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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
JR3RIUSO HP 10MNot so good. IC-7600 KPA500
JR4EFASO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR6CSYSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JS2EEFSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS2FZHSO LP 10MOperator age 17 Birth Date:May 16, 2005 Age:17
JS2ITISO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2IWESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2MYRSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2022 I received my license on April 26th 2022. I could have QSO with 7 new entities. Thank you so much
JS2PHOSO LP 10MTnx cu next test
JS6UMOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
K0DSLSO LP ALLMy antenna was a slopped end-fed half-wave wire
K0KWHSO LP ALLFirst license 08-2020 8-27-2020
K1APCSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021 FIRST LICENSED 16 SEPTEMBER 2021
K1AUSSO LP ALLwow. Some of the most fustrating conditions I've had in the 8 years I've been a ham. 5 hours to make 20 contacts, not fun. Heard many stations too weak to even move the needle. Stations that should have been able to hear me well couldn't hear me at all. Several places on the bands could hear over the horizon radar operating. Hopefully better conditions next year
K1MTDSO LP ALLThe bands were rocking and this contest was great!
K1MWHSO LP ALLRookie 1st licensed 4/23/2021
K1VOISO HP ALLFirst license 01-1962
K1YWWSO HP ALLThanks for a fun contest!
K2MNSO LP ALLUsed two indoor fan dipoles and 80 Watts
K3ATRSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021 Licensed 3-19-2021
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB operated Multi-2 HP Assisted in the 2023 CQ WPX test. We hoped to beat our 2022 claim of 1275 Qs and 2.16 M score. We did 1.06 X the Q pts and 1.04 X the mults, for 1.1 X the score. SFI of 160 gave us +452 Q pts and +66 mults on 10 M vs 2022, but high Kp gave -255 pts and -42 mults total for ALL other bands! From 00-0340Z N3UM ran for 19 of 94 40-M Qs, then got 56 80-M Qs and quit to return early. From 00-0443Z QRT W5MPB got 138 Qs on 6 bands 67 20-M Qs, 34 15-M Qs, 2 10-M Qs, 20 40-M Qs, 11 80-M Qs, and 4 160-M Qs. Note the impact of Kp=3 on 80 & 160 M. On at 1146Z N3UM got 2 15-M Qs and 5 10-M Qs, then 136 Qs on 20 M, 75 in a run at 66/hr (most 1-point} and quit to eat at 1525Z. W5MPB got on at 1255Z and got 61 Qs on 15 M and 50 Qs on l0 M, then quit to eat at 1634Z. Back 1759-2106Z N3UM got 87 Qs on 20 M, 33 in a run at 66/hr, and quit for chores and supper. Back 1720- 2222Z W5MPB got 152 Qs 74 on 15 M, 53 on 10 M, and 25 on 20 M, and broke to eat. Back 2241 to 0414 QRT N3UM got 82 40-M Qs, 69 80-M Qs, and a pitiful 3 160-M Qs. W5MPB 0002-0242Z found high bands open in darkness he got 27 15-M Qs and 15 20-M Qs, and quit to return early. Back on 1049-1544Z W5MPB got 7 40-M Qs and 6 20-M Qs he then got 68 Qs on 15 M and 56 on 10 M and quit to eat. N3UM 1333-1518Z got just 18 Qs on quiet 20 M & quit to eat. After lunch 1639-2253Z W5MPB hopped bands for 56 15-M Qs and 109 10-M Qs. N3UM 1745-2305Z got 75 Qs on 20 M and a last 6 on 40 M. At 23Z we heard only dupes, so we quit to avoid late suppers
K3GWKSO LP ALLStorms and power issues took me off the air on Sunday
K3THSSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2021
K4CGYSO LP ALLExcellent contest, many poor signals but great operators
K4GOPSO LP ALLRemembering N8QP
K4NMRSO HP 15MRig: ICOM-756PROIII, Ant: HexBeam up 35' Amp: ACOM 700S 500W
K4TMCSO LP 10MPortable operation from Atlantic Beach, NC (FM14PQ, IOTA NA112, USI NC010S)
K5LGXSO LP ALLBest contest of the year
K5OFSO LP ALLVery nice casual operating for this one as a pick up opportunity for wanted/needed DXCC entities on certain bands
K5RXSO HP ALLAlthough claimed tribander - wires category, no tribander here! Just an 80 m. CFZepp and 160 inv. L. 1185 minutes of operation. Poor conditions the first day, good the second. Most surprising QSO was AT3K on 10 meters
K5TRPSO LP 20MOperator age 15 DOB 7-8-2007
K6AGTSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2023
K6CSLSO LP ALLThe Solar Storm Friday evening made for slow start!
