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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
N5JJSO HP 20MHad a great time! Condx on Friday night were great. Saturday during the day were so-so but were better Saturday night. Sunday was fair. Cu next year!
N5TUSO LP ALLNot much time to operate, but it was fun
N6HISO QRP ALLQRP - A full 5W to a 20-Foot End-Fed Wire, tossed into a tree right outside my window. Friday night and Saturday were great here. The bands were poor for me on Sunday, so I worked 2 JA's early Sunday morning and called it a day. I guess that big flare got us. For this contest, my goal was to see how much DX I could work with my short wire. I worked 'DX' only, no 'lower 48' QSOs, and ended up with 50 Q's in 30 Countries, and worked one ATNO! (JT5DX Mongolia). Tnx all for your patience and the QSOs. GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6ICSO HP 15MAlways fun
N6MIMSHLots of work to get ready and snakes in the yard
N6VOHSO HP ALLHad a good time. Band conditions were sorta OK
N7DXM2The single word that best describe’s the conditions this weekend: YO-YO We got off to a lackluster start. Our average individual station run rate for the first three hours was less than 1 QSO per minute, well below typical for the start of WPX CW from K7RL. It was a real a slog. Fortunately, conditions slowly improved and Mitch was able to work a reasonable string of European stations on 40 in the evening. Then at around 11 PM Friday night we were treated to a nice simultaneous opening on 20 and 15 meters into Europe, which lasted until about 2 AM. Thereafter, I held down the night shift and enjoyed a productive 3-hour run into Asia on 40 which lasted until about 5AM. Although the average single-transmitter rate during those three hours was a modest 62-per-hour, the juicy 6-point premium for DX contacts on the low bands is a significant factor toward achieving a good score -- equivalent to a rate of 360/hour when running stateside stations. No sooner did 40 slow, then 20 opened into Asia--which provided decent activity until Saturday morning, at around 7 AM, 15 meters opened into Europe. The lack of an appreciable 20 meter opening into Europe on Saturday morning was partially offset by the 15 meter opening which lasted most of the day. Since 20 was tough and 10 wasn’t doing much, I used the opportunity to catch some needed Zzzz after the night shift while Mitch continued to run into Europe on 15. Less than 24 hours into the contest, we surpassed our previous year’s score and were hopeful of good conditions for the remainder of the contest. But, here’s where the 'YO-YO' came into play: conditions generally went south from there on. Although the second night into Asia was reasonable, the opening on Sunday morning or Europe was nothing like Saturday morning. Although we ran a bit on 15, it was mostly hard work and a lot of S&P to stay in the game. Ten was a tad better, but we never could get a run going there, whether to stateside or anywhere else. The remainder of Sunday made for an uneventful slog until we crossed the finish line. In relation to BIC time, M/2 station utilization was about 77% of capacity (22 person-hours off out of 96 possible active person-hours). In the end, our score was almost double that of the previous year and fell just short of 2021’s score. As always, we enjoyed the live competition on the contest online scoreboard (contestonlinescores.com) and sparring with the other live online competitors, such as SC7DX, DQ9M, and K5KG. Especially appreciated those other ops who stayed in the game during the poor conditions, not to mention the many casual operators who called in to bless us with a rare prefix. During the contest we were saddened to hear of the loss of Chip, K7JA. Most folks who have been active in contesting for any time in the last 4-5 decades appreciated his vibrant personality and operating acumen. He was a real inspiration for me, as a young teen just getting my feet wet in contesting in the mid-70s, listening to him run pile-ups into Asia as W7RM from the famous foulweather bluff station of Rush Drake. (See https://www.qrz.com/db/W7RM for more on that, which includes photos of some of Chip’s compatriots.) It seems like just yesterday when I was pulling a late-night shift in the week hours of the morning when Chip (operating out in the Pacific) called in to say hi and chat. This contest season has included several stomach-punches for those of us in the Northwest, with the passing of both Chip and Rod (W7OM). It’s surreal to have logged them fairly recently and now they are SK. :-(((((((
N7EPDSO HP ALLGotta love endless multipliers! 10 meters was MIA
N7RCSSO QRP ALLStrong propagation on 40-20-15m this year, especially on Saturday afternoon/evening here on the Florida Atlantic Coast. Light activity on 10m & 80m. This was my best effort in the 10 years I've been in the WPX. This time I ran 22 hours in the Classic Overlay category. Station: KX3/PX3 @ 5w to a HyEndFed 80-10m EFHW up about 30 feet configured in a broad horizontal arc. Logging: N1MM
N7SESO LP ALLAlways one of the best contests of the year. Thanks so much! Best 73. Steve - N7SE
N7WYSO HP ALLK3S, KPA1500, KT36xa tribander, no 40 or 80 m antennas, 12.4 hours
N8IISO LP ALLCondx were fantastic the first 16 hours, all continents workable on 15M at the start. I worked several Chinese and VR2XAN. The big station Kazakh stations were very loud on both 20 and 15. I was able to run quite a few on 15M. Unfortunately fatigue and Sunday cookout limited my effort
N8KHSO HP 40MLog submission software is broken
N9ATFSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021 07/09/2021
N9DKSO LP ALLOperating from Del Valle Regional Park while camping with friends. The valley and small antenna did not help propagation
N9EDLChecklogPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
N9TFSO LP ALLMade my goal of 500 Qs. Struggled to make DX Qs on 15m even though signals were strong. much better on 20m and really good on 40m. I guess this 6btv works best on 40m! Nice surprise to run into JT5DX CQing Saturday nighht on 15m all alone. One call and in the log! Lota of fun. Always enjoy the WPX contests. 73 Gene, N9TF K3S 100 watts to 6BTV ground mounted
NC6VSO LP 10MConditions on 10 meters in Southern California was very poor for a low power, vertical antenna station
NC8CSO HP ALLShared my somewhat limited time with also doing a separate entry as NO8DX. Glad to be able to pass out two good prefixes as well as lots of QSOs!
