Call | Category | Comments |
RK3E | SO LP 160M | IC-746PRO NV |
RK9AK | Checklog | 73 sk ! |
RM4HZ | SO HP ALL | TRANCIVERS IC-756PROIII + PA 1kWt ANT 4el Yagi-40, 3Quad-20, 4Quad 10,15, GP-160,80,40, Inv, K-98 TNX, 73! |
RN3OG | SA LP ALL | TNX 73! |
RN7A | SA LP ALL | 73! GL! |
RO5F | MSH | 73 |
RT1S | SO HP 20M | TNX 73! |
RT5C | SA HP ALL | 73! |
RT9YA | SO LP ALL | TNX 73 |
RU3KO | SO LP 80M | TNX 73! |
RU4CK | SO LP ALL | TNX 73! |
RU9AC | SA LP 20M | 73! |
RW0UM | SO LP ALL | 73! |
RW3AI | SO QRP 20M | pwr 5w , Ant |
RW3DIA | Checklog | TNX 73! |
RX3DFL | SO LP 40M | Thanks for very good Contest! 73! Vlad RX3DFL |
RX3VF | SO LP ALL | IC 746, LW |
RY3AAL | SA HP ALL | Thanks for contest. vy 73s from Moscow, RU |
RZ3AIA | SO LP ALL | 100 w |
RZ3DOT | SO LP ALL | Many thanks, 73! |
RZ9WU | SO HP ALL | 73! |
RZ9YN | SO LP 20M | TNX 73 |
S54ZO | SO LP 40M | Kenwood TS 590sg R7 vertical |
S56A | SA LP ALL | 16 hours with tribander fixed North. Poor condx, lot of splatters |
S57C | SO HP ALL | At first, I had no intention of participating in the competition, but on Saturday morning I folded the technique, which remained in my suitcase from CQ160SSB while I was working at another location. I remembered that I had to upgrade my KOSS headset with a microphone from a used Heil headset (HC4). When I did, I went to the test and accidentally started the race on Saturday afternoon, even though it was out of schedule and stayed almost 23 hours. The conditions were not anything special, the worst happened to me at 40m and I have yet to investigate what's wrong. Very good activity from SA in Europe but EA, DL, I (COVID-19?). I used a modest technique: TF2000 + PA 1kw, 3 el TB @ 15m, LazyQuad 160m @ 4-8m agl, INV V 80 & 40m @ 15magl. Thank you all for having a great time on HAM bands during COVID-19 Quarantine. 73! Branko, S57C |
S58MU | SA LP 40M | Kenwood TS 590sg R7 VERTICAL |
S59MA | SA LP ALL | FT-920 (100W) + EFHW 14mH. This ctest has mainly been used for endfeed antenna testing Worked primarily in the night time, on lower bands |
SA5JUS | SA HP ALL | Licensed since June 13th, 2017 |
SE0X | MSH | Software: ExpertSDR2, DXLog, SDC (Software Defined Connectors by UT4LW) |
SF7WT | Checklog | Sorry, can't spend more time on this! GL and 73! Stan SF7WT aka SM7WT |
SM0P | SA HP ALL | I was supposed to be in Oman and operate A42K in this contest, COVID-19 put an end to that. Operated for fun just a couple of hours from home instead |
SM5YRA | SA HP ALL | Could only work few hours due to QRL this weekend. But always great to work some new prefixes. FT-950 + 3 band beam + verticals Did hear stations on 10 mtr but not able to work them. 73 Stephan |
SN25EBM | SO HP 20M | Due to COVID-19 our club was unable to take part as multi-op. I was present under my commemorative call but in a very limited and laid back fashion. Still it was fun |
SO5N | SO HP 20M | 73' |
SP1DMD | SO LP ALL | Radio Icom 746 -10 Antena 80m-monoband dipol Antena -vertical 7 band |
SP2J | SO LP 20M | Licensed as SP1MM my oldest license this is my base station in Warsaw. Due to the coronavirus, we went to the forest, where I have another station licensed as SP2J (in PL it is more of a locator based) Indicating ROOKIE I used my latest license - SP1MM from 29 May 2017 It has only one QSO, due to the problems with my external ATU I'm afraid I might have damaged internal SWR meter in my brand new ic7300 I made one QSO with CT1EGF after I kind of sorted myself out (this log is more of a courtesy for him). But following that QSO my carbon-fiber pole snapped taking my random wire vertical down. What an evening it was! If You have a certificate for the ABSOLUTE LAST STATION, please send me a paper one |
SP3GTS | SA HP 80M | TS-590, HM AMP 500W, GP-80M, Bev |
SP3QDX | SA LP ALL | Kenwood TS-570D, Dipol |
SP4BAO | SO LP ALL | LICENSE 08-12-2018 |
SP4Z | SA LP 15M | Very limited operation 73 Wes SP4Z |
SP5PDA | SO QRP ALL | TRX OMEGA+ ANT 2xdelta(20-10m) delta(80-40) LW160m |
SP5WAZ | SA LP ALL | 12 December 2019(first licensed) |
SP6BEN | SO LP ALL | IC 735 100 |
SP6YG | SA LP 40M | FT1000MP,100W,INV |
SP7MC | SO HP 80M | IC-7600 + 22m spiderpole vertical (2 elev radials) + K9AY |
SP9KJU | SO LP ALL | IC730 60W, ant DELTA LOOP 42m |
SP9NSA | SO LP ALL | 7/16/2019 |