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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

Soapbox Comments SSB

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Call Category Comments
K9TRSO QRP 20MConditions seemed better last year. But I still had a lot of fun with 5W and an indoor folded dipole. Thanks to all who took the effort to copy my weak sig!
K9ZNSO LP ALLOperator age 15 12/01/2007
KA0PQWSO LP ALLfun contest
KA1WPMSO LP ALLFirst try at at CQ contest. Very busy but very satisfying
KA2ENESO LP ALLIC-7300 @ 100 Watts
KA6JLTSO LP ALLAll antennas on my ceiling
KA7ASO HP 10M#70 was a computer crash
KA9GDWSO LP ALLI just hope that all QSO's are confirmed!
KA9ISO HP ALLI'm sorry, I was out of town when I received the requesting to send in my log for this contest. I hope that thislate log didn't cause anyone to lose points! I will be more diligent in the future. 73, Joe
KB0ARZSO LP ALLThank You CQ Magazine for a great contest, I had a ball! My best score yet!
KB4FUWSO LP ALLExcellent contest. I didn't go for points, I hunted and landed on countries that I needed and countries in other bands that I needed. Lots of fun
KB4RRNSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020
KB7SDMSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021
KB9OZISO LP ALLGreat conditions
KC1ONMSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2021
KC1OTSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2022 Rookie Lic 2022
KC1QJMSO LP 10MFirst license 02-2022 First time on HF, first try at contesting!
KC1RETSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2022 My first CQ WPX! My focus was to fill in some DXCC slots but was overjoyed to score several ATNOs including Sable Island (CY0S), UN HQ (4U1UN) and Falkland Islands (VP8DR) with less than 100w into a wire hanging from a tree. WooHoo!!
KC1RVKSO LP 10MFirst license 09-2022
KC3RFXSO LP ALLFirst license 02-2021
KC3RRFSO HP ALLFirst license 03-2021 ROOKIE-March 25 2021
KC3STZSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021 Thanks for a great contest. This is my first CQ-WPX-SSB
KC3TAUSO HP ALLFirst license 10-2021
KC3TYXSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2022
KC3UIISO LP ALLOperator age 15
KC5CYYSO LP ALLFun Contest - look forward to doing it again next year
KC5UXOSO LP ALLFirst license 08-2021
KC9NUWSO LP ALLThanks for running the contest 73
KD2JPWSO LP ALLLow score due to personal issue preventing me from continuing... hope for better next year
KD2KWSO LP 10MGreat to have 10M open again for this contest
KD2UBHSO HP ALLFirst license 06-2020
KD3MADSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020 14 SEP 20
KD3TBSO HP ALLLots of fun even with some funky band conditions. Great see an phenomenal opening of 10 meters
KD6GMDChecklogMy first contest attempt
KD7FQISO HP ALLKenwood TS-830S , TL-922A , Johnson Viking KW Match Box, 175 foot dipole
KD8TFSO LP ALLLoads of fun & experience. Won't win anything, but still amazed that my modest station can talk around the world
KD9GYSO LP 10MA very part-time effort, but had a great time on 10 Meters!
KD9QXWSO LP 10MND7K was my very 1st 10M contact . was exciting. Thanks
KE0YBLMSHSunday driver this time, but had fun!
KE8JVXSO LP ALLFirst try at direct entering contacts into my logging software. May have missed a band change once or twice. Hope that doesn't cause problems for others
KE8SIQSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021
KE8UADSO LP ALLFirst license 02-2022
KE8VCBSO LP 20MFirst license 05-2022
KE8VGUSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2022 Rookie
KE8VVNSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2022
KF0HCNSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2021
KF0IDTSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2022 First Licenced March of 2022
KF0LKCChecklogFirst license 02-2023
KF2TISO HP ALLI had several momentary power glitches due to high winds. My total count and actual count seems to be off, but I know I gave out the correct contact numbers

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