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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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F6APISO LP ALLSecond time sending. I forgot to change band during contest . By chance I use also a paper log
F8AKCSO QRP 10MTesting new vertical antenna on the roof, using an old Yaesu FT-707S and a vertical key. Thanks to all these great cw operators with big ears
G0ATGSO LP ALLI really enjoyed participating in the CQ-WPX-CW contest
G0MTNSO HP ALLSome challenging conditions, but made personal best score. Slowly working out how to 'WPX' :-)
G0ORHSO HP 15MCondx were poor here saturday, though some DX made it through the noise QSB, S&P mostly. Sunday was better but little time to string it out this year
G0ORYSO LP ALLEntered this year to encourage friends and give a few points away. First time ever for me. Enjoyed things a lot and will have a better go than the few hours I cud do next time. 73 and thanks for all the QSOs I use EI5DI's SD for my contest logging
G0WATSO LP 20MStarted with many RF in the shack problems eventually sorted and had fun on a strange 20m Band - Elecraft K3 with elevated 20m 1/4 vertical with 4 radials
G2ESO HP ALLGreat condx. Simple Hustler 6BTV trapped vertical on all bands
G3KHZChecklogCheck log
G3LSO QRP 20MVery little time this year - but enjoyed the 3 Hours with my new toy the X6100, Condx were fair, 20 was open all day to most parts, more holes in the band this year !!
G3RTUSO LP ALLOnly time was Sunday but had antenna problems however enjoyed the contest, thanks to all
G3TSO HP ALLDemotivated by poor condx on Saturday. Finished early
G3YXXSO HP ALLconditions poor on Saturday but picked up on Sundy, with some aurora-sounding rough signals from N america on 20M when the band woke up
G3ZGCSO HP ALLOn Saturday HF was dreadful. Only 40m was good. Sunday was far better but I was QRL most of the day! As enjoyable a contest as ever. Logging issues QSOs 1-16. I had to rebuild the log
G4DDLChecklogDid not have time for a complete entry. Log here is really a checklog for others. 73 and thanks for the QSOs
G4LPPSO LP 15MJust dabbled but good fun single band low power
G4NSO LP 80MBand closed during daytime hours so tough going
G5BBLSO QRP ALLVy Enjoyable contest using (tr)uSDX home brew QRP Transceiver by DL2MAN/PE1NNZ Thanks everyone for the points. Jan G5BBL
G5VZSO LP ALLI have always enjoyed this contest but simply to give a few points to serious contenders and maybe grab some new prefixes for myself. This year i sthe first time I have submitted a log!
G5WSO HP ALLMixed conditions - nothing special on Saturday, but great openings on 10/15m on Sunday
G6MSO HP 20MJust a few Qso's for testing purposes
G8ASO HP 20MAmazing conditions on 20m. Band open all night
G8AFNSO QRP ALLtesting a new qrp setup, few keyer serial and CAT teething problems used SD as usual it worked faultlessly
GB0AELSO HP ALLUsed SD logger and loved it
GM3WSO LP ALLNot a serious entry
GM4NNCSO LP ALLThoroughly enjoyed it but being 81 not as energitic as was in the past had longer times off
GM4UYZSO LP 20MDue to various reasons this was the total amount of time that I could take part
GM7VSO HP ALLPart-time only
GS4FOCSO HP ALLExcellent event under challenging conditions. There was still plenty of activity though I miss the UR and R stations who used to provide so many points. I'm in the city, so apologies to those I wasn't able to hear through the racket. Great to work VK6T on 10, which eventually opened to SA. Here's to next year!
GW0RYTSO LP 15MMaking the most of the mulitiband Yagi before I put a monobander up for 10 Meters
HA0GKSO QRP ALLRIG:HOME MADE TS9D POWER 5W - 2xKT922 at 13,8V ANT1. YP3 Yagi 3 el. for 20m,15m ANT.2 GPN4B for 40m Ant.3: Inverted Vee dipole for 80m
HA3DXMSHRig-YAESU FTDX3000, PA:HENRY 3K Premier, Antennas- 5 el monobander Long John Yagis for 28-21-14MHz, 14MHz,Bi-square(E-W,)Lazy-H antennas for 7MHZ (NW-SE/SW-NE), Single Quad for3,5MHz (NW/SE) Single wire new Beverages,300m to 325 degrees,100m to 285 degrees and 160m to 50 degrees,(TNX to Jan OK2ZAW!) Beverages complemented by a HA5IW preamplifier and preselector, This antennas performed super well in the 80-40-20mts bands. Thunderstorms, lightning,high QRN and geomagnetic storms. All this created really challenging conditions, but in the end it was an enjoyable contest. Thanks for all QSO's! 73's es DX! Charlie (HA4XH)
HA4ASO HP 80MICOM 7610 + OM 3500 HF + INV VEE
HA7PLSO HP ALLSorry for delay, I missing upload!
HA9TASO LP 40MIf you can...Please consider the first three QSOs as checklog-part. And the other 247 QSOs in the 40m band as single op-single band entry
HB50SHSO LP 40MSpecial event station with unique multiplier callsign. Operator HB9CIC
HB9CEYChecklogCHECKLOG - no serialnumbers noted from the contacted stations! Just testing my installation
HB9DQLSO HP ALLRIG: IC-7851 and OM 2000A+ Antenna: HEX-Beam HX-5Bi and 2x34m inverted V center fed dipole 40m-160m using SAMS antenna matching system thanks for contact 73 Juerg, HB9DQL
HB9HDVSO QRP ALLI operated my station from JA by remote
HF5WIMSO QRP 20MGood conditions on 20M especially on Sunday morning. Worked many west coast. They have good ears for QRP. Thank you all who picked my tiny signal
I2WIJSO HP ALLActually only wires!
I5YKQSO LP ALLFirst license 09-1977. rtx...ftd10...100w ant...vert gp/magnetic loop
IB8AM2Nice run and still a lot of room for improvement. Cu next one
IF9ASO LP 20Mmy 1??? contest with mark5 all filter very good, and very sorry for the denial of the russian to participate
IK0ISDSO LP ALLera ora di vedere in aria tantissimi om , mi sono divertito, alla prossima
IK0WRBChecklogNumber 1 was not passed, due to a mistake
IK1YRASO LP ALLVy bad propagation and stormy weather here..... Maybe better next time, tks for the contest!!!
IK2AITSO LP ALLAfter many years still fun. 73 Gio ik2ait

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