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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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M1PTRSA HP ALLNot able to operate as M2 this year so entered as SO. An enjoyable weekend on the radio
M2JSO LP ALLHardwork on 40M Saturday getting response to my 100W, easier on Sunday! Unable to raise some very loud signals despite many attempts over w/e Yet many weak stations came back 1st call?? K3, 22m Long Doublet @ 8M Apex
M3ECTSO LP ALLGreat propagation great fun thanks!
M5AXSA LP ALLfirst licence 26/07/2018
M6OSO HP 20MLast time I entered this contest was as M0C in 2013 SO(A)LP 40m TB-Wires. World #1 then, so all downhill from there! I had no idea how my new QTH and setup would play in its first outing. I decided to play with no assistance and a single radio. That was a great decision as I could focus on running and tuning S & P instead of mouse clicks... Equipment: K3 + ACOM 2000A at 400W Antenna: Ultrabeam 4-el 10m/33ft high
M7PDHSA LP ALLLicence Issued 13/12/2019
M7QSO HP ALLBit of casual operation while locked up at home. Only a 40/80m dipole hanging in a tree. Lots of good activity for obvious reasons!
M7RSCSO LP ALLLicensed since 20th December 2019
M8CSA HP ALLnot serious this time ,just giving some points out .Nice to see bands busy 73 nobby g0vjg
M9TSA LP ALLBusy with some good conditions. Even 10m opened! 10m and 15m opening on Saturday was better
MM0DXCSO LP 20MJust giving some points away
MM0NBWSO LP ALLFirst licenced 6 March 2019
MM3TSO HP ALLPart-time entry for fun. Difficulty finding a clear frequency, very busy. 10m open to Spain on Saturday. Thanks to all who worked me
MW6MSO LP ALLTough going on LP so mostly S&P'd, enjoyed the contest
MX1COLSA HP ALLJust giving away the multiplier for 5 hours out of the 48
N1RRSO HP 40M#stationbuild continues. Completed 40M Stack on Saturday 1730 local! Works well
N3MRASO LP ALLThis was a lot of fun!
N3RUMSO LP ALLAlways a fun time
N4DTFSO LP ALLA light effor to hand out some QSOs and listen for needed DX. Noted a lot of US stations active relative to prior years, glad to hear it
N4MMSO HP 20MNow 82, having health issue. Not much fun contesting as in the past
N5YHFSA LP ALLWeak effort, had other pressing tasks even if we were locked down. Bands were not as good to EU as they were during ARRL DX SSB, but it was fun
N5ZKFSA LP ALLFirst contest ever! This was a lot of fun!
N6AJSO LP 20MGlad to hear everyone on the air. It took our minds off of everything going on. Be Safe out there. N6AJ
N6ARSA HP ALLNobody went out to a DX location but everybody got on from home. Too bad 10 and 15 were so poor
N6DWSA HP ALLI had plans to put in the hours for this contest, but unfortunately a bum knee ended my time. I could not find a way to elevate my leg and operate. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it
N6ICSO HP ALLGood activity while your locked into your house
N7MZWSA LP ALLIC-7300,Heil Pro Micro Headset,Vectronic HFT-1500 Manual Tuner for 80 Meters only and a ZS6BKW up 50 feet
N7RQSO HP 15MThanks to my intrepid tech support, cheerleader and lunch cook, Bob K8IA. A little better showing this year, though 15 was still a struggle. Come on sunspots and Go Arizona Outlaws Contest Club!
N7VSSO LP ALLThank you for sponsoring another interesting contest. Conflicts limited my operating time. Hope to be back next year
N8BISA HP ALLtime I had left. Oh well!
N8BJQSO HP 20MNot a great week. Was supposed to start PT on my neck & shoulder - that got cancelled as did an MRI. 40M died on the K3 - I expect it was lightning induced. That made my decision to play on 20 for me. I spent most of my time looking for new prefixes. Had a nice run the last hour which helped the score considerably. Thanks for the Q's. See you in May
N8EVSA LP ALLFirst Licensed 2/15/2018
N8IISO LP ALL15 opened only to EU to the Med area both days and was marginal to there. I heard no signals on 10 Saturday Sunday there was a good opening to southern SA starting around 1820Z until past 1943Z when I took a break. I had a run going around 19Z which helped boost the 10M QSO total to 55
N8IVNSA HP ALLA part-time effort utilizing my newly designed & installed dipole installation. The design was that of Jim/W3NRJ and installation mostly that of Jim's w/ help from Phil/K3EW and myself. Thanks, gents! This was great fun! 73 Dennis N8IVN
N8JLMSO LP ALLI took my Technician on December 1, 2018, and I got my license later in the month. I later upgraded to General and Amateur Extra in 2019. I am 14 years old. Dipole fed with coax. Any contact made above 40M was with the help of an antenna tuner in my shack
N8NJHSO LP 40M10/17/2019
N8TCPSO LP ALLHad fun between storms
N8VWYSO LP ALLBetween WX, CONDX and other distractions only worked a few. TU GL 73 ALL
NA7UTSO QRP ALLWouldn't you know it, my 75 meter antenna died 2 minutes into contest! Great time anyway!
NC1ASA LP ALLHad Fun - worked 2 bands... Used an Indoor 20M Dipole at 25Ft ASL and Outdoor 'Hamstik' dipole at 30Ft ASL with 100W and FTdx3000 TxRx. '73, George NC1A
NC8CSO HP ALL2020 CQ WPX SSB using North Coast Contest Club call, NC8C. Murphy visited on Friday evening to cause a slow and sporadic S&P start instead of running as planned. The benefit turned out be lots of high-point-value, low-band DX and rare prefix multipliers. Running was nearly impossible on 20 meters with a low wire dipole antenna. Good performing 160 and 80 meter vertical wires didn't make up for pretty poor band conditions here. But, the 40 meter vertical wire was the star performer, over 60 ground radials. Phasing the verticals with an Active Receive Vertical using the DXE-NCC-2 saved the weekend, taking received S7-S9 noise down as low as S3. I may have fallen short of my goal of over 1500 Qs, but results were reasonable, considering a surprise illness (not COVID-19) and the lack of a beam on a tower or even a high dipole for the high bands. A total of 1176 contacts for 1988 points with 453 unique prefixes is one of my highest scoring contests. Thanks for the Qs everyone. Please take care, be safe and stay well. 73, Rod K8RR
ND0CSO QRP ALLOnly spent a few hours on - very tough going on 20
NE1CSA HP ALLOp licensed 2019
NF2NYSO LP ALLFirst time I have submitted a contest log
NF4ASA LP ALLGlad to be back on the air after 18 months without antennas after Hurricane Michael destoyed them. Really impressed with the new SteippIR beam. Amp had a keying problem so I operated low power. I felt loud with 100 watts !!
NG1RSA LP 20MThank you for sponsoring the contest

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