Call | Category | Comments |
BH6BEZ | SO LP 80M | Operator age 16 OP Aged 16, 17-01-2008 First time to use my new Contest Base, and Low Bands are amazing, so I selected the single band of 80m. It is a great challenge for my RX/TX antenna. TX used 17m high GP and 2El Yagi(both are 230m ASL and up), which was made under my friends' help. RX used 2El Yagi fixed to EU. Mainly I selected to work with EU because if they can hear me, there will be more Multis and long pileups, the score comes faster. work with EU because if they can hear me, there will be more Multis and long pileups, the score comes faster |
BH6MWC | SO LP ALL | First license 11-2016 |
BI1FIS | SO HP 15M | First license 06-2012 |
BI1THW | SO LP 15M | Operator age 17 the birthday of the operator is 2008 02 15 |
BI3EI | SO LP 20M | Operator age 20 BI3EI 2004/01/29 |
BI3VJL | SO QRP ALL | First license 2020.12 |
BI4IUI | SO LP ALL | First license 12-2021 |
BI4QKE | SO LP ALL | First license 01-72 |
BI6LFJ | SO HP ALL | First license 07-2021 |
BY2HIT | SO LP 40M | Operator age 20 |
BY2WL | SO LP ALL | First license 07-2022 |
BY4TYX | SO LP 15M | First license 03-2003 |
BY7KP | MSL | First license 12-1987 |
CN3A | MM | Another great contest from CN3A! |
D4Z | MSH | Elecraft K3 + Power Amplifier 1Kw Antennas - 28 Mhz 3X5 elements EU - 2X5 elements NA - 1X5 element AF and SA 21 MHz - 2X4 elements EU - 2X4 elements NA - 1X4 element SA 14 MHz 2X4 elements EU - 2X4 elements NA - 1X4 element AF and SA 7MHz 2X3 wire elements EU - 1X3 wire element NA |
DB9LG | SO LP ALL | Many thanks for the invitation :-) regards Lutz / DB9LG |
DD7NT | Checklog | Checklog only ! |
DF7EE | SO LP ALL | Just about 8 hours playing time with 40w and a simple wire antenna. I will have a huge penalty due to wrong serial numbers, but I did not want to interupt/slowdown the real competitors with my poor CW skills not getting the number right. I was only playing around for fun |
DJ3HW | SO LP ALL | Unfortunately no 10m propagation from here and lot of QRN on Sunday. However, lot of fun |
DJ3RA | SO LP ALL | 2 much 'electrical rain' during the contest |
DJ4MX | SO LP ALL | Operator age 22 |
DK0KTL | SO HP ALL | TS-990 Dipol, Hexbeam |
DK2BJ | SO HP ALL | Sunday evening seemed to suffer from sun-storm with very weak signals on all bands |
DK3UW | SO QRP ALL | general nice condx Rig Flex 1500 and 160 m Loop. 3 forced pauses due to thunderstorms. and sunday evening terrible QRN from that |
DK3YD | SO LP ALL | Tnx for organizing this excellent operating event 73 Hans |
DK4LX | SO LP 40M | Good fun .Great pileups generated by the unique set of contest rules |
DK5QN | Checklog | just playing with some new antennas, u can use as checklog.........73s Joe, dk5qn |
DK7HA | SO QRP ALL | IC-703, K3/10, 5 watt spiderbeam, 40 m invV @ 20m, 80 m Delta loop, 40 m lambda/4 vertical Thanks the organizers for the contest and all who dug my qrp sigs out of the noise. For me here in the north of Germany the conditions were worse than last year. There were no really loads of big sigs from US, everything seemed down. Or, stn and op degraded anyway, much less QSOs and consequently the score suffered. Nevertheless, it was again fun |
DK7OG | SO QRP ALL | Sometimes challenging propagation for 5W and EndFed Dipole |
DL0RDG | SO LP ALL | IC-7400 100W Vertical R9 |
DL1EFW | SO QRP ALL | 5 Watt in to 25m Wire at SG230 Antenna Tuner |
DL1GRC | SO QRP ALL | only some hrs during coffee brake, just for fun on 15m and 20m with KX2 an d 80m Sym Loop - thanks for the QSOs and good luck |
DL1YCF | SO HP ALL | Conditions fair on 20m/15m, not so good on 40m/10m, have not tried 160m/80m |
DL2LFH | SO QRP 10M | Please relax the tight log submission deadline |
DL2PR | SO QRP 15M | It was not my day..... :-( |
DL3TU | SO QRP 10M | It was lots of fun, even though some loud stations would CQ right into my face, pretending not to hear me. 73, Roman |
DL4ZA | SO LP ALL | YAESU FTdx3000 SteppIR Loops |
DL5CL | SO LP 40M | Rig: IC 7610, Ant: |
DL5KUD | SO LP 40M | Most time of Sunday we had very bad QRN from strong thunderstorms, and there were intruders with wide strong noise transmissions all avoer the 40m band. Used ICOM-7400 at 80 watts out, 'antenna' is 2 x 20 m at 4 to 7 m up. Thanks to all picked up me - and THANKS to the N1MM+ team - The logger runned without any issues. 73 'Jo' |
DL5WW | SO LP ALL | Only with mobilantenna on balcony. On-time 16 hours |
DL6HCC | SO HP ALL | Great contest, marvellous dx conditions. Unfortunately interrupted by technical problems. See you next year ! |
DL6OAA | Checklog | Checklog |
DL7AUO | SO HP ALL | Flexradio 6700 Antennas: Dipols only |
DL7PIA | SO LP ALL | Operator age 17 Overlay: YOUTH, Operator Age: 17, Date of Birth: 17th of January 2007 |
DL8AI | SO LP ALL | First license 02-2023 |
DL8TG | SO LP ALL | 80W 26m end fed wire |
DL8UKW | SO LP 40M | fine contest, lots of QRO-stations and also good signals see you next time |
DM2DS | SO QRP ALL | First license 07-2021 LIC.DATE: 31.07.2021 Rig: ICOM IC-705, tuner mAT-705, DIY antennas No room for big antennas here. On the 6th floor of a house with 11 floors: North direction LW (length only 4 m, from window to window). South (balcony): Mutlibanddipole (length ~7 m) portable magnetic loop for 80m + 40m Thanks for the nice contest! |