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JR1JCBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. thank you
JR1MEG/1SO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR1NKNSO QRP 15MI'm very glad to have many QSOs. Thank you for the QSOs. I enjoyed very much. I hope to see you again. The maximum output power in the contest was five watts
JR1USUSO QRP 20M2.5W Portable:Midori-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Pref
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2FPOSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR2MINSO LP 20MCondition was too bad
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2WLQSA HP 20M15m is check-log,
JR3GPPSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3KQJSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR4CTFSA HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR6CSYSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR7ASOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR7DUTSO LP ALLant. 330V(Create)
JR7KVA/1SO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR8NODSO LP ALLI try to submit this log 1st time
JS1BXHSA LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JS2AAVSA LP ALLlicensed 2015/December/25
K0LDSSA LP ALLWish I had more time to participate....Maybe next year!
K1IMSA HP 40MFirst contest back from 7 years off! Rusty! But now less rusty! Full 40 meter quarterwave from apartment, Battery power SGC amp to 500+ watts out. Worked everything I could hear
K2ZRSA LP ALLRIG: K2 @ 90W ** ANTS: HEXBEAM - EF WIRE - CF WIRE ** LOG: N1MM+ Conditions were good. It was FB to hear the bands alive with many signals. 73, Dick, K2ZR
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. In the 2018 WPX CW N3UM and W3GB operated Multi-2. We put in 24 hr. BIC despite multiple non-ham-radio obligations. Conditions were very good, SFI 73-75 vs. forecast of 69. As a result we got 20m. Qs in most corners of the world (JA, VK, ZL, LU, UA9, 4J, HZ), and 15m. Qs in 7 EU ctys. and 10 SA ctys. including 25 PYs. And, 40m. was wide open into the wee hours, not going long and weak after dark as it has so often this season. In contrast 80 m. was not very productive, maybe partly because many ops stayed with 40. To start we did well, 302 Qs and 265 mults in the first 4 hr, 94 of the Qs running on 40m. and the rest clicking spots on 20 and 40m. Then until QRT at 0520Z we got 47 Qs and 39 mults, most on 80m. but a few on 40 and 20m. Sat. 15Z N3UM got on 20m. and worked EUs for 2 hr, again 1910-1950Z, till thunderstorms forced QRT. Got 92 Qs running on 20m. 00-0126Z, then more clicking spots on 20, 40, and 80m till 0440Z QRT. W3GB got on 20m. early Sun. 0930-1215Z and worked EUs, and N3UM did the same 14-1530Z. Both of us were on for most of the last 7 hr. 17-24Z. We got all of our 15m. Qs then, plus low-number fresh-meat ops on all bands. We were pleased to claim 1.78 M points, much better than our last M-2 effort in 2016 when we claimed 1.21 M points in the same 24 hr BIC
K3LTSO LP 20MI SURE WISH OPS WOULD QRS I SURE WISH OPS WOULD QRSQSO: 14030 CW 2018-05-27 0131 K3LT 599 232 TM6M 599 000 0
K3MDSA HP ALLGood activity level, but plateaued at end of contest. 40M very good
K3TWSA LP 160MAs expected in this contest, activity on 160m was very low.
K3ZGASO LP ALLI had a great time, running low power to a flagpole OCF vertical
K4AFESA HP ALLFirst Licensed Oct 22nd, 2015
K4EORMSLGreat fun!
K4FUSO LP ALLHaven't been on air for long time, but decided to play a short while. In gated community with restrictions, so have only a 120 foot long wire 6 feet high hidden in fence behind pool. Had no logging program set up so logged by hand. I downloaded N1MM and manually entered and edited each QSO time etc. after the contest for scoring (Duh!). Should have just done that in the first place, but had no idea I would stay on that long. Lol! Will be glad if I can ever get out of here and put up some decent antennas and get back into contesting. It's always a good time. Lots of fun and lots of action on the bands with decent conditions in Florida. Thanks to ops for digging me out of the noise!
K5KJSO LP 20MOperated only 6:22 due to other commitments. But, it was a fun, fast paced contest!
