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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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DJ3HWSO LP ALLFirst license 09-1988 Unfortunately too less time. Cobdx were quite fine. Saturday better than Sunday
DJ4MXSO LP ALLOperator age 21
DJ6GISO HP ALLFlex 6600M, RumLogNG
DJ6OISO LP 15MFirst Time in this Contest , workes not bad.. a couple of Stations are to fast in exchange nummbers ! Take QRS its easyer for all old mans !
DJ6TKSO LP 15MOnly a short Test with my Balcon Antenna
DK3REDSO QRP ALLDon't forget: the fun is the power!
DK3UWSO QRP ALLRig all QCX into 160 horizontal loop. only a few hours time. Good to have 10 m open
DK3YDSO LP ALLvy fb CW-contest sadly, no more QSOs with DL6RAI or P4/DL6RAI 73 Hans
DK5NADSO QRP 20MGeben Sie hier Ihre Kommentare ein. Verwenden Sie bei Bedarf mehrere Zeilen
DK5TXSO LP ALLNo full-time effort, so I concentrated on the high bands, which were in great shape, although 10m was spotty. On Sunday morning I managed to get 45 JA stations on 15m in the log and it could have been even more, if I had gone for a high power entry. I can't remember when this happened the last time. It was also a great fun to work quite a few stations from South America on 10m again
DK6SPSO LP ALLOperator age 25
DK7HASO QRP ALLIC-703, K3/10, 5 watt spiderbeam, 40 m lamda/4 vertical, 80 m invVee Thanks the organizers for the contest and all who dug my qrp sigs out of the noise. There were loads of big numbers, obviously the conditions were very good. However, I could not materialize those with my qrp signal. Here, the bands were noisy and 80 m, and especially 10 m, were not really going. For me the main activity was on 40 and 20 m. Anyway, another enjoyable event
DK9HESO HP ALLnice activity
DL0RUSSO HP ALLjust a few hours - nice run on 20m towards the end. 73 de Maik DJ2QV OP at DL0RUS
DL1AQUSO LP ALLTRX FTDX10 ANT 2EL Quad and DoubleZeep 2x28m Plus Feedline
DL1YCFSO LP ALLTRX: RedPitaya SDR, PA 100 Watt. Ant: LW 35m
DL2AWASO LP ALLTS570- 90 Watts, 65m Loop
DL2NYSO LP 40Mwkd only on Sat.- 2023-05.27, had much fun
DL3JANSO LP ALLFirst license 09-1992
DL3NSMChecklogOnly Checklog - no time for the whole contest
DL3ONSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020
DL3UBSO HP ALLJust some S&P and a little bit RUN to distribute some points. 73 Ulf
DL4FDMSO HP ALLHad to work in my job all weekend and was happy to got some time left for the contest. Highlights was to be called by VP8NO and JT5DX. Also tnx to V26MJ, KH6LC, AL1G for the QSOs. Vy73 and cu in 2024 !
DL4FNSO LP ALLIC-7610, 100W 80m/40m deltaloop, 20m/15m/10m 2ele yagi
DL4JUSO LP ALLnur knapp paar Stunden gearbeitet, aber viel Spass gehabt! 73!
DL4XTSO LP ALLOperator age 15
DL4ZASO HP ALLYaesu FTdx3000 - Icom IC-2KL - SteppIR - Loops
DL5CLSO LP ALLIC7610, ant:
DL6HCCSO HP 10MConditions on 10m challenging. Many highpower stations with excellent signals, but bad ears. Nevertheless i had fun, see you next year !
DL7PIASO LP ALLOperator age 16 Overlay: Youth (age 16)
DL7UGNSO LP ALL100 Watts @randomwire (8 mtrs high)
DL7ULMSO QRP ALLFT817 and Dipole- just to test
DL8RDLSO HP ALLWhat a weekend with great condx!
DL8TGSO LP ALLGood Contest, good conditions, good organisation. Thanks. Unfortunately the noncooperative behavior on the bands grows. 73 Klaus DL8TG
DL8UKWSO LP 15Mfine contest, some very strong stations and good condx
DM2DZMSO QRP 40MKX3, Dipole 25m up
DM7XXSO HP 15MOperator age 18
DO7PKBSO QRP 15MFirst license 03-2023 Licensed since MARCH - 20 - 2023 RADIO: yeasu FT-817 ANT: HF-P1 Note: outdoor station with power supply via battery pack. I didn't used /p extension in callsign
DP4XSO LP ALLOperator age 25
DP5PSO LP ALLFirst license 12-1984 Mni tnx for nice QSOs and to all that made QRS. Vy 73 de DL1MHJ aka DP5P
DP7ASO HP ALLnice try to get the setup going
DQ2CSO LP ALLOperator age 16 YOUTH
DQ5MSO LP ALLOperator age 25
DQ5TSO HP ALLdue to bank holiday on Monday a stressless contest participation. Great fun and good propagation. Great fun
DR4AM2We missed P44X, and are deeply saddened that Ben/DL6RAI passed away much to soon
DR7TSO LP ALLlate start. Only last 12 hours
DS1TUWSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2021 Great contest!
DU1XXSO LP 15MI love CW !

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