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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
K3CCRSO HP ALLK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. As the only CW op I (N3UM) did SOHP Assisted in 2023 WPX CW. I hoped to beat the 740 Qs and claimed 1.03 M I got in ’22 WPX CW. I did that, with 1.3 X the QSO pts, 1.3 X the pfxs, and 1.7 X the score in 1.3 X the BIC hrs. SFI of 155 and Kp of 1-3 helped, and made hrs on more fun and less tiring. At start on 20 M 00-0142Z I ran for 105 Qs at 62/hr, then clicked spots for 57 more 0143- 0237Z. Then on 40 M 0254 to 0458Z QRT I got 118 Qs, 85 of them in a run at 81/hr. I did not run again. Rate w/6-pt Qs on 40 M was great to the end, so I quit to sleep and return early without trying 80 M. Back 1215-1258Z I got just 25 20-M Qs, 20 for 3 pts. Better on 15 M I got 109 Qs 1300-1530Z, 54/hr, most EUs, and quit to eat. Back 1818-2101Z I hopped between hi bands for 3-pt Qs as bandmaps cleared and refilled. On 15 M, 27 Qs by 1853Z, then on 20 M 36 Qs by 2010Z, back to 15 M for 11 Qs in 15 min, then 10 M for 22 Qs in 26 min, 20 in SA, and quit to eat. Back on 20 M at 23Z I got 36 EU Qs in 41 min ~OK. But, 2343-00Z no more EUs 13 1-pt W/K, plus 7 NA and SA. Much better on 40 M 0011-0207Z, 118 Qs, 61 hr, many 6-pt EUs. Then rate died 2 Qs in 13 min. On 80 M 0226-0253Z I got 24 Qs and 99 pts 0224-0253Z, then quit to get 6 hrs sleep and return early. Back on 1153- 1526Z I saw usual slow Sun. rates 44 on 20 M, 59 on 15 M, then 8 on 20 M, a total of 111 Qs in 3.5 hrs, a mix of 1, 2, and 3 pt Qs. After lunch 1807-2143Z I scraped up 85 Qs on 20 M + 5 each on 15 and 10 M. At 2143Z the band maps were cleared and slow to refill, and I had done well. I quit then to avoid a late supper
K3THSSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2021
K3TWSO QRP 10M'Hopefully 10m band conditions will improve for next year.'
K3URTSO LP ALLS&P only. Had other activities for the weekend
K4KZSO HP ALLEnjoyed the contest. Operated a K4 and a dipole
K4WISO HP 10MBand conditions on 10 mtrs was so bad that I jumped to 6 mtrs and wkd some Euros and did other honey do's .... just wasn't worth the effort
K5RXSO HP ALLTried for more time, but only got in about 15 1/2 hours. Saturday spent some time removing the broken motor on the telescoping tower. The tower was stuck at about 10' down from maximum height, so the only antenna, an 80 m. CF Zepp was only at 90'. Static crashes were quite bad on the low bands both nights and even bad on the high bands for a several hours Sunday afternnon. My only Beverage is SE, so not much help. Looking forward to getting more antennas up, but, getting older, I am getting slower, too
K5XUSO LP ALLWhat fun!
K6NRSO HP ALLI missed having 10 meters after being spoiled by the great conditions back in February. No Eu, no JA, and hardly any stateside for that matter. Worked everything I heard on 160 (1 station, NR6O) and things weren't much better on 80 other than on Sunday morning early. 40 was good to the pacific but not EU. 20 and 15 were amazing well into the evening on Friday night but less good other times. Poor conditions make my local QRN more troublesome and it was bad most of the weekend. Apologies to those I could not pull out. I managed almost 24 hours of operating, there were lots of stations to work, and it was fun. Thanks to all for the QSOs. Dana Station: Elecraft K4, KPA1500, running about 1200 Watts most of the time Antennas: 160m inverted L over 70 radials, 80m top loaded vertical over those same radials, 40 meter 4 square, 20 meter 4 element yagi at 55', 5 element 15 meter yagi at 49', 5 element 10 meter yagi at 48', A3 tribander at 40' for quick direction changees
K6OKSO HP ALLHad to quit early due to antenna switch relay failure. Wished I could have stayed on, 15 meters was hopping!
K6RWMSO HP ALLI was trying a new logger and sorry for any errors. Great contest though
K6XTSO LP ALL100W to 10 foot high wire
K7NJSO HP 40MUnusually heavy QRN and QSB from NE, E, SE both evenings. Many European stations were somewhat readable, but not well enough for a QSO. Station is Elecraft K3S with an Acom 2000A amplifier. Antennas: 160M 54 ft. top-loaded vertical with 60 full-sized 160M radials fed through a homebrew 40M antenna tuner at the base. My 40M 8-Circle needs some maintenance after 17 years of flawless service. This limited it's usefulness to NE, E, SE, S directions. Receiving also using three bi-directional Beverages covering EU/ZL, JA/SAm, E/W
K7UDSO HP ALLI wasn't on terribly long, but, it was exciting nonetheless! Tnx for sponsoring! UD
K7VITSO HP ALLCelebrating our wedding anniversary and family Memorial Day gatherings among other things limited the time I could devote to this WPX outing. Thanks to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
K7ZXSO LP ALLMy first WPX in 63 years of hamming! Thanks for a great contest!