ND0LSO LP ALLFun way to work on code speed
ND3DMSHEvery operated remotely using the K3AJ station. This was a single radio operation
NE3MDSO HP ALLRepresenting the Northeast Maryland Contest Society Club. I spent about 17 hours in the chair as NE3MD, our club call. Rates seemed a bit slow and I couldn't hear many of the little pistols in Europe. 15 meters certainly delivered throughout the day on Saturday. I never ended up spending much time on 80 meters as the 15-40 seemed busy pretty much all the time with the big gun stations. Thanks for the QSOs and look forward to seeing everyone next time! 73, Bryan, N3FZ
NE3RSO LP ALLFirst WPX from new QTH. Just a temporary antenna (DX Commander Classic) for now, hoping to have tower up for fall contests
NE6MSO QRP 15MTerrible conditions on 15M!
NE6NESO QRP ALLFirst license 03-2021 Date of first licensed: Mar 11, 2021
NG1RSO LP 20MThanks to Roger - NG1R for the use of his call for this contest. Thanks for the contacs. 73 - Dan, W1QK
NG7ILSO LP ALLJumped in and played when I could between thunderstorms
NH7TMMThis effort was dedicated to our friend and fellow operator Chip, K7JA (SK). The news of his passing broke the morning before the contest started. Many thanks to Alex and Tracy for hosting our crew!
NK4OSO LP ALL24 hours before contest start a major storm blew my antennas out of the palm trees. It also broke my longest coax run to my favorite loop. Had to use the INV V at low height instead. There's always next year! Thanks for all the Q's
NL8FSO HP ALLEars were kinka plugged up Things could have been better but great signals on 80
NM2OSO HP ALLOperated as time allowed. Was noisy at times, needed repeats at times. Logging program flipped back to general log. A few items are out of order and so noted. Log contains what I sent
NM5GSO HP ALLGot started okay, then ran out of time due to business obligations.. Wonderful to work all over the world is a short time span
NN3LSO LP ALLVery variable conditions. Friday evening was great and Saturday AM as well. Then things really slowed down as signals weakened and 100W wasn't cutting it. Had fun, so thanks for sponsoring this great event! At 86 years of age, this is my 69th year of contesting! 73 de Sig, N3RS
NN7CWSO HP ALLAfter WQ0RVO 24h effort, additional 9h50min Unassisted for some experimentation and to hand out a few more points
NN7OSO LP ALLFirst time ever trying a 'big' CW contest. Most ops still too fast for me . . . more SST and MST. Fun, but a lot of work . . . I'll be back as I improve
NN8UUSO LP ALLConditions not so good for me
NO2DSO QRP ALLDid not get to spend as much time on this one as I wanted to. Thanks to those whom make the WPX possible. Pete, NO2D
NO8CSO HP ALLWhat a great time! Thanks....73s
NO8DXSO HP ALLSpending half the year as a Florida snowbird operating with low power and a dipole from our condo, this contest is one of the few where I get to be at least somewhat loud. 99% running, letting the other guys or the RBN find me
NP4TTSO LP ALLFeels great just to make some Qs after a long absence from the bands!
NQ2WSO QRP ALLWere conditions good or bad? For the most part, I thought conditions were not that good and my rates were way down. When I tried running I got very few responses, even for me. The last 40 minutes things changed...I started running on 20m beaming west and was getting a pretty good response rate...even some ops from Europe. I swung the beam around to EU and the flood gates opened...WOW!...check out my QRZ page to see my window to Europe. I'm happy with the 30+ EU stations in the closing minutes of the contest...thank you for your calls. Thanks for all the Qs and I hope you hear me next time! 73, Will, NQ2W
NQ4JSO HP ALLGlad for the good conditions, up from the previous couple of weeks. Had fun put in more hours than I usually do
NU6TSO HP ALLLow EFHW antenna. CW practice with S&P
OE2SMDIn Memoriam Ben DL6RAI/P44X RIP
OE3MCSSO LP 15MTX/RX:Kenwood TS890-S Ant..: Highendfed LW Power:100 W TNX for Contest! not to much time this time... but nice to see 15m so long open
OE3OPWSO QRP 15Mvery good condx. The hole afternoon the band was full with US. RIG: Xiegu G106 (5 Watt) - Dipol only 7m high Some new countries for my QRP DXCC - Thanks for the BIG Guns
OE40XTUMSHRIG: YAESU FTDX-5000MP SteppIR DB36-Yagi for 20m - 10m
OE5OHOSO HP ALLCity noise bad during crucial times. Rotator just limited operational and no 80 or 160 antenna. Other than that enjoyed to meet friends on the air
OG6NSO HP ALLMy station was in limping mode with many antennas not functioning. Tower was only rotating manually. Some antenna switching issues as well. Anyway it was a lot of fun!
OH0VSO HP ALLThank you for another weekend with a real flow. Total immersion of Radio. Hear you in 2024. Thank you to CQ WPX committee for organizing the event

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