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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
JR1AKDSO LP 15MEnjoy the contest
JR1JCBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest, thank you !
JR1LEVSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. JST-245D/ATU+Wire
JR1QBASO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2BCFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2KHBSO LP ALLOperator age 25
JR2KQESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR4DTGSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR7ASOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2FZHSO LP 10MOperator age 16. birthyear 2005
JS2GYNSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS2ITISO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS2IWESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2PHOSO LP 15M15m good condx!
JS6UGCSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2020. FT991A, EFHW 4010, 50W
K0BBBSO HP 20Mclassic entry
K0DSLSO LP ALLIcom IC-7300 and an EFHW wire
K0GYQSO HP ALLFirst license 10-2021
K1AUSSO LP ALLHeard lots of stations but only a few could hear me. Lots of QSB during daylight. Was surprised how late 20 stayed open Saturday night. See you next year
K1MWHSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021. 04/21/2021
K1THESO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021
K1VOISO HP ALLFirst license 01-1962
K2HVESO LP ALLAlways a great contest
K2LATSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2020
K2MJPSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020. ROOKIE CATEGORY - First licensed on 09/14/2020
K2WJLSO LP ALLFun contest. Rig was a Kenwood 590. Antenna was an end fed half wave up at 30 ft
K3BZZSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020. ROOKIE
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB operated Multi-2 HP Assisted in the 2022 CQ WPX SSB test. SFIs of 119 & 130 made high bands super. But Kp of 3-4 made low bands poor Sun. So, we got 802 more high-band Q pts than in 2020 when N3UM and W3GB did M-2, vs 569 fewer low-band Q pts. We thus claimed a 7% higher score this year. At start W5MPB got 96 Qs on 20 M and 23 Qs on 40 M 00-0410Z, then quit to return early. By 05Z QRT N3UM got 101 Qs on 40 M and 114 on 80 M, 76 in a 1-hr. run, his first. W5MPB 1050-1740Z got 211 Qs, all but 2 on 20 thru 10 M. N3UM 18-21Z got 103 high-band Qs. We QSYd between the high bands as bandmaps cleared. W5MPB from 2239Z got 74 Qs on 15 & 20 M, 43 on 40 M, and just 9 on 80 M by 0309 QRT. N3UM 2346- 0038Z got 116 Qs on 40 M, 96 in a 52-min. run at 110/hr. Back 1114-1514Z N3UM got 60 20-M Qs, 45 in a 40-min. run at 68/hr, and 99 15-M Qs, 56 in a 45-min. run at 75/hr. W5MPB 1533Z to 2139Z QRT got 153 Qs on 20 thru 10 M. N3UM 1846-2046Z got 46 Qs on 15 and 10 M. N3UM got 656 and W5MPB 615 Qs, within 1.5% of 50/50. W5MPB had more BIC hours, N3UM a higher rate due to runs
K3CDYSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020. 2020
K3GWKSO LP ALLPretty good contest. As always time was limited but I made my best CQ WPX score
K3TWSO QRP ALL'Band conditions were good for QRP (5 watts output).'
K4CGYSO HP ALLGreat Contest, good conditions
K4TMCSO LP ALLPortable operation from Atlantic Beach, NC (FM14PQ, IOTA NA-112, US Islands NC1010S)
K4WWPSO LP ALLI got a late start but had a lot of fun. First time operating with a new Yamaha CM500 headset and boom microphone and with a loaner footswitch from NN4RB. What a difference the right equipment makes. Life is good! I even managed to keep my voice volume lower so I didn't become a pest to my wife! Many thanks to NN4RB for isolating and repairing the manufacturing fault in my MicroKeyer II that now allows the foot switch to work!!
K4YOSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2019
K6CSLSO LP ALL1 short of making my goal of 100 QSO's!
K6FASO HP ALLBeen a long time since I have done any SSB operating. Was kind of fun seeing what I could hear/work
K6IASChecklogOperator age 15
K6PFSO LP ALLRunning only 90 watts from a Yaesu FT-847 to a GAP Titan DX vertical. Had S9 noise level on 20m & S7 on 15m during the entire contest. Improved my score from last year by 72% with approximately the same amount of time operating
K6STSO LP ALLHad planned to be on the WC6H Mult-2 team for WPX SSB, but came down with a bug and stayed home S&P some from home 100 watts, dipole ham sticks at 40' Best DX D4Z Cape Verdi ... fun
K7ORZSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2021
K7VITSO HP ALLLimited time. Challenging band conditions. Thanks to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
K8MCNSO HP ALLthanks 73
K8TSSO HP 20M20 Tanked on me Saturday AM, wife found a couple of chores
K9BRSSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2022. 04/16/2022
K9KESO HP ALLSociety of Midwest Contesters

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