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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

Soapbox Comments SSB

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Looks for any match.


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Call Category Comments
JA4EZPSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. Arigatou Matane
JA4JLTSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA4LCISO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest. 100Watts
JA6CVRSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA6FEGSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JA6FFOSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA6ONQSO LP ALLI was attend small Ant,but very enjoed I hope next time
JA6PTHSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. From Aso City
JA6WFMSO LP 10MDespite the poor conditions for North America, I enjoyed the SSB contest and achieved a good score there
JA7WSC/1SO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JA8IJISO HP ALLMay the world be at peace
JA8RUZSO HP ALLGood Condx on highbands!!
JA8TGDSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. FTdx5000 Ant 4elyagi
JA9EJGSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE0SYZSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1GZBSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE1QHPSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1SPYSO LP 160MIn the Japanese band plan, SSB is only 30KHz wide from 1845 to 1875KHz. Moreover, since it is LSB, 1848KHz is the limit on the lower side, so you cannot call a DX station that runs at 1845KHz. (Because the lower wave band 3KHz of LSB enters the digital band) Since the Japanese band plan is treated the same as the Radio Law provisions, there are penal provisions for administrative sanctions,so amateur radio operators are free to do so at the time of the contest. It cannot be changed. Therefore, DX stations should fully understand that only 1848 to 1875KHz can communicate with Japanese stations via SSB
JE1UPBSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE2GUVSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE3OUUSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE3RMQSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE4ADOSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE4USZSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6CMGSO HP 10MI enjoyed the WPX contest
JE6PJPSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6WGTSO HP ALLI enjoy this contest every year
JE8UHYSO LP ALLRIG: YAESU FT-891 50W ANT: Mobile Whip Operator's License: Japanese 2nd class Very fun contest. I want to spend much longer period next year
JF1HAJSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest. Thank you
JF1LMBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1OPOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1UMKSO HP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF2FIUSO HP ALLThank you all stations
JF3KCHSO HP ALLFTDX5000(200W) & VD(10mh) I enjoyed the contest
JF3LOPSO HP 10MPropagation was fine on 10m after black out
JF8FAZSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF9QYVSO LP ALLI enjoyed this contest! TNX 73, 33!
JG1FMLSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1GCOSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1ITHMSHI enjoyed the contest
JG1LMTSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. RIG:TORIO TS-890S ANT:Dipole Antenna
JG1LZYSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1TUCSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest this year too. Looking forward to next year
JG1UKWSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG2AIGSO LP 10MRig: FT-991A, Ant: Vertical+ATU
JG2REJSO HP ALLArigatoh! Thanks!
JG2RFJSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG4OHXSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG7AMDSO HP ALLOh poor condition

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