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Call Category Comments
2E0SDVSA LP ALLFirst Licensed March 2014 15 Year old Op
4K6FOSO LP ALLTNX all best 73 cu Used IC-745 100 wats and GP antennas 160-80m 40m and 20-10m GP
4M5ENSA QRP 40MUnfortunately I had to stop the contest to attend a family emergency. I could only operate 35% of the scheduled time
4O3ASO HP ALLHigh bands alive overnight, but no exclusive opening to NA/JA. EU percentage too high for a better score
4O4SMChecklogQRP rig, only CW, 10m-2W,15m-3W,20m/40m-5W, 80m-2W, SQUARE LOOP 88m/3m up Keyer K16(K1EL), Begali Simplex Basic Iambic paddle, 600m/asl, LOGGER SD sorry for late log sending, familly problems
7K1CPTSO QRP ALLK3 power 5-Watts ALL QSO Made 5Watts output. Delta Loop Dipole QTH: Saitama-city Saitama-pref
7S0XSA LP ALLEven a very limited (little pistol) station can have lots of fun in WPX! This time I only had the opportunity to do a limited effort. I decided to play around in the SO-LP Assisted category from my city apartment. I didn't expect much from 15 watts into a simple mobile whip with an auto coupler on the rail of my balcony, but I had fun and with a more serious effort the results should be much better. In about 12 not so efficient hours I was able to log 158 QSOs. I went to the radio in bursts for as longs as my 18 months daughter would allow me. Of the 158 Qs 10 where DX and the longest distance bridged was 8000 km. Almost every contact was a prefix which is natural in WPX. Having a "good" prefix is key and helps running, especially in a CW contest where even the weakest signals generate RBN spots. I haven't been using my rather unique "7S" prefix for a while, but it came to good use now and this helped in my micro run sessions. Usually a new run would generate 3-4 Qs after the first RBN spot, then I went off to S&P again. My focus was on 20 and 40 meter using two different mobile whips on the balcony, manually replacing them when doing band switches. The 20m whip tuned with the LDG RT-100 coupler helped hook some mults on 10 and 15m. My apparent building is low and surrounded by other buildings in almost all directions. There is a small opening in SW which helps, but most DX directions are obstructed. This weekend I was experiencing quite low man made noise on 20m (S3) but higher on 40m (S7) which might explain the lower QSO count on 40. I was using the SunSDR2 PRO SDR transceiver barefoot with about 15-20 watts output. The panadapter provided a great overview. CW skimmer was hooked up to skim the two bands of the independent receivers. N1MM was hooked to CAT and to the telnet server (for spots) to ExpertSDR2, the SunSDR control software. In addition I played with overlaying RBN spots on the waterfall which is a really nice feature (example and info here www.sunsdr.eu/expertsdr2-update-2/). Everything was running on a HP Laptop creating a small but efficient contest station in the home office. To compare the experience I was also logging a few Qs using SE0X controlled via remote. See separate log entry/3830 report. 73!
8J1ITUMMThank you from Kasumigaura-shi, Ibaragi, Japan for many contacts. Not very good condition, but we enjoyed interesting propagation WW
8N2EJT/2SO LP ALLThank you all stations!
9A5TOSO QRP 40MFLEX-1500 + MAGNETIC LOOP INDOOR Other QSO's not 2-way completed
9A7DXMSHBurn 3 Rig's but it was great fun :)
9M6XROChecklogMy Rig Antennas @ 27m (HF) 2-el Lightning Bolt Quad (LF) Butternut HF2V Many thanks to the organisers. 73 to all from Borneo
AA6DXSO LP 40MJust "stopping by" --
AA6WSO HP ALL15m again this year had good openings to asia and pacific. Tnx for all of the cw contacts - Don
AA7CRSA LP ALLWow, what a hard contest..... Rig: FT-2000 100W Antennas: TH6DXX, wire 1/4 slopers for 40M-160M
AB3TMChecklogToo nice of a weekend to really play in this contest, and too high of a local noise level (S7-S9) when I did find the time. I know I busted several exchanges, so here's my checklog
AB3WSSA QRP ALLLicensed 9-22-2014
AB4LXSO LP ALLNot the best conditions, but plenty of people to work!
AC4CA/5SA HP ALLLightning storms and another SteppIR problem stole my WPX mojo
AD0IUChecklogxmit serial number is incorrect in some cases so checklog
AD2KASO LP ALLFirst licensed 07-Jul-2015
AE5XQSA LP 15MCondx not good on Saturday morning, better on Sunday to EU. Too many hitting F1 and not listening
AF4RKSA HP ALLNew high score for me. glad 15 meters opened on sunday
AF6NSO LP 20MTnx for another great contest
AK1WSO HP ALLOnly part time. Conditions were entertaining
BH2ROSO LP ALL2014.8.14
BI4OJFSA LP ALL2014.09.22
C6AKVSO LP 40MPart time vacation operation Saturday. IC 7000 and wire verticals
CE3AASA LP 20Mincreible, malas, buenas, extra?as condxs, siempre pasa algo con Do?a propa, pero lo importante que lo pasamos bien!!!!
CR2XSO HP ALLGreat contest. Some QRN problems on the high bands
CT1AOZSA LP 10Mthere is no words for so poor propagation. wkd only 3 W and 1 VE... 73.. Jose
CT1DRBSO QRP ALLVery nice contest all the time
CU4DXSO HP ALLNote that SV1PMQ was sending "001" after what was probably his real serial number. For both QSOs I logged what he sent
DC4ASO LP ALLHad to stop at the end because of heavy thunderstorm
DC9ZPSO HP ALLNice contest, TNX and see u next year. Vy 73 de Manfred, DC9ZP
DD0VSSO QRP 40MDue to limited time i used 40m mainly. Condx were limited, tnx for all that listened my QRP sig. vy 73 Harald
DD5ZZSA HP ALLMy first CW contest - see ya next year!
DF0BVSO LP 40MI had only a few hours time for this nice contest because of the 1200 year celebration of our village. While my activity we had lot of thunderstorms around with high QRN. See you next year! Alex
DF3IRSO LP ALLStressed by heavy QRN on the lower bands. Rig K3, 100wtts., mtrs., UCX-Log
DF5RFSO QRP ALLLightning, rain, power outage, 80m almost unusable, 15m no condx. 10m was fun with short skip, 20m good openings. Using K2+KX3 5Watts, Quad Looop 40m, Dipole 80m, 20/15/10m 3ele MiniBeam, 20/15/10 LZA6-3 "light" w/o 20/15m reflectors due to weight issues
DG1RPUSO LP ALLKenwood TS-2000, Dipol
DG7ROSA LP ALLI noticed too late that I sent the first 24 QSO the same serial number. After this I sent normal numbers. So the 24 QSO partner did copy my serial correct (bad to receycle a contest esp. cqwww)
DG8KADSA LP ALLI not so good in CW, sorry for the errors
DH5MMSO QRP ALLThis year I gave points to LoTW users
DH7TNOSA LP ALLFirst test of the new QTH
DJ0MYSA QRP ALLOnly a few hours this year with Elecraft KX3 connected to our large club station antennas
DJ2MXSO QRP 40MYaesu FT-817 (5W), sloping dipole
DJ3GESO QRP ALLQRP 5 Watt from FT817 via tuner Z11 to antennas: FD3 - off-center-fed dipole, 21m long, 8m high for 40m , 20m MFB23 - 2 Element Mini Yagi for 15m, 10m


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