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Call Category Comments
BH4AYGSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2011
BH4BFSSO LP 10MFirst license 05-2014
BH4CACSO LP 20MFirst license 04-2009
BH4FCDSO LP 10MFirst license 10-2020
BH4PVPSO QRP ALLFirst license 08-2014
BH4TIHSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2009
BH4TQXSO QRP ALLFirst license 07-2014
BH4TVUSO LP 20MFirst license 10-2008
BH4TYLSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2014
BH4WPNSO LP 10MFirst license 10-2015
BH4XDZSO LP 20MFirst license 10-2009
BH6KOKSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2015
BH7JUOSO LP 15MFirst license 12-1987
BI1BDSSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2017
BI1JNPSO LP 15MFirst license 08-2020
BI1NJISO LP 15MFirst license 09-2021. 2021-09-27
BI4QKESO LP ALLFirst license 05-2022
BI4SDTSO LP 80MFirst license 06-2014
BI4SSBMSHFirst license 10-2015
BI6LFJSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021
BV3FGChecklogRIG ICOM-728, Power 20W, ANT 40m dobulet with antenna tuner Typing from paper log
BX2AHPSO QRP 20MOperator age 24. Birth: Nov 03, 1997
BY1OKM2First license 11-2005
BY1TLSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2018
BY4SZSO HP 15MFirst license 10-2015
BY6LYM2First license 03-2006
C4WSO HP ALLLots of issues with remote station. Propagation picking up!
CO2KRSO QRP 40MOperator age 22. 2000
CT1BWWSO LP 10MVery poor conditions!
CT1DRBSO LP ALLI was not to be in contest due to bad decision of CQ concerning about russ ian, belarusian and Donbass hams sanctions to contests, I do not agree with such decision at all! However, because in my club, URE, we were doing test s I was a bit forced to be in contest and did not regret to help my friends . So, I am going to send you my Cabrillo file but I am totally against your bad decision and, of course, I do not want to warm my ham friends around t he world
CT3KNSO HP ALLMy first attempt at SO2R, including a few brief moments on 2BSIQ. It's a lot more fun, especially when things are slow. There are a lot of things to improve on the station, and especially on the operator's skills
CT7/PA3GCUChecklogI was not feeling to good on both days and my hearing is getting worse, thats why its a chewcklog
CT9/PF5XSO LP ALL6 hours of fun in this holiday set-up. IC-7300 and EFHW antenna ... Big pile-ups ! Madeira is the place to be for ham radio ... Thanks for everybody calling me. 10m was open but not as good as on Friday :-(
CX1AASO HP ALLYour Russophobia is absurd and disgusting. Bad wpx 2022
D4ZMSHElecraft K3 + PA 1 Kw 8 towers and a lot of antennas - http://d4c.cc/
DA0DXSO HP ALLWas fun like every year. Thank you! 73!
DC2CLSO LP ALLOperator age 24. Youth 1997
DC8YZSO LP ALLNice Contest
DD5VLSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2020
DF2SDChecklogFirst license 04-2009
DF3CESO LP ALLunfortunately had little time, but again exciting
DF8VSO HP ALLMy highlight: VK6T on 40m with my small HyEndFed antenna :) tu
DF9TSSO LP ALLUsing Magloop and my trusted Omni VI
DG3TSO QRP ALLBetter DX conds this time on 40/20/15, 80m scattered with urban noise only europe heard. K3/KX3 five watts, tribander and dipoles 80/40m
DH0GDSSO LP 15MI??v met a lot of very enthusiastic operators, which must not have as much points as possible. Because of their operation style, far far too quick. Sometimes i??ve not recognized my own call, when the other station gave me the sign to make the QSO. Gentlemen, think to past times, when you have entered the contest scene. Please use the speed, which your opposite can also use. Be kind to other hams. Best greetings to all of those, which gave me a helping hand and lowered their cw-speed. THANK YOU! :-)
DJ0MASO LP ALLFirst license 08-2021
DJ2FLSO LP ALL1st time above ground 73 to all participants
DJ3EISO QRP ALLI'm a Berlin inner city QRP station enjoying two hours of contest
DK3UWSO QRP ALLjust a few QSO's to enjoy my QCXes especially on 160 m
DK3YDSO LP ALLThank you for this excellent operaing event 73, Hans

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