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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
N6RVSO HP ALLJust playing around!
N6XTSO LP ALLThis was my second time use an end fed wire in a contest. Like I've said before it was like taking a knife to gunfight. Thanks for the stations I was able to work. I hope to improve my station by next years
N7EELSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020. Rookie
N7EPDSO HP ALLAn experiment in the N1MM logger letter/ number voicing capability. Worked well and after cleaning up the files to eliminate as much 'dead space' between letters as possible it made this difficult SSB contest much more enjoyable!
N7MZWSO LP ALLOperating from my fathers QTH in Morgan County, UT. IC-7300,Heil Pro Micro Headset, Vectronics VC-300DLP Manual Tuner, HyGain TH-5 Tribander at 72 feet, stuck pointed East,and a full size G5RV inverted Vee at 72 feet, with legs pointing N/W and S/E. Limited Opperating time,but had some great runs on 15, and worked several new countries on multiple bands. A few DX stations not bothering to give any signal report as part of their exchange, and several of the 'usual suspects' with really bad audio! Several contacts thought I was at my home QTH in Wyoming, who were no doubt looking for a WAS contact. Nice to see 10 Meters open, and always a real eye opener, when I occassionaly get to use a beam antenna, even with 100 watts. Over 95% of my contacts were worked on the first try. Thanks for the Q's! November Seven Many Zebras Walking
N7VZUSO LP ALLSee everyone next year
N7WSSO HP ALLCasual S&P mostly looking for DX stations
N7WYSO HP ALLOn time 16:12, FTdx101mp into alpha 87a, getting ready to go to Wyoming next weekend and replacing N-S fence 28 feet
N8AJMSO LP ALLOperator age 14
N8CWXSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2019. ROOKIE 11-2019
N8KHSO HP ALLAim was to work only Russian and Belorussian stations. Shame on CQ Magazine for politicizing amateur radio
N9GBSO HP ALLMurphy is alive and well. Less than one hour into the contest, the amp filament circuit failed soft multiple times and then failed hard. And I had no spares. So maybe next year it is time for a backup amp
N9LRSO HP 40MDay one was OK, on day two 40m band was almost closed, with just some EU statins getting through. Ended sooner then wanted, but had fun altogether
N9TFSO LP ALLSure wish there was an entry category for operating on an RX antenna! Still operating on the cobbled together 160m 17' high dipole made from 120' of house gutter system and 130' of wire. Very glad the SFI and sunspots are on the rise. All S&P here, and every contact made was a challenge. Multiple calls were made to make a Q. Passed by many huge pileups. Had fun never the less. Added more band countries to the QTH, which was one of my goals. 15m was lots of fun and best band to play. 73 Gene, N9TF Clarksville TN
NA4DASO HP ALLCould only work a couple of hours on Friday night
NA6NASO LP ALLGreat contest. Had a lot of fun
NB3ASO LP ALLThanks for putting on the contest! Maybe next year I'll work up the courage to try to run in a big international event!
NC4MISO LP ALLAnother great contest. 73 Thanks to everyone I got to work
ND0CSO QRP ALLSeveral stations operating out of the band and exhibiting very poor pile-up behavior. Repercussions?
ND3DMSHK3AJ operated from the shack, W4IPC, ND3D, K3WA, WT3K operated remotely
NE1VSO LP ALLAntenna is a dipole in the attic
NE3RSO LP ALLMostly use CW & Digital, just making a few contacts to test SSB, I was getting RF in the audio on 40 meters, probably because the rig is just a few feet from one end of the 40 meter antenna in the attic
NG1RSO LP 20MThanks for the contacts. Thank you to Roger - NG1R for the use of his callsign. Thanks to the WWROF for sponsoring the contest and processing/reporting the scores for this contest. 73 - Dan, W1QK
NI0DXSO LP ALLResubmit due to Club name tagging on trustee's name on first try
NK4OSO QRP 10MRS HTX100 5w with short whip in the car - KNWD TS850S is in the shop so I figured I would dust off the 10m rig and operate QRP. Nice openings no both days. Only had an hour each day to play
NL7VSO HP ALLFun Contest
NL8FSO HP 80MGood Test great fun
NN2NNSO HP ALLBand conditions for the most part really good, especially the higher bands. Thanks for all the Q's, Steve NN2NN Niagara Falls, NY
NN4DXSO LP ALLGreat conditions throughout the weekend. Had a blast
NN8UUSO LP ALLSorry I didn't get more time in, good conditions. Glad to hear 20m open after midnight
NO9ESO HP ALLPart time operation only. My signal with Flex 6600 was originally weak. After cranking the mic gain to well above the recommendations and boosting high tones by 8 db, the signal became competitive
NQ4JSO HP ALLRunning Remote using Remote Hams for the IC-7610 and VNC to access RFKit amp. front panel controls. Works pretty well but some latency. I only operated S&P with club call sign. Have a rare prefix I wanted to do some running but did not get the chance. I would have put in a bigger score if I was operating from home. Looking forward to CQ WW WPX CW. I don't really like phone contesting but like to put in at least 50 QSOs to qualify for PVRC Olympics events
NR3DTSO QRP ALLSearch and pounce - QRP
NS2NSO HP ALLfried bacon and eggs on 15M Sunday morning: cut off preamp and added attenuator. Too hot
NT0EESO HP ALLThanks to Glenn, W0GJ, for hosting me for this contest!
NT0KSO HP ALLOperator age 16
NU5ASO HP ALLIt is great to have some sunspots again! Thanks again to Dennis, W5KU for the use of the NU5A club station
NW2WSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2021
NX4NSO LP 15M55ft doublet in attic at 20' surprisingly effective. Nice to see 15m back to life both days. Tnx for the QSO's. vy 73, Chris, NX4N
NX9TSO HP ALLLess than an hour....but still lots of fun. More 'next time' I hope :)
OA7/DD5ZZSO HP 15MRented a house in the countryside, away from the noise of the city and to have a 'little flatter' terrain. This is not as easy as it sounds in the middle of the Andes. QTH was about 3400m asl and still surrounded by mountains. 20m was almost completely dead so i decided for 15m single band as it was finally BURNING again. Using an IC705, Expert 1.3k (1kw) and a vertical on the roof. Will try to be in OA for more contests (and more fantastic food, hi) in the future, even if the long callsign is a true nightmare! It was a ton of fun! See you next year
OE0HLFSO LP ALLGood conditions - thanks participating 73s Bernd
OE1VMCSO LP ALLRIG YAESU FT-857D ANT 80m Inverted-V 2x17m @ 8m AGL ANT 40m Folded Dipole @ 8m AGL ANT 20m Quarterwave Vertical @ 6m AGL ANT 15m Quarterwave Vertical @ 6m AGL Wx sunny
OE1WWLSO LP 15Mbroken disheveled vertical works fine on fifteen, too little time for the good forty meter dipole
OE3KARSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021
OE3LLQSO HP ALLI make the contest only make new one or bans new one. I send the log for help the comitee
OE3MCSSO LP 15MTX/RX:Kenwood TS890-S Ant.: Highendfed LW Power:100 W TNX for Contest! best condx on 15m!

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