from 2012. (but - I worked 37 Countries in 2012 - only 4 this year!) I'm sure looking forward to better years with sunspots galore, but this years WPX-CW was still a fun contest! THANKS to all for your patience, and some great QSOs! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! 73 John N6HI
N6ICSO HP ALLThis was an effort to do 10 on each band but 160 didn't make it
N6MISA HP ALLOperated from van on Frazier Peak DM04ms -- n6mi.com
N6QZSSO HP ALLMy amp went pop during the test. Barefoot to end
N6RSHSO HP ALLMy CW speed is improving. Thanks to all who participated and to N1MM+ and HRD, I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
N6RVSA HP ALLJust playing. I got in at the end of the contest and ran at 37 wpm. Any slower and there was no pile up!
N6VOHSO LP ALLHad fun for the short time I worked the contest
N6YEUSO LP 20MCheck log basically
N7RDSO LP ALLRough with 100 watts but was lots of fun
N7VSSO LP ALLConditions are starting to look up. Hope to return next year
N7WYSO HP ALLon time 19.5 hours FTdx-101mp, alpha 87a, KT36xa on 10, 20 & 15 m & 40ML on 40 m
N8DESO LP ALLYagi stuck on Europe, 80 watts maximum power had fun, but want to do better. Conditions stink
N8FYLSO LP ALLA new personal best for the CW WPX. Not sure if it was conditions or BIC time, or that I'm just gaining skill. Probably some of all these. At any rate, fun for the entire time I was able to operate
N8IISO LP 20MGreat start on 20 with loud EU then AS at 0150Z, I kept up 80+/hr the first 3 mostly S&P. Fantastic sporadic E on Saturday with very short skip in all directions! Sunday was better into EU than Saturday: I was able to run EU best in last 3 hours
N8JLMSO LP ALLGot my ticket in December of 2018. Antennas are a 40M OCFD and a 15M Moxon both in the attic of a one-story house. I am 14 years old
N9GBSA HP ALLPersonal best score so it was well worth the effort in spite of the computer gremlins that got into my rotor control and N1MM logger
N9SESO QRP ALLThis was my first time participating in CQ WPX. Although I hit my goal of 800/400, this was a tough one for me. It was nearly impossible to get anyone to answer my CQs, so the vast majority of my QSOs were S&P on the second radio. Also, two thirds of my QSOs were US stations, (65.6 percent, to be precise). --and sleeping as much as I did was no help either. (...not to mention taking time off to eat dinner Saturday during a great EU opening on 20M). Having said all of that, I feel good about my results, given my location and resources. Equipment - Radio_1 K3 Radio_2 KX3 Antennas - Tennadyne T12.10-30HD @70 ft., 40M dipole @80 ft., 160M Inverted-L @68 ft
N9TFSA LP ALLJust playing around when I had some time. Lots going on this weekend. Chased some mults on cluster and S&Pd for others. Was also watching and playing on 6m E openings, looking for ATNOs on that band as well. Weather was gorgeous all weekend, so played outside too! Good weekend! 73 Gene, N9TF
NA4RRSO HP 15MThanks to Roger, NA4RR, for the use of his callsign
NA5MSO HP ALLHad a lot of fun working DX stations on Saturday but by Sunday the DX was gone. Looking forward to next year
NB2PSO HP 80MFirst contest after 30 year layoff and I had to pick CW. OMG when did i get old!
NC6KSA HP ALLThis was supposed to be a trip up to KL7RA for M/M, but COVID-19 put a stop to that, so then it was supposed to be my first contest in months where I wasn't working or had family/house stuff to do and I could operate the whole 36 hours as SOHP. One of my teenagers decided to have a 'drama queen' moment, so I was done after 10 hours OTA. I was tempted to try to get back on today, but wasn't able to get back into it, so this will be yet another 'what might have been'. Conditions seemed decent, but not great on 20. There was a reasonable number of stations (and OK propagation) on 15, and I even managed a few 10 M Qs. Thanks for the Qs! SOAPBOX
NC6RSO HP 20MBusy weekend, part time op. All S&P operation. 73, Steve / NC6R
ND2TSA HP 20MComputer and software issues 45 minutes into the costest stopped me and turned this into a learning experience. Aargh
NE3RSO LP ALLHopefully not too many of them will fail the log check, my Morse isn't what it should be, but I think it got better as the weekend went on
NE9USA LP ALLCQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2020 Call: NE9U Operator(s): NE9U Station: NE9U Class: SO(A)AB HP Class Overlay: TB-Wires QTH: wi Operating Time (hrs): 34 Radios: SO2R Summary: Band QSOs ------------ 160: 0 80: 170 40: 541 20: 1062 15: 258 10: 4 Total: 2035 Prefixes = 679 Total Score = 2,365,636 Club: Minnesota Wireless Assn Comments: Had hoped to have my tower and small 5 yagi up at new hilltop qth by now, but still just on my three dipoles.... Prior to contest and had upgraded from an old XP computer to a new state of the art Windows 7 machine! Couldn't get the Win7 machine LPT port comunicating with my old WX0B SO2R box, so went with serial keying and CAT on both my K3 and FT1000D. (has always worked well with my K3...never tried it with the FT1000D) Well, all was working great for first 36 hours and then the FT1000D keying started dropping out...kept getting serial messages...com port not found... Wasted couple unplanned hours trying to get it to work and finally punted. Brought out the old XP and LPT keying for remainder of contest. After contest, reloaded serial drivers and seems ok again...but why would it crash middle of contest???? Oh well.... Still using 3 ladder fed dipoles so cant use any band pass filters as swr would instantly fry them....but with LP and some dipole separation, interband interference not too bad.... Didn't work one JA entire contest! Best bet was probably middle of night on 40, but i was sleeping! Hopefully CU in next test with my new tower and Polish Yagi! 73 Scott NE9U Equipment: 3 dipoles! K3 FT1000D WX0B SO2R box Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
NF4ASA HP ALLThunderstorms kept me off for over 8 hours. Much QRN on 40. Still no 80 meter antenna but hope to get that taken care of soon. Worked one JA on 15. Nice EU opening on Friday night (US time). Thanks to all who called me
NF5KFSA HP 40MVery first entry as NF5KF, remote operation from France (op F5PBL) using N4BP's station, time sharing. A lot of fun. An huge thank you to Bob for letting me use his station during his resting hours. See you next year!
NF8RSO HP ALLI did better then expected
NG1RSO LP ALLThank you for sponsoring the contest
NI1LSA HP ALLStepp-IR vertical + 160/80 inverted V
NJ1TSA HP ALLSweet CW all over the bands ... activity from some rarely heard stations (including my own) Still cannot reach ASIA .. please grant sunspots return .. 250 !!!
NJ3KSA LP ALLThanks to all, great contest
NJ8MMSHMy son and I did a M/S with the new station setup. 38ft tower with 2 element beam from the black hole of the center of US. Mults are always a problem. CU in the next contest. Morgan NJ8M & Morgan NS0R
NK8QSA HP ALLIt was a fun time for the time I was able to put into the event, which was basically Saturday evening and most of the day on Sunday

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