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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
M0JBASO QRP 20MBit of a struggle for a QRP station, thanks for your patience
M0JQQSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020
M0KYBSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020
M0LKWSO LP ALLFirst license 08-2020. First licensed 6th August 2020
M0MCVSO HP ALLHad to contend with a cold and a dodgy throat and had to QRT for a few hours Saturday to help my voice recover. Managed to recover the Q count and the total score sufficiently by the end of the contest
M0NVKSO HP ALLFirst license 08-2020. First call sign during lockdown - M7NVK Aug 2020 2E1NVK Nov 2020, M0NVK Mar 2021
M0YTESO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021
M2JSO HP ALLNice to see Higher bands working well, unfortunately not able to spend much time on air this year. K3, KPA500 @ 300W max 22m long doublet 80/40 or TB31jr dipole for 20/15/10
M5CSO LP ALLMinimum operating time day one due to late start Extensive QRM on 2nd day
M7ALESO LP ALLFirst license 05-2019. Obtained licence on 28 May 2019
M7EGDSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020. Great contest. I just needed more radio time. Many thanks to all ops for their patience
M7TDVChecklogJust submitting as a checklog
M7TXRSO LP ALLI was first licensed is 17th December 2020
M9TSO LP ALLGreat conditions. Good fun!
MI5JYKSO QRP ALLgreat conditions, lots of DX but tough at times for QRP already making improvements for next year
MM0AOQSO HP ALLSaturday was good although the Aurora on Sunday made Things very difficult until late afternoon but picked up again in the evening thankfully
MM0GGGSO HP ALLMaximum of 400 Watts on 15m and 40m to a single wire antenna Maximum of 100 Watts on 20m to a single wire antenna
MM2NSO HP ALLSome great conditions on 15m
MM7DMWSO LP 20MFirst license 10-2020. 15/10/2020
MM7TXYSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2022
MM9ISO HP ALLReally good conditions and nice to work 108 countries on SSB over a weekend. Thanks to all the contacts
MW7FONSO QRP ALLRookie passed my exam on the 26/6/2021 hard work with 5 watts but really enjoyed my 1st big contest
MX0KIOSO LP 20MJust giving the club call a run out. Also giving a few points away
N0UHFSO LP 10MDid not catch my serial. It was somewhere in the high 2290-low 2300
N0UUSO HP ALLBest conditions for years!
N1DIDSO LP ALLStrange Propagation but fun
N1IBQSO LP ALL95W to a 4010 end fed. 100% S&P
N1MRISO LP ALLFirst license 08-1999
N1QEQSO LP ALLFirst license 02/1978
N1QVESO LP ALLGreat contest, so many stations in the game. Work and ski patrol obligations got in the way of operating but I hit the beginning and the end of the contest on 40m and 20m for about 5 hours in total. Thanks, CQ!
N1SFESO LP ALLFirst multi band contest entered from the new QTH. Really focussed on operating this one. Originally set out to make 100 QSOs, then 200. in the end made almost 300. 15 meters was really active- made more QSOs on that band than in any other contest. Really glad that I hoisted the multi band antenna up for this contest
N1YISSO LP ALL160m dipole & Cobra antenna &Icom IC756Pro Good to be on the air again!
N2BZDSO LP ALL10 meter propagation was up over last year
N2EPEChecklogFirst license 06-2021
N2SLOSO HP 15MWorked 15M only limited time. Acom 1000 and IMAX 2000 at 35 feet. Conditions great. Worked a few new countries including Israel
N3AMLSO HP ALLFirst license 12-2020. 12/2020, fun contest
N3BASSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2020. Rookie
N3GTSO LP ALLFirst license 02-2021. 02/18/2021
N3LHChecklogHad fun trying out new equipment for upcoming contest
N4CWSO QRP 20MJust thought I'd try QRP unassisted when 20 was open and wow, I was surprised! I was actually being heard in Europe!!! So I lingered until early evening Saturday and decided to do some more on Sunday morning before church. Busiy with chores most of the afternoon and when I freed up, I got on to do 100 Q's. I was trying to work one mult per Q, but fell behind when I just had to make a couple stateside...so I wound up with 102 Q's and 100 mults! The KX3 gowt a good workout, and so did I...QRP can be very humbling...73
N4CZChecklog1st time to participate Looking for states for WAS on phone
N4RJSO QRP ALLBirdfeeder ant + Steppir BigIR, no Beam
N6ANSO QRP 15MI turned on the KX3 @ 5 watts, hooked up the 44' doublet fed with CAT5 single twisted pair hung 8' above my first floor patio, heard one station on 15 meters, called him, got an immediate response, and NH7T was in the log. I was amazed Jim could hear me! 73, David N6AN
N6ICSO HP 15MAntenna at 22 feet with no rotator working but the weekend was a blast
N6JSOSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020. First licensed June 2020. First contest with 100+ QSOs!

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