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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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KB0VSO LP ALLStrong start Saturday, ran out of gas, then got excited again by Sunday pm. FUN!
KC3MSLSO LP ALLRookie Jan 2019
KC4AUFSO LP 20MWith conditions as bad as they were, SFI 74 A-index 8 plus a geomagnetic storm I still wanted to test my Alex Loop with it's power limit of only 10 watts to see if I could make 'ANY' contacts. To make things even worse I used my Alex Loop in the shack. Because of the narrow bandwidth tuning was difficult. Once I got the station tuned in they were gone with the deep QSB. After a LOT of practice and some good operators to work I actually not only made the one contact I wanted to make but I actually made 20 contacts 8 of which were DX countries. This was a most challenging contest but I still had a lot of fun. 73 de KC4AUF Tony Day
KC6ZBESO LP ALLBirthday weekend for me so didn't get much time for this one. Hope everyone had fun!
KC8ZKISO QRP ALLMy submission is by no means competitive. I only worked casually
KC9ACLSO LP ALLFirst Time participant. Lots of fun. Next time better antenna and back-up amp to get those DX stations I could hear but not break pile-ups. Amp failed day before contest started
KD0WANSO LP ALLIcom746, 100 watts off a G5RV and 20/40/17M fan dipole
KD2PWBSO LP ALL 5/16/2018
KD2UAFSO LP ALL 6/15/2020
KD2UTLSO LP ALL 9/30/2020
KD3HNSO LP ALLLost the use of my 160m loop due to high winds the day before the contest
KD5FBASO LP ALLPersonal best
KD5FQFSO LP ALL30 contacts total 28 on 20m and 2 on 40m. Submitting in ALL BANDS
KD5JRYSO HP ALLAll dipole antennas. Great contest
KD7FQISO LP 40MYaesu FTDX5000, Johnson Viking KW Matchbox, folded dipole
KD7HUSO LP ALLI had a limited amount of time to spend on the air, but I had fun. Biggest surprise was working Serbia as one of my few European contacts. I now have a score to exceed next year!
KD9NYESO LP ALLHam since 2019
KE1VTSO HP ALLIC-7300 OCF @ 50 FT. 600W
KE4YOGSO HP ALLBetween work and thunderstorms it was hard to get many contacts. Most of the time I would have operated on Saturday was used to monitor severe thunderstorms and even a tornado warning for my county,
KE8NBCSO HP ALLThanks to CQ Magazine and all stations that participated in the 2021 WPX SSB Contest
KF2ESO HP ALLFlex 6600, Yaesu Quadra and 3el SteppIR
KF5MUSO HP ALLEnjoyed the contest. Lots of activity
KF8NSO LP ALLFirst WPX in 50 years licensed. Good and friendly operating all around. Thanks to all for digging out my signal
KG4WZZSO QRP ALLWas amazed at how well 5W can get all over North America! Btw, accidentally sent serial# 33 to both KA4RRU and W4TTY
KG5VKMDPlanned for Multi-Op distributed started Solo expecting others to operate later, Everyone Bailed except K0ZU, but then he had an emergency with dog to vet The dog is fine, I am exhausted, even though my BIC time was only 22 hours I did exceed my personal score of last year, why.... More BIC, operated more bands 5 out of the six (10 thru 80m) First time this contest with the FlexRadio 6600 and PGXL Cheers! Steve KG5VK
KG6DNYSO LP ALLRig is Yaesu FT-7 10 watts SSB Wire antenna thru tuner
KG6DTZSO LP 20MFirst Contest, learned a lot, found a better logging program. Thank you
KG9VSO HP ALLRookie - First Licensed 03-19-2019
KH6DHSO HP ALLFlex 1500 + Hardrock 50 + KPA 500
KH6MLSO LP ALLMahalo for a GREAT contest! I'm learning and having fun!
KI4MYDSO LP ALLFirst time participating in CQ WPX SSB. Had a lot of fun!
KI5MPXSO LP ALLGeneral license issued 2-1-2021
KK5ISO HP ALLOperating from K5CM
KK6PSO HP ALLThis was my best effort to date. I was pleased with how the station worked and with some tactical adjustments I made. Thanks for all the Q's!
KN3BSO LP ALLCasual dx chasing, mostly 20m
KN4UOWSO LP ALL 5/15/2019
KO1ZSO HP ALLJust uploading for the benefit of other contesters
KO4AWCSO LP ALL 1/6/2020
KQ2MSO HP ALLMany antenna and station problems prevented a full effort. Wonderful to see and say hello to so many old friends. Tnx for the qso's and the mults! 73 and stay safe! Bob KQ2M
KR1ASO LP ALLPropagation spirits absent from our antenna farm this test
KS7TSO HP ALLWell the big guns in EU came through to give us here out west some DX to work in the mornings but condx no good for the little pistols actually any where. Rapid qsb here made this a big challenge, still wrked some gud new pfxes & DX
KS9RMSHGreat time hope we helped some of you with a multiplier. Nice to see so much activity, the bands were crowded though. Sorry if we had a hard time hearing you, power line noise in the area has become crippling on all bands. Hope we can get that resolved before the next contest. A big thanks to Tony KG9OV, this would not happen without him! 73 Ron K9YY
KT3TMSL1st mulit single from KT3T. KG1B's first contest ever and he had a ball. lots of QRM in FL. but we had a blast. 14 hr. and teaching a new op contesting and N1MM
KV4ZYSO LP ALLCasual operating just for fun
KX4AVSO LP ALLI mistakenly skipped number 52 so there is no 52 in my log
KY0OSO LP ALLFirst contest and just on a dipole. Looking forward to the CW portion

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