K6MUGSO LP ALLI expected 20 meters to be the money band, but it disappointed. I should have just stayed on 15 meters insterad of changing the antennas back and forth
K6PFSO LP ALLRunning Yaesu FT-847 barefoot with 85 watts out into a GAP Titan DX Vertical. Operating time 18 hrs. Had great fun! Gud run on 10m & then 40m Friday nite. Late Sunday am & early afternoon, had fantastic run on 15m into EU. Really enjoyed this contest & the sunspot cycle!
K6ROSO HP ALLPlanned on doing a 36 hour contest to test out my station. I knew conditions were not good to start the contest,and figured it would be a worked all states contest.Most of the time that is what was happening ,as 1363/1759 qso's were stateside. I was able to hold a frequency for long periods,and felt loud,so things were going well. I went to bed Saturday night hoping to wake up early Sunday and hunt for mults,as I knew I was way behind there. I went to hit the voice keyer on my k3s,and nothing...that is a bad thing in an SSB contest. Radio worked fine when I went to bed Saturday night,and I never turned off my radio. I tried everything to get it to work again,but nothing. I even got out the manual :) I looked through my stock of K3 radios to find one with a DVR, and only found one. I hooked up that radio,and set up the DVR,and off I went. It took me about an hour to get back on track,but that was ok. Europe was starting to come in much better than Saturday,and had nice runs with many new mults. I did get a phone call saying that I was needed in an emergency on my tennis team in Redondo Beach Sunday at 4pm,as someone needed me to take their place. I was not happy about this,as I had to stop the contest 3:45 early on Sunday to get to my match. I was in the middle of my best rates of the contest when I pulled the plug. I probably lost 200 q's and maybe 50 mults..oh well. I had a very stressful ride on the freeway ,as it took 2:45 to get there. I won my match,but it wasn't easy playing with very little sleep. My location is certainly better than Palos Verdes,and I am happy about that. I can't wait to have real antennas someday,as I know many people were calling me that I really couldn't copy well enough to work. With better antennas,they would have been logged. I did have a new problem..really bad line noise..could be a power pole transformer about 100 feet away,or solar panels next door ? I will try and track that down soon. Thanks for all the q's,and see you in the next one. Thanks, Larry K6RO K3S KPA1500 JK Navassa at 40 feet. JK 401 dipole at 48 feet. Maxcom wire dipole for 40/80 that needs fixing at 35 feet. Heil pro7 N1MM
K7AEZSO HP ALLThis is my fifth CQ WW WPX Contest. I remember my first WPX contest was when I was portable at Falcon Field Airport Park with the Superstition Amateur Radio Club. I was a new General at that time
K7CANSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2022 Great Contest. I was able to get some new DX
K7FASO HP ALLNot a serious effort. Just working on tuner
K7NTSO HP 15MFun time on 15M with the modified Greyline Flagpole, IC-7610 and FL2100B. Made 4 QSOs on 20M the first day but with the limited time I just stayed the rest of the time on 15M. Good fun! Thanks for the QSOs! 73, Mike K7NT
K7RBSO HP ALLFocused on needed countries. CY0S and 9G4X were ATNO's
K7VITSO HP ALLGuess I finally woke up to the fact that a new noise source has started in my neighborhood. QRN at S-7 to over 10 dB above S-9 depending on azimuth. That will put a damper on tuning in new stations. It's time for me to start doing some homework to track down the problem. Some nice DX on this weekend. Thanks to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
K8GLSO HP ALLThanks! Great work one and all!
K9FROSO LP ALL100W and G5RV antenna for all contacts
K9KESO LP 10MSociety of Midwest Contesters
K9MWGSO HP ALLFirst license 02-2021 First License: 2/23/2021 (KD9RVZ)
K9PMVSO LP ALLFantastic band conditions!
K9SJPSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2022 First Licensed Oct 12, 2022

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