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KK6LSO LP ALLTurned on the radio late Sunday afternoon and heard the bands singing with CW. When I learned it was WPX-CW, I quickly fired up N1MM+ and started logging. Worked about 3 hours and had a good time. Rig was a Yaesu FT-450 running 100 watts into a dipole at 20 feet. Looking forward to the next contest! 73's es GL!
KM4SIISO LP ALLOperator age 20 Birth date November 3, 2002 (for youth overlay) It's good to be back! This was my first major contest in quite a while... I believe WPX CW last year was my last 'full-48' effort. College does indeed put a damper on contesting BIC time. As usual, this was a SO1R effort with simple wire antennas from my home QTH in North Carolina. However, this time I was actually sitting in the same room as the radio instead of remote from college in Alabama. The majority of my time was spent searching and pouncing as this time I decided to prioritize working high-point DX QSOs over rate. I would estimate that only about a fourth of my QSOs resulted from running. As always, it was enjoyable keeping an eye on the competition on the online scoreboard. If you haven't used the online scoreboard before, I would definitely recommend it! 80m was lackluster as expected. I was struggling to get the attention of the few EUs that were making it through the noise, so I quickly retreated back to 40m which was in much better shape. 40m provided a steady stream of 6-pointers out of EU that really boosted my score. Absorbtion made 20m a domestic band until the afternoon, but it remained open through the night with EU being workable until about 0830z on both nights. I was surprised to find many loud EUs on 15m in the 05z hour on night one, but there would be no repeat performance on night two. The JAs were also quite loud on 15m around 15/16z and 00z on Saturday, but I did not log any JAs on other bands. 10m produced a few weak EU QSOs, but for the most part I was only hearing the usual CN/EA8/CT3 and South American suspects. It was nice to be able to catch KH8W with minimal pileups before they were spotted. I was hoping to be able to work V85RH as well, but unfortunately, he was nowhere near as loud as he was in ARRL DX CW. All-in-all, WPX was a success with the sun behaving this time around. I was able to set a new personal best in this contest, surpassing my score from last year by a comfortable margin. The only things that hampered me this weekend were my poor CW skills and my awful suffix. I will be hearing 'SII SII S I I S I I' in my sleep. Too many dits! Thanks for the QSOs and see you in the next one... whenever that may end up being :) 73 Mason - KM4SII Rig: Flex 6300 Antennas: 80: 80m dipole sloping from 70 to 40 ft 40: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 20: 20m delta loop at 60 ft 15: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 10: 20m delta loop at 60 ft
KN7ASO LP ALLI worked the contest for about 12 hours and had a ball. The participation this year seemed lighter than last year. I met all my goals for the contest and can't wait until next year! KN7A
KO4GOFSO LP ALLOperator age 21 Youth. Birthdate November 2001
KO4TFKSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021
KP2MSO HP ALL40 and 80 were down due to increased solar activity. 10M did not open well though
KQ2MSO HP ALLAmazing propagation at the start of the contest with lousy cndx on Sunday. Always a challenge and lots of fun Wonderful to see so many Ukraine stations again! Tnx for the qsos and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KQ4DAPChecklogchecklog up. thx for listening to my terrible cw
KR2QSO HP ALLI had no actual antennas for 40 or 80, so I used my 160 inverted L on 40 (very bad SWR) and I used nothing on 80 (SWR was impossible). I also slept way too much (not by intention) due to being overtired from the prior week at work and working on my 'main' antenna which was at ground level for a MONTH..and still there. Still, had a fun time
KS4LSO LP ALLYaesu FTDX10 to end-fed multi-band antenna with apex at about 50'. Worked 37 DXCC entities. Thanks for the Qs!
KS7TSO LP ALLWow, once again a contest proves 2 major facts and they are 1. CW is alive and well with great cw ops world wide. 2. Not all all the bands are dead. All month I heard only a handful of EU stns on 20 cw around my MDST sundown. In this contest EU was coming in from 0000z til 0700z Fri nite, 1330z to 0700 Sat. and 1700z - 2400z on Sun. 15 open to EU Sat. but just slightly on Sun. Nil 10,40 & 80
KV5YChecklogCHECKLOG - Poor band conditions
KV8QSO LP ALLBands were a mess Saturday with very fast & deep QSB. That really stressed my already comnprimised antenna farm and me!!! Things straightened up for Sunday. I had hoped to get over 1K Q's but I'll gladly take the 1M+ points. Great signals from JA all weekend. Worked many CWOps folks. Sometimes it fels like a Wednesday. Lots of fun. Thanks - 73 tom Rig = TenTec Eagle @ 100 Watts. Antenna = an Isotron-80 for 80 meters, a mag Loop (40 thru 15), a 10 meter dipole, all in the attic above the garage
KX7LSO LP ALLIt was a busy weekend, so not much time for the WPX, but I squeezed in a few hours at the end. I was hoping to find some activity up here on 10m, but such was not the case. 15 was only weakly open. Thanks for the QSOs!
