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Call Category Comments
KK4BZSO LP ALLIcom IC-746 and a 134 ft OCFD wire antenna at 10m in trees
KK4CSSO LP ALLGreat contest
KK4QKPSO LP ALLLots of fun...wish i had more time on the radio!
KL2ZZChecklogChecklog only
KL5IOSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2022. ROOKIE
KM4SIISO LP ALLOperator age 19. Another fun contest operating my home station remotely from my dorm room (obviously with no roommate or else that would put SSB out of the equation) at Auburn University. I only intended to do a casual effort, but soon found myself sucked into the contest vortex! As always, I was SO1R with simple wire antennas. Some of you may have come across me running (and occasionally during search and pounce) and though to yourself: 'Wow, Mason sure sounds a lot different than I remember!' As I'm sure those of you that gave me a call when I was calling CQ could tell, I was giving a trial run of W1VE's DVK software. Why use a DVK synthesizer, you might ask? Well, I struggle with some vocal cord issues meaning I lose my voice easily. Thus, for the past several years, a full-out SSB contest effort has just not been possible. However, thanks to the DVK, I was able to make it through the weekend and not completely lose my voice! While searching and pouncing I used my own voice since a synthesizer simply cannot replace a human voice when it comes to clearly repeating a miscopied callsign or serial number where different phonetics, pausing, and inflection is a must. But for running, the DVK does the trick just fine! As those of you that worked me at the beginning of the contest may have noted, the audio from the software 'out-of-the-box' is a bit choppy with a number of the characters getting cut off. So after the first hour of the contest, I took nearly an hour off playing around in audacity to fix the audio files so that everything came out cleaner. It still needs a little work, but after that, things sounded a good deal better. A few of the comments from fellow ops included 'hello robot' or 'thanks computer!' Many of the ops responded with a chuckle and gave me their serial number in a voice mocking the way the DVK sounds. Quite entertaining! Enough about the DVK, though. Conditions this weekend were quite good, although 20m Sunday morning was notably poor. Thankfully, 15m and 10m made up for that at the time. 10m was quite exceptional Sunday afternoon with booming stations from CT, D4, South America, VK, and KH7 etc... all coming in at once! 15m on Saturday morning was also quite good to SE Asia with Thailand in particular coming in very strong. However, after sitting in the large pileups for those stations for a while, I decided to move on despite how enticing the unusual DX was. I was able to run on 80 and 40m, but other than a little bit on 15m on Sunday, my high band QSOs were almost completely search and pounce. I was able to hit my goal of 1,000 QSOs just before I had to go QRT an hour before the end of the contest. Thanks for the QSOs! de KM4SII - Mason Rig: Flex 6300 Antennas: 80: 80m dipole sloping from 70 to 40 ft 40: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 20: 20m delta loop at 60 ft 15: 40m dipole sloping from 70 to 50 ft 10: 20m delta loop at 60 ft
KN2MSO HP 20MSpring snow storm created intense static over S9 for many many hours Sunday making QSO impossible at times
KN6NSKSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021. 03-2021
KN6ODGSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021
KO4DJGSO HP 20MFirst license 05-2020
KO4ENUSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020. rookie, first time on this contest!
KO4EZGSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020. Rookie, 1 July 2020
KO4IJHSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2020
KO4SGCSO LP 10MOperator age 12. 2009
KO4UHESO LP 10MI'm a new HAM and this is my first contest
KO4VFASO LP ALLFirst license 12-2021. CATEGORY-OVERLAY: ROOKIE 12-06-2021
KQ2MSO HP ALLGreat activity and challenging but at times spectacular propagation. My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people. Thank you for the qsos and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KR1ASO LP ALLDid not try to rotate the vertical this 'test
KR3LSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021
KS7TSO HP ALLIs the sun trying to communicate to earth? It sent out another flare the day before another contest this year. The wpxssb was no exception, but despite rough going on 20 Sat. morning condx were far from a wipe out as EU came in to MT. from 1600z to 2300z on 20 and even some on 15. There was a noticeable absence of little pistols, though especially from JA and EU
KT7GSO LP ALLI had a bad fan in the laptop and the mouse would randomly not control the flex. I stopped when a friend diagnosed it, so I would not kill the laptop. better luck next time
KV4ZYSO LP ALLCasual operating just for fun
KW0USO LP ALLIt is great to see the bands are improving and my 100W and a dipole actually did okay. And I love this contest because for once I'm 'rare DX'. It also seemed like a calmer event than a lot of other big ones. This is my first attempt at using Cabrillo. Hope it works as it involved a lot of typing from a paper log!
