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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
N4QSMSHThe team set a new M/S record for the station --despite a 5.5 hour power outage due to a storm. All four guest ops were remote. 73, Dave, N4QS
N4XDSO HP ALLJust a couple hours. Not very diligent on making sure of correct copy
N4XTTSO LP ALLOperator age 18 This was a remote operation from NY via the Remotehamradio.com youth network. The station is located on Long Island
N5GGSO LP ALLFTdx10 @ 100W / Dipoles / Vertical
N5JJSO HP ALLPart time. Wish I could have done the whole contest. Was really rocking
N5TOOSO HP ALLEnter my log as a check log
N6ANSO QRP 10MPortable operation from Flint Peak, W6/CT-225, Saturday and from Grass Mountain, W6/CT-130, Sunday. KX3 @5 watts and a 2 el wire yagi Saturday and a 17' doublet on Sunday. Hand sent with paper log. I hope the transcription is accurate. Conditions were a bit better on Sunday. I heard a few weak EU and JA stations, but couldn't work them
N6DWSO HP ALLBusy holiday weekend. Operated when I had free minutes
N6HISO QRP ALLQRP - A Full 5W - to a 20-Foot End-Fed Wire, tossed into a tree right outside my window. For this Contest: MY GOAL: Work as many Countries as possible on each band used, NO assistance, no Internet or cluster spots, Just spinning the BIG KNOB and pouncing. 100% S&P, DX ONLY, NO 'Lower 48' QSOs. Ended with 110 DX QSOs in 45 Countries, including 36 Q's with Europe, which can be challenging for QRP stations in 'the west'. What a blast! Nothing beats a CW Contest! TNX to all for your patience and the QSOs. Go Arizona Outlaws! -73- John N6HI
N6MIMSHDrew (N7DA) and Scott (N6MI) operated in the N6MI (n6mi.com) converted news van from the Mojave Desert near California City, California. We ran 500 watts into a trip-band JK antenna at 60 feet (10-15-20), a sloper (40), and inverted vee (80). Rig was a Yaesu FTdx101D and an Acom amplifier. Wind gusts to 30 miles per hour, but otherwise nice (high of about 79 degrees on Saturday). Conditions on 15 meters were spectacular -- open worldwide for much of the day and into the evening. 73 to all
N6RKSO HP ALLAmazing condx 20/15. Ten was MIA. 40 was ruined by OTH Radar
N7DZSO LP ALLVery fun. Slowly getting my CW contest skills back
N7EPDSO HP ALLI could not get a decent run going on Friday evening and 10 and 15 meters seemed to be underperforming although there were some exotic DX stations coming through very well. Saturday morning had good conditions into Europe on 15 meters but I had to leave to go pick up someone at the airport which took up most of the day. Saturday evening I finally got a JA run but they were not strong. Also lost time chasing FT4GL. Sunday was pretty productive especially on 15 meters which helped me get over 1 million after missing so much time. Overall I would grade the propagation as great but strange
N7MZWSO LP 40MIcom IC-7000, Heil ProMicro Headset and 90 ft. long ZS6BKW 'Flattop.'
N7SESO LP 20MPropagation was terrible
N7VMSO LP ALLThanks for the Q's and the many many repeats of numbers... conditions seemed tough!
N9DKMSLOperating at US-3455 Lake Del Valle while camping with friends
N9FZSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2022 1st license date 09/07/2022 - Not much to say. Very casual effort. Was remote back to the home QTH while attending the momocon in Atlanta
N9TFSO LP ALLPlayed a game of chasing and searching for mults only. I had a clean log until I ran into 5W1SA on 20m, and realized I needed him on 20CW here in my new QTH of TN. Lots of fun for only being able to operate PT in this one. Busy weekend, so played when I had time to sit in the chair. 73 Gene, N9TF. 100 watts to 6BTV ground mounted
NB3ISO LP ALLOperator age 21 21 years old born 2003. Been a ham for 2 years now and doing CW for almost 11 months now. Just running an EFHW and having some fun! TNX all es 73!
NC8RSO LP ALLOperator age 18 Only had a few minutes to operate, but it was fun!
ND3DMSHK3AJ operated from the shack. ND3D, K3WA, W3UL, K3TN operated remotely. Single radio operation
NF2RSSO LP ALLCQWW WPX NF2RS { K2ZR Op } was an exciting and fun contest in 2024. It was a big surprise when I worked YC9FAR in Indonesia on one call. It was fun on Sunday to CQ with NF2RS high in the CW 15 meter band. Almost instantly I was slammed for about 15 minutes. CU in the fray. NF2RS { Op K2ZR } Niagara USA
NG1RSO LP 20MThanks for your contact. Thanks to Roger - NG1R for the use of his callsign for this contest. Thanks to the WWROF for sponsoring the contest and processing the logs. 73 - Dan, W1QK, NG1R operator
NG3JSO HP ALLK3, 1kw or less, DX Commander 40-10m vertical
NI9FSO HP ALLOperator age 21 Born December 2002 (age 21). No drinks consumed while contesting :)
NJ3KSO LP ALLI picked a cold while at the Hamvention so my score suffered a bit. Thanks to all. 73 NJ3K
NK4OSO LP ALLHighlight of the weekend: Operating Classic 24 hr max time. My plan was to head to bed at 0400z. I figured to do a quick sweep of 10m/15m/20m before turning in. Unbelievable that I heard VU2TT on 15m, I thought it was a mistake in my ears cause it was late, and but listening again it was confirmed, and he had just started. After getting his #5, I was jacked up and stayed on until 0700z. From Miami with a 40m Full size vertical oriented, vertically polarized loop, I only worked Asia x9 and Oceanic x6. A REAL RARITY! Lots of fun, my best score ever for Classic mode
NK5GSO LP 15MWas it just me or was 10 and 20 meters really dead?
