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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

Soapbox Comments SSB

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Looks for any match.
Looks for any match.


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Call Category Comments
JF0IUNSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF1EFVSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1LMBSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JF1OQMSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JF1TEUSO LP 10M10m band propagation is very exciting and contestable
JF2CTSSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF2FIUSO HP ALLThank you all stations!
JF3DCHSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3KQASO LP 10MFT-655 50W into a wire loop for 10m. Thank you for the contacts
JF3PLFSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. I would like to have a station with nice antennas and more power:-)
JF8FAZSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1FMLSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. Thanks for ARRL All Staff
JG1GCOSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1ITHSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1LHBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1LZYSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1TCGSO LP ALLFirst time to participate in CQ WPX Contest. Had a fun! Thank you
JG1TJASO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1TUCSO HP 15MI enjoyed WPX contest this year too. Looking forward to teh next year
JG1UKWSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1XIOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG2RFJSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG3HLVSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG3OZCSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG3XDRSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JG6VMOSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH0AHISO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH0DAYSO LP 10MPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
JH0ILLSO HP ALLThanks for joining contest TX IC-7610 1000W ANT:4ELE,
JH0KHRSO HP ALLI enjoyed peak CONDX of the cycle
JH0OXSSO HP ALL3.1. Single Operator (use of spotting networks is NOT PERMITTED): CW only
JH1BHWSO LP ALLI enjoyed this contest.Thanks lot
JH1BXHSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest. a little time
JH1HMCSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. High band condition is so good
JH1JJVSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1LYESO HP ALLPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
JH1OGCSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1TGZSO LP ALLPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
JH2JNUSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JH2RIHSO LP 10MThank you
JH3DJNSO HP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JH3DMQSO QRP 40MRig: TS-890S(50w) ANT: 19.8mH V-DP(CD-330V) OATH : I using Vol to lower output to 5w
JH3FTZSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JH3JSJSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH4FUFSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest. see you next year !! TS-890S+21mh6eleYAGI etc
JH4OHDSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH5FTYSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JH6EXFSO LP ALLIt was a short time due to work, but I enjoyed it. Next time I would like to participate for a little longer time
JH7GLTSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH7GYGSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest

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