KW8NSO HP ALLWas fun whenever I could get on
KY4KPSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021. 2021
KY9INSO LP ALLOperated a little over 9 hours this time around. Playing hurt due to a broken right wrist. Lots of activity this year. Need to go QRO, amp is on the way. Mostly S&P Nice to hear 15 and 10 meters opening up. Did not hear a single station west of KH6, Asia, etc. Heard HB9NE CQing at 7116 about 0320 UT Sunday with stateside stations working him. Aren't these ops out of band? I recorded approximately 5 hours off air during test if you would like MP3s 73, Mark, K9GX
KZ8ZZSO HP ALLFor those of us operating Non-Assisted it would be helpful if the Run Stations give there call signs a little more frequently. 100% wire antennas and had a 100% fun during the few hours I operated
LA100BSO HP ALLGreat to able to celebrate our club's 100 years with great conditions on Saturday, but then I totally lost my voice due to an acute throat infection on Saturday night. Really bad timing that severely reduced the effort on Sunday. Still not much happening on 10 m here on 60 N, but 15 was good. Looking forward to next year
LA9RYSO LP ALLFamily-friendly style participation combined with exploring new radio for contest use. Experienced problems with equipment and internet connection. Still have things to learn
LB0FISO LP ALLFirst license 12-2020. Licensed DEC 16, 2020
LB6VISO HP ALLFirst license 06-2019
LC5KChecklogcheck log
LC9ASO LP ALLGood condx on Saturday, not so much Sunday
LO5DSO HP 10MSorry to those who called me and I couldn't listen. We are still dealing with a S4/S5 noise level that does not allow us to hear A LOT of stations. We need to move the station to a better location, definitely. We are on it. It is always a great joy to share a new experience with my brother Mark LU8EOT, this time, operating ZF5T remotely. We worked from two countries but within the same room. How crazy it was to hear ZF5T calling me from Cayman whereas he was sitting one meter away from me! Congrats to my friend Fernando PX2A for an outstanding operation and thanks for the company during boring hours! hehe! Many thanks to you all for the patience and for the QSOs. See you in the next one! 73, Manu
LQ5DSO LP 10MNice contest. Propagation are good on my run times, no any Asia station was heard. Fun with my FTdx1200 and KLM34 clone at about 14 meter
LT5TSO HP 15MK2 + KPA500 + DIPOLE @ 15.50 METERS
LU1WCLSO LP 10MFirst license 12-2020
LU8DPMSO HP 10MLU5YF's first Contest, Juan...Great job, CONGRATULATIONS...!!!LU8DPM Team
LU8DSTSO LP 10MFirst license 12-2019
LY0NASSO LP ALLUsed 80m band horizontal delta loop with TS-570DG remotly
LY1LBSO HP ALLOperator age 20. LY1LB 2001-12-27
LY5AXSO HP ALLOperator age 24. BORN IN 1997-06-19
LZ2JASO LP 15MRig: IC-7300 100 W Ant: 5-el Yagi
M0AQMSO LP 20MStrange to not have the Russians and Ukrainians filling the airwaves in Europe
M0AUGSO LP ALLSD performed well, as usual
M0EUKSO LP ALLOnly giving points away. Good fun. Well done to all
M0IPUSO LP 20Mdxs.ddns.net:7300 arc6.ddns.net:7373 dxnode.ddns.net:8888

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