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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
3D2AGSO HP ALLLogging done without computers, paper log and manual iambic keyer
4I1EBDSO QRP ALLI enjoy WPX contest , I get excited and start doing everything that I can do. GL all the best 73
4U29MAYSO HP ALLSpecial callsign to promote UN Peacekeepers'Day
4Z5MLChecklogFirst license 01-1977
7K1JFMSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K1MAG/2SO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. I have operated in JA2 area
7K2PZGSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M3LDCSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M3SKC/PSO LP 40MI enjoyed the contest
7M4CTMSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
8J150TGUMSLRIG: FT-450DM ANT: Dipole
8J6YABSO LP 10M10m is not so good. I QSO with few North Ameerican stations
8S80AASO LP ALLPoor condx on 28 MHz, lot of noise on 3,5 MHz
8S8SSO LP 15MFirst WPX CW for me with help from computers and my rig... OK some calls and nubers by head but tooo fast for me most of the time. A old 3-element-3-bander at 6m height used. Fun. Lets see how I can work next year and thanks for the contacts!!
9A3LETSO HP ALLOperator age 17
9A5MPSO QRP 15MNice test, 73 Vlado
9A8ASO LP 10MI have one qso on 160m: CN3A 05/28/2023. 02:30 z 599002/599102 He is new one for me on 160m..hi
9H1CGSO LP ALLYaesu FT902DM barefoot and Windom antenna
9M2DOCSO LP 15MFirst license 04-2022 7 APRIL 2022
9M2MADSO HP 15MFirst license 01-2021 08/01/2021
9N7AASO HP ALLThis was supposed to be 2 x fun weekend. Saturday 9N7AA and on Sunday E2A from Bangkok with Champ, E21EIC and E25KAE, Bun. But Murphy came along... Picked up a nasty bug and Friday evening, with most of the Saturday, is not something that I really want to remember! To cut the story short, I stayed in Kathmandu and really struggled to stay at the radio for 24 hours over the whole weekend. The rest was shuttling between my bed and the 'quiet corner' :)
9V1PLSO HP 20MFirst license 02-2021
AA4VTSO HP ALLGood contest for increasing my CW speed and accuracy
AA6WSO LP ALLBand conditions were a little bit rough on 40 and 20 meters early in the day. Thank you everybody for the CW contacts. Thanks for the DX contacts, from 4T and CN3 and OK and XE and VE land. 20 meters was noisy at my location late in the day. But about three hours prior to the end of the contest, on Sunday. A lot of big gun (loud) east coast stations appeared on 20 meters, which helped the QSO count, and multipliers list. Thanks! 73 and good luck - Don, AA6W
AA8CLSO LP ALL2nd highest personal best. Not winning any contests but had fun. Used iambic paddle first time in years so it was rough getting used to, but that was the purpose. See you next time
AB4PPSO LP ALLGot in for a short time. Busy weekend here
AB5XMChecklogThanks for sponsoring the contest!! Had a great time!!
AB9YCSO LP ALLFirst license 09-1965
AC2YDSO QRP ALLTnx gud ears/antennas cpi my 5-watt QRP CW sig from New Jersey, East Coast USA!! Could not spend much time this year just happy to participate!
AC4GSO LP ALLOperated only a couple hours Friday night. 160m and 89m were noisy with QRN. Made only couple 80m QSOs. No operating Saturday due to having to travel for Memorial Day weekend with wife to relatives Got home Saturday night with many T-storms and lightning, so was not able to operate. Had other activities Sunday morning, so was not able to operate until late Sunday afternoon. All in all, 10m was a let down and was hoping it to be my bread and butter band, but I was somewhat disappointed. May have been better when I was away from the rig. Wished I had more time, but thanks to all who stopped by to make a QSO with me. 73 and GL in the final score tally
AD1LSO LP ALLPlease teach young people the code as this has to be kept alive. See you next time, 73!
AD2BOSO LP ALLMyAntennas 40-10 End Fed Dipole at 45 feet. Icom 7610 Vibroplex Single Lever
AF3ZSO LP ALLA lot of fun and a lot of good cw practice! Most QSOs made with a 26' vertical dipole Omni VI @ 70 watts. Thanks!
AI6DOSO LP ALLDidn't have much time this weekend, so just threw up the usual temporary 20/40 meter fan dipole and let it ride for a couple of hours on Saturday--and ten minutes on Sunday
AK1WSO HP ALLBeautiful weather outside. Propagation was fantastic. Lots of fun
AK4GYChecklogThank for the fun. Checklog only
B1ZMSHFirst license 07-2001
BA2BASO LP ALLFirst license 01-1996
BA3AXSO LP 10MFirst license 05-2005
BA3MMSO HP 15MFirst license 01-2006
BA4IISO LP 10MFirst license 01-2002
BA4VEChecklogFirst license 11-2003
BA4WISO QRP 10MFirst license 01-2003
BA5ABSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2010
BA7LCSSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2021
BA7LTZSO QRP ALLFirst license 04-2021
BA7MTMSHFirst license 07-2018


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