K8GLSO HP ALLOne for the books! I had a great time. Prop wasn't 100% but we plodded on. Thanks for those who provided us with unique prefixes
K8VTSO LP 20MVERY limited time to operate. 20 meter condx poor - noisy, weak signal strength, slow QSB
K9AXTSO QRP 20M4-Watt QCX+ with Attic Dipole
K9TFSO LP 10MI was looking for Indiana for my 5BWAS, thats the last state the last band I need it. Still looking. Had fun any ways
K9ZOSO HP ALL5 grandkid baseball games on the weekend
KA0PQWSO LP ALLFun contest bands were some what down i think
KA2IRQChecklogI wish I had more time... Oh well. Glad to make a handful of contacts and submit a checklog. Will be back next year! 73 DE KA2IRQ
KA3TTTSO QRP ALLI had rough conditions operating QRP with my stealth end-fed, but still managed to work a few DX countries
KA4JAMSO LP ALLOperator age 12 born August 3, 2010
KB7TMVSO HP ALLI had fun in the contest. Not sure if I copied every serial number received correctly but at least I tried
KC3MSO HP ALLPersonal best, 300w to 132' End fed wire 25' above the ground. TT Orion 2. So very nice to work many Ukrainian ops
KC3SVRSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2021
KC4LZNSO LP ALLAlways a great time working this contest. Just wish I had more time to devote. Thanks for all the Q's. Haven't checked yet but there may have been a few new ones worked on different bands but no ATNO's. 73
KD7HUSO LP 20MOnly able to put in a few hours on 20m this year. Thunderstorms were problematic
KD8DEUSO LP ALLJust dabbled in it this year :)
KD8WSO LP ALLWish I had more time to operate!, but was good anyway. Got quite a few DX stations. Thanks for sponsoring. kd8w
KD9LSVSO LP ALLOperator age 22 Remote via K9WRA
KE0TTSO LP ALLK3/10 driving a HB amp to 100 watts out. Wire antennas, Thanks for the fun!
KE2WYSO LP ALLI think I finally got the hang of running... and it sure is both fun and demanding, Sure wish my recently passed wife, Sandra, was here to enjoy it. She was my motivator, always asking how much I ran versus hunting and pouncing. This one's for her
KF3GSO LP ALLPortable QTH - FM29jw 40m USA - 1 Point: 1 40m: 1 Point 20m EU - 3 Points: 11 20m NA - 2 Points: 2 20m USA - 1 Point: 1 20m: 38 Points 15m AF - 3 Points: 1 15m AS - 3 Points: 1 15m EU - 3 Points: 33 15m NA - 2 Points: 4 15m SA - 3 Points: 5 15m USA - 1 Point: 12 15m: 140 Points 10m AF - 3 Points: 1 10m AS - 3 Points: 2 10m NA - 2 Points: 2 10m SA - 3 Points: 1 10m: 16 Points Points: 1 + 38 + 140 + 16 = 195 Points Prefixes: 73 Total: 195 x 73 = 14235 Points Thank you for the 2023 CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest
KF4AVSO QRP 15MGreat fun. Thanks to all who pulled out my peanutwhistle 5 W
KF7UFFSO QRP ALLHamstick on hitch receiver on vehicle in apartment complex. Single counterpoise
KG5VKSO HP ALLPart Time less than 4 hours but Had Fun. Very Casual right at 201 Q's. Mostly 15 meters did do a few Q's on 160m Very early Saturday, Including a short QSO with K5UR Sunday 40 and 20 meters Cheers! Steve KG5VK
KG7MVHSO HP 20MThus is a corrected log. My first log had my state as Alberta. My state is WA. Thanks!
KH6AQSO LP ALLWhat a fun contest and conditions were great. The 15 meter band was still open when I pulled the plug both nights at 2:30 a.m. local time. The openings into Europe were a delight and so plentiful for this QTH were the antenna fires up a hill. Thank you all for your skill and patience!
KH8WSO HP ALLSingle Op, Unassisted, no internet. End-fed wire and 500 watts
KI5PEDSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021 Rookie because licensed 2021-03-30, 2 years ago
KJ5YMSHClub station worked well. We did not work nearly enough hours but Dan and Eric had fun anyway. Busy graduation week end around our house had most of the focus! Thanks to all who worked us! 73, Dan, Eric, & Pat
KJ9CSO HP ALLNot much fun when they can't hear you
KK4RSO HP ALLIt was perfect weather for contesting, wet and dreary outside. What a blast!

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