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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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K7ABVSO HP ALLhad right leg in full cast to hip, tuff to sit long, took many breaks...better next year
K7CSSO LP ALLAlways fun with 100W and a dipole
K7MSOSO LP ALLThanks for coming back to me. I guess my callsign is hard to understand
K7XCSO HP 80MNot up to an All Band effort so opted to stay on 80M High Power only which worked out well. I didnt miss the Internet at all. Friday Night was very noisy with thunderstorm crashes at SNot up to an All Band effort so opted to stay on 80M High Power only which worked out well. I didn't miss the Internet at all. Friday Night was very noisy with thunderstorm crashes at Sunset but 4 hrs later the band was in great shape. Kudo's To The Creator Of The Timewave ANC-4 Noise Cancelling System. If not for your device I would have not heard a thing most of the weekend. Stayed up all night running rate as best I could. Thank You to the 40+ JA stations that called in! Those 6 point Qs are amazing!. Had to remind myself it was 80M as I could work almost anyone I heard. 2hrs before Sunset Saturday Night & again the Static Crashes were horrific but calmed down some over time. Managed to keep my big fat old man's butt in the chair till 3AM before my body said Enough!!. Not bad for a HP I5 SFF Biz PC, Flex 3000, Timewave ANC-4, AL-80B at 800W, into a 80M/40M Inverted V up 38'. See you all in a few weeks from Home (DM09jh) for the June VHF Contest! KB!
K8LFSA HP ALLOnly operated about 8 hours of the total. Enjoyable to get back on CW. Conditions got really good by 6 PM Sunday
K8LSSA HP ALLFun contest. Almost 100% S&P. Wire antennas. A OCF dipole & a loop
K8YESA LP 20MI enjoyed my first CQ WW WPX CW Test!
K9BOChecklogThe 45 wpm crowd should slow down At 30 wpm they would have fewer fills I'll bet their QSO rate would go up not down at the slower rate. Just an observation
K9GYSA LP ALLWish I had more time to devote to contest but it was a busy weekend
KA5ZSO LP 40MFirst contest! Only time for two contacts, straight key here
KA6JLTSO LP ALLOperated in-between breaks! hi hi
KB2URISA LP ALLWorked a few here and there as the weekend schedule permitted. Always fun!
KB8TLSO LP ALL15 was actually alive, sort of
KD6XSA HP 20MAntenna used was hex beam at 25 ft and 500 watts. Had a lot of fun and will be back next year! KD6X
KE0TTSO LP 40M50 watts, dipoles. Thanks for the fun! Lots of DX. CU next time, 73, KE0TT
KE8DIChecklogCasual Operation during a busy holiday weekend in the USA
KF3GSO LP ALLDuplicate QSO (removed form QSO QSO KF3G Serial Number QSO 127 was skipped Portable QTH - FM29jw NA-USA Points 95 x 1 = 95 Points. NA non-USA Points (0 x 4 (40m+) = 0() + (10 x 2 (10-20m)) = 20 Points. EU Points (1 x 6 (40m+)) + (21 x 3 (10-20m)) = 69 Points. AS Points (0 x 6 (40m+)) + (1 x 3 (10-20m)) = 3 Points. SA Points (1 x 6 (40m+)) + (4 x 3 (10-20m)) = 18 Points. AF Points (0 x 6 (40m+)) + (3 x 3 (10-20m)) = 9 Points. ( 95 + 20 + 69 + 3 + 18 + 9) = 214 Total Unique Prefix Multipliers [ 9A, AA, AB, AC, AD, AF, CK, CN, DL, EF, ES, ... FY, HA, HG, II, IQ, IR, K, LY, N, OG, OM, P, ... PJ, RA, S, TM, UW, VA, VB, VE, VY, W, YR, YT, ZF ] 36 Total 214 QSO Points x 36 Multipliers = 7704 Total Points Thank you for the CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest. Duplicate QSO (removed form QSO:s below) QSO: 14008 CW 2019-05-26 2149 KF3G 599 123 OM3BH 599 3474 CW
KF6NCXSO LP 20MThanks for the Qs. This is a wonderful contest!
KK4ESO LP ALL17-Jul-2017 licensed as KX4EO
KM4FOCSO LP 40MI tried to be a little more accurate with log keeping I hope I improved
KM4SIISA LP ALL16 year old operator... lots of fun!
KM6JDSO HP ALLThe contest was fun. Band conditions were not so great with SFI at 66
KM6KJISO LP ALLdate first licensed 05/09/2017
KM7WSO HP ALLHard drive failure at hour 19. Log corrupted
KN8USA HP ALLFirst licensed 2016-11-18 as KE8FMC
KP2MSO HP ALLFinished tower and antennas less than a week before the contest. Being able to instantly switch direction or double beam was great. 73, Phil
KQ2MSO HP ALLA struggle for most of the weekend butcndx were occasionally terrific to JA, BY and Asiatic Russia. No 80 on Friday night and after only 1 1/2 hours of sleep I spent 3 hours off offtime on Saturday afternoon fixing the 80 M 4-square so that I could use it that night. As a result I Suffered microsleeps almost the entire rest of which caused me to lose many qso's. Tnx for the q's and mults! 73 Bob KQ2M
KQ7MSA LP 40MFun...KX3/100w to a Tarheel mobile antenna at 10 feet. 4 1/2 hours
KR7OSO HP ALLCaught a cold BEFORE Dayton Hamvention this time, and it really lasted. Didn't have enough energy for full time effort
KS7TSO HP ALLWhere did they all come from? Bands were mostly dead before the contest. Then the contest arrives and lots of big signals on 20 everywhere despite having a stormy overcast weekend here. QRN and QSB still hampered some QSOS. Bands back to dead next day!
KT4RRSO HP 40MOperated this one from the home qth, used a 40m delta loop
KW8NSO HP ALLOnly able to operate a few hours, 20 meters & 40 meters seemed good
KX7LSO HP ALLWhen WPX lands on the holiday weekend like this, it means not much BIC time for me, but still I managed a little. Found a surprising number of Europeans on 20 for this point in the sunspot cycle. Thanks for the QSO's!
KZ5JSO LP 15MLost power at about 1
LA/LY5GSO QRP 80MElecraft K2, 5W and Dipole antenna
LN5OSA LP 40Mjust wires ONLY !!
LU5WWSO LP 15MVy bad conDX. TNX all for QSOs! 73, Alex, LU5WW
LU8EHRChecklogNo Time to fun
LX1ERSA LP ALLonly few contacts for fun as my cw is not the best . see you again next year
LY4ZZSA LP 160MUnfortunately, I slept first part of this contest... :)
LZ1IASO LP 10MFT-897 90W Ant. inv. V 2 x 28m
LZ1PJChecklogChecklog only
LZ2HTSO LP ALLRIG FT-857D, Ant. Sotabeams Linled dipole
LZ5BSO LP ALL73 es mni dx!
M0SEVSO LP 20MSorry, my system blew, cause not known

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