KY4GSSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021 YL and Rookie (Licensed April 2021)
KY4KYSO HP 40MSurprised at what you can do with 500W and Inv Delta Loop!
KZ0USSO QRP ALLJust had a little time to put in. Always fun to try and work DX with 5 watts and give stations a new multiplier as I'm the only KZ0 on the bands contesting
LA100KSO HP ALLCasual entry for some hours, thank you for the QSOs
LC5PSO QRP ALLGreat condx! I had a lot of fun with my KX3 @5W and DxCommander vertical. Thanks for all the patience with my weak QRPsignal
LC9ASO LP ALLCondx were decent although very little action on the higher bands from here. Great to work the world with 100w. Didn't quite crack 1000 Q's maybe next year
LY2NKSO HP 10MTnx and 73
LY7KSO HP ALLOperator age 25 Born in 1997-06-19
LY9ASO LP ALLZero QSO with agressor countries - russia and belorus
LZ1QVSO LP ALLAnt 1 ele Delta Loop for 80 m at abt 25 m height Radio Yaesu-FT990 - 100 W Rainy weather with thunderstorms
LZ5BSO LP 20M73 es mni dx!
M0IPUSO LP ALLClusters:: DXspider: dxs.ddns.net:7300 ARcluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373 CCcluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M1GEOChecklogJust giving away a few points. Received numbers wouldn't convert, but if you really wish to know, I can manually confirm. Thanks
M7NNQSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2022 LICENCED 22/12/22
M8MSO HP ALLOnly had a short time to participate on sunday evening, busy hour and a half. 250W and 3.5MHz EFHW in inverted V configuration
MI4ISO LP 20MIf I only had more time
MM3TSO HP 10MA couple of hours in between chores
MM9ISO HP ALLFun contest as always but condx were strange and not great for a lot of the time to USA. Asia was pretty good. Thanks for all the Qs folks
MR2JSO HP ALL100W on 20M, 180W on other bands K3, SSPA 22m long doublet or TB31Jr @12M
MR3PSO QRP ALLMy City Windom seemed to play well in inverted-L config. Please to get some runs, even from North America, with my QRP!
MR6WSO LP ALLCondx not bad but not stellar eiether
MX3WSO HP 20MGreat propagation on 20m but only really good at dawn and dusk. It was great to work into the Pacific quite a bit, with good signal strenghts here. In the middle of the day signals were fewer and DX was not to be heard. Although RBN made searching for mults easy, I had lots of dupe callers due to RBN busts and lots of reported mults were busts too. This was possibly not the best point in the cycle for a 20m single band entry
N0JKSO QRP 10Mfrom contest committee prompted me to enter. Thanks reminder! Was fixed mobile with 1/4 wave whip for antenna. Nice to see some Es and a little TEP on 10M. Best DX was VK1A. Also liked picking up AB2E/VP9 and FY5FY. FY5FY was loud Sunday afternoon, a golden opportunity for anyone in Midwest USA who needed French Guiana on 10 Meters. CW5W, ZX2E, VE5MX, NR4M & LU8DPM had good signals as well
N1APISO LP ALLAlways great to hear familiar calls and old friends again
N2FTSO HP ALLNeed an HOA category for hams that can't have Tribanders
N2MASO LP ALL2 1/2 hours, still recovering had a devil of a time copying. No Pix this time. Checked S25A. got all excited either operator transposed numbers or it dont smell right!
N3AMLSO HP ALLFirst license 12-2020 12/2020
N3HCNSO QRP 20MThis one is for Lisa!
N4CWSO HP ALLGood conditions when I operated! Best score ever in WPX CW!!!
N4FPSO HP ALLFlex 6400, Ten-Tec Titan 425, Classic 33, wires
N4LSJSO HP ALLWould like to have seen more ten meter action
N5GSGSO LP ALLThis was my first time in this contest. I only made 7 contacts, but it was good code practice for me. I had to listen to some stations several times to get their call sign and to get the beginning of their serial number. Most of them kindly slowed down for the serial number

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