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G3UESSO QRP 40MIf it could go wrong it did. Computer would not send, and had to go home to get a morse key, as I had forgot it
G3WGESO LP ALLFTDX-3000 100W to G5RV at 7m agl
G3YMCSO QRP ALLA fun weekend and good to have some reasonable conditions again. Elecraft K2, 5W, 60ft longwire
G3YRZSO LP 10MJust a few contacts to test a new homebrew folded dipole. Across garden at head height only!
G3ZBUSO LP ALLSD plus homebrew Bluetooth ESP32 keyer
G4DDLSO LP ALLNot the best conditions, very few USA worked this year. Some deep QSB at times. All the same good fun
G4ENZSO QRP 10MAntennas:
G4NSO LP 80MHard work with the band only open for about 6 hours each day. Pleased to manage a higher QSO rate than last year though
G4ZZLSO LP ALLLow score, but enjoyable as plenty of CW experience gained
G5BBLSO QRP ALLEnjoyable contest. Thanks for organizing
G8GHDSO LP ALLDue to logging error two QSOs have same serial number, as I don't want anyone to lose points. IK0YVV given 60 instead of 61 by mistake
G9DChecklogOnly one contact was made using this callsign as KH8W was an ATNO. Unfortunately, I forgot to reset the counter so I sent him serial number 043 instead of 0001
GM3WSO LP ALLVery interesting HF conditions
GM4UYZSO LP 20MStruggled to get time to operate due to delivering training and family commitments. Enjoyed what I did though
GM5TDXSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2021
GM7VSO HP 15MPart-time only - 73 Chris
GR0ATRSO LP ALLUsing GR0, King Charles 3 Coronation special prefix
GR3OOUSO LP ALLTrcv TS890 95W to multiband dipole 1.8-30MHz My serial number 157 station thinks my callsign is GU3OOU Had initial problems - stations thinking my callsign was incorrect Had a lot of issues with the recently purchased TS890 on full bk-in
GR3ZGCSO HP ALLI made many mistakes in the log this time. Sorry to anyone whose QSO I messed up! However the contest was great. I mainly did search and pounce. My SES call caused utter confusion!
GR8VLSO HP 10MConditions were patchy with very little F2 support. So, activity was slow at times but good fun nonetheless. Here's hoping for better conditions in CQWW
GS3IBUSO QRP 20MBrilliant conditions: Hawaii and Indonesia on 5W--amazing
HA1NRSO LP ALLOperator age 13 OP birt: 2010.maj.08
HA3DXMSHRig:YAESU FTDX3000, PA:HENRY 3K Premier, Antennas: -5 el monobander Long John Yagis for 28-21-14MHz, -4 el Slovenian Quad for 28-21-14MHz, -Lazy-H antennas for 7MHZ (NW-SE/SW-NE), -2 el NVIS for 7 MHz (N-S) -Single Quads for3,5MHz (NW/SE)/(SW/NE) -2 el NVIS for 3,7 MHz (N-S)remote tuned dipol (TNX to HA5IW) -Single wire Beverages,300m to 325 degrees,100m to 285 degrees and 160m to 50 degrees,(TNX to Jan OK2ZAW!) Beverages complemented by a HA5IW preamplifier. Thanks for all QSO's! Vy 73's es DX! Kari(HA2VH),Yuri(HA4FB, Zoli (HA4FF), Charlie (HA4XH)
HA3HKSO LP ALLIt was a great contest
HA5JISO HP ALLUnfortunately, I got sick, I couldn't compete anymore. Next time I hope everything will be fine. Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Gyuri/HA5JI
HA6AKSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021 2021-09-23
HA6NLSO LP ALLICOM756pro 100w HF4v, dipoles
HA6ZQSO LP 10MTS570D, GP, dipole, ha6zqfre.hu
HA8CQSO LP 10MICOM-746, Wire dipol
HA8ENDSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2022 Newly licensed in Hungary. Remotely operated station with Flex 6500, one zerofive40-10 vertical and a 86m long loop
HA9TASO LP 15MIC-7000, vertical
HB9AAMSLElecraft K3 100 Watts Force 12 C-4s ( 2 elements on 20/15/10m and shortened Dipole on 40m ) Kelemen Dipole for 3.5 and 1.8 MHz
HB9BJLSO LP 15MI live in Canton SO (Solothurn), but the station is in FR (Fribourg). The whole contest was operated by remote using a TS-480 barefoot with Remoterig Hard- and Software. The Logger was N1MM+
HB9DQLSO HP ALLRIG: IC-7851, OM2000A+ ANT: HEX-Beam HX-5Bi and 2x34m inverted V center fed dipole for 40-160m using SAMS antenna matching system
HB9FHVSO LP ALLhad problem with numbering
HB9IRFSO LP 40M2 times search & pounce on 40 meters. 73 de Gerald
HB9MIRSO LP ALLAnt: 5band Kelemn Rig: SunSDR2-DX - 100W
HB9ONSO LP 10MJust for fun! Good prop on 10m but missed Sat evening!
HB9TOCSO HP ALLFirst license 10-2003
HG23TISZASO HP ALLThis call was chellenge against the automatism. On sunday most of my partners was very friendly with. The ARRL DX bulletin has givin the reasonable help. I enjoy the contest. Thank You. 73 es DX
HG8CKSO HP ALLOperator age 13
HK1MWChecklogOnly for checking purpose, no claiming any score, my N1MM decides not to work with this contest
HS5SOVSO LP 15MContest very good
I2WIJSO HP ALLNot enough time to spend in the contest
I5YKQSO LP ALLts590...100w ant....vert
IB6BSO LP ALLSorry for my code: it’s the first real CW contest I entered, but it was fun!
IB9TSO LP 40MOn both days the band wasn't really interesting and challenging. Low power traffic was 90% in search and pounce, using both VFOs and cluster spots: not too much fun when done that long. The high percentage of QSOs with Europe (73.9%), compared to other contests using the same setup, demonstrates the bad conditions on the long skip. I still had a lot of fun, despite the effort in working almost only by searching
II9PSO HP 15MI operated for 27 hours only SB15 and anjoyed nice prop very much with signals coming from USA and JA same time all day long. Bad weather first day without electricity for three hours and a lot of QRN I was very tired because of hard work and loss of sleep before the contest and was completely alone at the II9P hilltop QTH and very scary because of many lightnings with sparks all around inside the station. I stopped operation sunday afternoon and drove back home for job reasons

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