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Call Category Comments
DK4LXSO LP 40Mgood conds, 80w, zs6bkw 10mup
DK7HASO QRP ALLK3/10, IC-703, 5 watt spiderbeam verticals for 40 m and 80 m Thanks to the organizers for the contest and all who dug my qrp sigs out of the noise. First time an all band participation as dk7ha from the north of Germany. Quite a difference compared to previous times as tm3t from the south of France. Low bands were pretty noisy and obviously I missed some openings. Propagation seemed spotty at least worse than during the week. Anyway, it was enjoyable
DK7OGSO QRP ALLSometimes difficult propagation for 5W and 5m fishing rod vertical
DK7YY/PSO LP ALLThank you to all for picking up my signal from Usedom Island EU-129 in north east corner of Germany. Using 100 Watts from K3 TRX with a simple 2x 13,5m wire antenna on remote tuner on end of feeder line. Was fun to here so much station and to working a few hundert from this. Hear you all in next contest de Falk, DK7YY
DL1CCSO HP ALL100watts and 54m longwire
DL1THBSO LP ALLtnx fer nice contest. See you 2023 ... 73 Harald - DL1THB
DL2TMSO QRP 15MBad condx
DL3ONSO HP ALLFirst license 07-2020
DL4FNSO LP ALLIC-7610, 100W 80m/40m deltaloop 20m/15m/10m 2/3EL Yagi
DL4ZASO HP ALLYaesu FTdx3000 , Icom IC-2KL . SteppIR - Loops
DL5CLSO LP ALLIC7610, ant:W3EDP @15m
DL6HCCSO HP ALLWas a pleasure to participate again. Unfortunately bad conditions at the beginning on saturday, weak dx-signals on any band. Rest of the time made a lot qsos, even some on 28MHz. See you next year !
DL7PIASO LP ALLFirst license 07-2019. Licensed: 2019-07-08 Overlay: Rookie
DL7ULMSO LP ALLsometimes no CAT-control due to RF in USB-Port of IC7300
DL9MFYSO LP ALLCount R again. Not all R bad. Some R are hams
DP4XSO LP ALLOperator age 20
DP5PSO LP ALLFirst license 12-1984. Mni tnx for nice QSOs Vy 73 de Torsten, DL1MHJ aka DP5P I've sent #314 twice
DP9AM2Our Transceiver control on 20m was not working properly and we could not fix it, that's why the QRG on 20m is NOT correct in the log. With our 10m and 15m station we discoverd some time difficulties during the contest, that's why there might be a slight time deviation. We had some construction work on the station for the last 2 years. This is our first test after this time, more to check wiring, power and antennas. There are still a few issues to fix, but it all held up. 73 Andy, DK4WA/DP9A
DS1TUWSO QRP ALLOperator age 25. 1997
DU9GTSO QRP ALLSpecial thanks to Jundy DV9HF for the equipment loan! QRP in Asia very tough! 7A2A gets my 'Best operator of the test' award, very patient as in copying my QRP sigs, very persistent as i had to repeat my CALL and REPORT many times. Thanks Every One! God Bless!
DV3ASO HP 10MGood initial openings in JA/China, but only Hawaii and Alaska was heard from the NA. Limited SA stations (also a surprise), then thunder and lightening. Second day - very nice 10m opening into EU
E25CRFSO LP 15MFirst license 02-2022
E70AWSO LP ALLOperator age 17
EA1AERSO QRP ALLFT-817 and multiband antenna
EA2RCPSO HP ALLOperator age 15
EA4BASSO LP ALLIcom 7300 eaxBeam Dipole
EA4FMESO HP ALLIcom 7610 EaxBeam and Dipole
EA4HKFSO LP 20MFirst license 09-2020
EA6SXSO LP 160MSorry not much time this weekend. Storm broke all local repeaters and must repear it. 73,s All EA6SX
EA7BHOSO LP 15MNice propagation in 15 meter band
EA8AQVSO LP ALLYaesu FT-857D Dipole Windom 70 watt
EB1ASO HP 40MMany thanks Javi, EB1A and Pekka, OH1TV. A hard work to install the antennas and deinstall after contest. Great experience. 73
EC1KRSO HP ALLTnx qsos, CU next year. 73
ED3OSO HP 20MI don??t agree to have amateus banned from CQ contests, ham spirit should prevail
ED3TSO LP 20MBumpy conditions but still some good fun! NA stations came in with aurora flutter even from W9. 5 band Cubical Quad + TS-99 + N1MM
ED8WSO HP ALLThanks to station owners Manolo EA8DO and Mari EA8LF for allowing me to use this great station on La Isla Bonita. We had a lot of fun during our stay here as always. I would like to dedicate this result to late Manolo??s father, who passed away on saturday. I wanted to keep silence for him, but Manolo persuated me to go on and do my best. Thanks everyone for calling us...73s de Miro OM5RW
EI/US2YWSO HP ALLThank you, Oleg EI7KD, for the oportunity to take part in my favorite contest!
EI5LASO LP ALLOperator age 15. First license 09-2021. Thank you for a great contest! It was very enjoyable and I have learned a lot. Thank you to everyone who worked me and for your patience while I worked my first ever CW pile-up
EI6LASO HP ALLFirst license 10-2021. My first-ever weekend-long big worldwide contest. Learned a lot but still much more to learn. Apologies for all the repeats. :) Enjoyed feeling how the world can connect and agree on some things, after all. See you next year!
EI8KWSO HP ALLOperator age 13. Birth Year 2009
ES2QXSO LP ALLThanks for the contest! 73!
F5NKXSO LP ALLvery good propagation an many stations
F5NTZSO LP ALLTnx for this fine contest
F5PHWSO HP ALLHad fun. 73
F5SGISO LP ALLI really hope to find the Ukrainian and Russian stations next year. This said, I was pleased to contact many friends from CWOps and other CW groups

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