K5OLVSO LP ALLStation address above is not home QTH in MS, but vacation home in GA
K5RXSO HP ALLRecovering from broken bones limited me to 466 minutes on the air. Horrible static crashes the first night, even on 20 m. Not as bad the second night, but still a nuisance
K5TUSO HP ALLArrived at Contest QTH and found tower rotor dead
K6AKWSO LP ALLDate of first license: 10/21/2017
K6DGWSO LP ALLN1MM+ started my #'s at 75. I sent my #'s as shown in log. ~1 hr
K6KQVSO LP ALLReally rough conditions, but a great contest
K6NRSO HP ALL20 meters was great, nice to have some propagation on 15 but it was less than great. Had short stateside opening on 10. Thanks for the QSOs. Dana, K6NR
K7ABVSO HP ALL20/40 meters main bands..15 good for a few extra points
K7CSSO LP ALL100 watts and dipoles at 40'. good time
K7DRSO LP ALLGlad to see some life in 20-15-10 again!
K7QASA HP ALLWith a long honeydue list hanging over my head, I figured the best I could do in WPX was to steal some H&P hours (Hunt and Peck, i.e. S&P) looking for new countries. But then the XYL decided to postpone the list so I got serious. With 20 meters wide open to most of the world at the starting gun, and lasting all night thru Sunday, the BIC time got a bit out of hand. Like last year, EU was strong into the evening. But this year had no CME crashing into Sunday which made condx even more impressive at this stage of the cycle. Even 15 meters opened to EU Sunday midday. As others have noted, the polar path for HF from our area was incredible. Looking at the solar indexes for the weekend, it seemed curious as to why condx were so amazing. With SFI around 75, A at 5 and K at 1 for both days, how could this happen? I think we've become too accustomed to writing off the prop to poor condx when we hear little to no activity on the bands at this low cycle stage. All it takes is a major world-wide contest like WPX to stock the ionosphere with something to work with :-). Old habits die hard and new tricks need to be learned by this old skool dog. I took quite a few 30+ minute but less than 60 minute breaks, including a 45 minute passing thunderstorm Saturday evening thinking they would reduce operating time in the log. Dummy me. CQ WW & WPX allow only 60+ minute breaks. Read the Rules and pay attention to the N1MM Off Time window! Nice to work many CWO brothers in this event. CU in IARU in July. 73, Tom
K7XCSA HP ALLAfter a banging first 4 hours Fri night I had to take a break for pain meds/food. Spent most of Saturday resting as I felt like the 24 Flu hit me or something. Wasn't up to the task until very early Sunday Morning when a couple hours on 40M just flew by. Had breakfast a bit after sunrise and wasn't up to it again until the last 5 hours or so. 20M was great, open very late with loud signals over the pole all night. After a midday break I returned to find 15M in better shape along with a few very sporadic Qs on 10M. Returning to 20M for the end of the event, running rate into W/VE, EU, AS and back again until time ran out. Not a full effort by any means but the time I was on was well worth it! Very old IC-746, AL-80B @ 800W, Inv Vee @ 28' on 10M, Monobanders at 30' for 15M @ 43" for 20M, and a Dualband 40M/80M Inv Vee @ 38'. See you in 2 weeks for the JUNE VHF QSO PARTY from home here in DM09jh... sk
K8LFSA LP ALLAll the USA DX clusters seemed to be down had to use VE ones on Saturday. Later Sunday got a US based DX cluster to work and the flood gates opened
K8PJKSA HP ALLFirst licensed in 2016
K8QKYSA HP ALLOnly one antenna StepIR Big Vertical 40m - 10 m only. Power 500W. Thought condx were pretty good overall. Although I had difficulty making daytime qso's but night time worked great for me on 40m and 20m. Could not get a run frequency going so 95% S&P. Operated ~30 Hrs. -- at my age its tough hi hi Should have hit 40m on the second night longer probably would help in the score. Sunday it was so slow S&P and difficulty breaking through the pileup. With that all said, I had a great time and it was great hearing many friends on the air

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