NL8FSO HP 80MGreat Test wish more had taken advantage of the low bands
NN5PSO LP ALLVery part time S&P effort at 43 watts. Antenna problems cause me to depart the test very early. Thanks for the Qs. It was an excellent contest wid good condx
NO7JSO LP ALLOperator age 25
NO9ESO HP ALLPretty good conditions on 15m on Saturday, less so on Sunday. Also 40m was OK but 80m poor
NP4TTSO LP ALLSorry I wasn't able to get on more for this one
NQ4JSO HP ALLPVRC approved double points for the 5M program to sweeten the pot but the conditions also made it a great contest. I did S&P till Sunday and switched to Running. My NQ4J club call made for plenty of callers
NQ4YSO HP ALLGreat conditions except for the thunderstorms
NS9RCSO LP ALLUnable to operate until Sunday morning. Very good rates, with high rates on 20 until . . . Had a goal of 500 QSOs. With 45 minutes to go and at 463 in the log, tornado sirens and cell phones told us to take cover. Was a good run nonetheless
NU5ASO HP ALLSunspots + CW contests = fun. Lots more DX in my log this time out. This is a new personal best thanks to that and a best yet multiplier. Condx were alternately great and funky and I don't think I made the wisest off-time decisions. There is always more to learn!
NU6NSO LP ALLI was forced to try the low power category due to equipment issues and intent to operate SO2R. It was a bit slower than with 500 watts but still fun. I must say that the propagation was even better compared with 2023. I operated less than 23 hours due to family related stuff
NU7ISO LP ALLBlind ham operating a Kenwood TS590SG in to an Alpha FMJ vertical antenna
NU8ASO LP ALL100 watts and wire
NW7MSO HP ALLIC-7610/Urban Beam
NX3VSO LP ALLIt was fun!
OE/DJ2MXSO QRP 10MField operation on the SOTA summit OE/SB-268 (1287m asl) near Salzburg with Yaesu FT-817 (5W) and Rhombic Loop for 10m
OE1CIWSO LP ALL2024 WPX Contest CW - SO AB LP OE1CIW Time ON 35:01 hrs - RUN 256 Q´s - S+P 473 Q´s What a great contest, what a blast! Most of the weekend the Europeans struggled with heavy thunderstorms combined sometime with lot of heavy rain. When the WPX was almost over ... thunderstorms has gone 😆! Propagation was really not bad but could be still better ... especially on 10 m and low bands 160 and 80 m! I planned to work some stations from USA or Canada on 80 m this weekend but absolutely nothing heard from there 😕 ! But nevertheless i could work some interesting stations on 80 m. Maybe i was not on 160 m for the right time but always the same guys there - ok my poor indoor wire sucks! 40 m it was OK with good activity but not real good propagation at all! On 10 m i could work the whole world - but North America not at all ... 😕 Here are my highlights from 2024 WPX CW: 80 m: CN3A Morocco on the 1st try (so loud here!), SX5R Dodecanese (Rhodes) - new one on 80m, CR3DX Madeira (nice signal) 40 m: PJ2T Curacao, CN3A Morocco, P40L Aruba, P44W Aruba, KP2M US Virgin Islands, IT9BLB/IH9 African Italy, PZ5DX Suriname, PJ4A Bonaire, WP3C Puerto Rico, Canada 3x, USA x 23 20 m: 8P5A Barbados, CN3A Morocco, TF3W Iceland, A71WW Qatar, EA8ZS Canary Islands, 9W2/R6AF West Malaysia, JA0FVU, JE6RPM Japan, B7C, BY3GA, B1Z, BI4SSB China, PY2RX Brazil, VK1A, VL2N Australia, TI7W Costa Rica, VY2TT Canada, P44W Aruba, PZ5DX Suriname, ZM4T, ZM1A New Zealand, HL2BQG Republic of Korea, Canada x 2, USA x 22 15 m: JJ0VNR Japan, TF3W Iceland, CN3A Morocco, E2A Thailand, EA8KR, EF8R Canary Islands, VC2A Canada, PY2PT Brazil, 8P5A Barbados, P40L Aruba, ZP5A Paraguay, D4Z Cape Verde, PJ4A Bonaire, TA4/DK3WE Asiatic Turkey, JE6RPM, JA3YBK Japan, KHOW Mariana Islands (ATNO!), China x 5, USA x 16 10 m: VJ3A Australia, AT3K India, IT9VDQ/IH9 African Italy, CN3A Morocco, A71WW Qatar, 3V8SS Tunisia, PW2F, PS2E, PT5J, PY2XL, PX2A, PP4T, PR1T Brazil, LU4HK LT3E Argentina, EF8R, ED8M Canary Islands, D4Z Cape Verde Most of the contacts i made with INDOOR (!) wire antennas in the attic- just simple dipoles in different directions and one MOXON directed to USA! I did some tries with different wire verticals on 13,7 m DX-WIRE mast but just very few contacts are made with those verticals. Main advantage of the OUTSIDE verticals was: MUCH LESS NOISE FLOOR so weak signals i could better read! Tnx for every single contact - 73 de Michael OE1CIW PS: CN3A was the one and only i wkd on 5 bands 🙂
OE3MCSSO LP 15MTX/RX:Kenwood TS890-S Ant..: Highendfed LW Power:100 W TNX for Contest!
OE3OPWSO QRP 10MSome thunderstorms during the contest 5W QRP + 11m End Fed
OE5OHOSO HP 40MJust a short overnight activity due to other commitments. Great to meet so many friends on the air
OG1FSO HP ALLThanks for the QSOs! Cndx a bit down from last year. 73!

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