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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
KI5VNBSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2022
KI7WXSO HP ALLThanks to N2NT for hosting this operation
KJ4MSO QRP ALLWorked the contest from my back porch with KX2 and SS17 vertical. Bands were fantastic! Love spring weather contests!
KJ5CDJSO LP ALLFirst license 08-2023
KJ5ELYSO LP 20MFirst license 02-2024 Licensed 02/21/2024
KJ7AGQSO LP ALLOperator age 17 Birth year 2006
KJ9CSO HP ALLJust looking for CW buddies and a few more
KK4EMChecklogThe contest was very fun. I had a blast!
KK7BFYSO QRP ALLFirst license 10-2021 Rookie — first licensed 6 October 2021. QRP, urban portable, and an alliterative callsign—could I make it harder on myself? Took a little time this weekend to fine-tune my wilderness rig and a contest weekend is a perfect opportunity to really test its mettle. Though I wasn't shooting for a record score, I had a blast chasing contesters and making some truly amazing DX contacts, while showing a few curious young passersby how much fun ham radio can be. Another goal for next year! Xiegu X5105, home-brew single-band EFHWs on a fishing pole mast, from a park overlooking downtown Seattle
KK7HCZSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2022 Initial license granted on 06/28/2022
KL2ZZSO HP ALLHaven't done an SSB contest in a while. Had to relearn how to specify and verify an exchange reliably so I am sure I have more errors than I should. Solar storm was fun. Odd proagation holes for DX I normally work easily. Bailed early due to static fatigue. Bands were noisy! 112 missing due logging error. 178 is a dupe
KL5NESO LP ALLFirst license 02-2023 Licensed in February of 2023 - ROOKIE
KM2RFSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2022 1-26-2022
KM4PIHSO LP ALLMy first WPX. Fun contest!
KM9RSO LP ALLMost memorable for this contest was the ability to work European Russia one call no fills required with only 100w and a wire from the west coast USA. All credit belongs to the Russian super stations. 73 Mike km9r
KN3BSO HP ALLFirst contest since baby arrived, several QSOs were /baby. All S&P
KN6OKYSO QRP 20MFirst license 042021 2021-04-13 Initial License grant date. (Last time I can enter as a rookie category). Overall, this was fun despite bad weather and just a couple hours to work it. I took a portable set with me to operate QRP and a vertical antenna. The park site was good and easy to get to. However, I was not well equipped for the weather and several rain showers hampered operations, till the last one came down pretty hard which I had to cease operations and pack up. I would do this again next year. 73 to all that did a QSO with me
KN6VVQSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2022 First licensed 09/20/2022
KN6ZHJSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2023 First licensed 4/11/2023
KN6ZZISO HP ALLFirst license 05-2023
KO4MAOSO LP ALLOperator age 16 The contest was very fun despite having limited operating time available in my schedule. Ten meters was ALIVE!
KO6DYISO QRP 10MOperator age 16 KO6DYI Aged 16
KO8SCASO HP ALLAntennas: BigIR 40-10m Dipole: 160/80/40m Equipment: Radio: Flex 6700 Amp: Flex Genius XL
KQ2MSO HP ALLGreat cndx and mediocre cndx alternated with some spectacular band openings to Asia/JA on 10 Friday and Saturday evening. Loads of fun with plenty of exotic mults and excellent rates. Operated NON-Assisted and basically with one radio and still came close to 5k qsos! Can't wait for 2025 WPXSSB! Tnx & 73 Bob, KQ2M
KQ4DRXSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2022 10/07/2022
KQ4GUIChecklogOperator age 15 4/27/08 B-DAY I really had fun with this contest. Bands were great
KQ4HWFSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2023 04-2023
KQ4JYGSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2023
KQ4LQLSO LP 40MFirst license 10-2023
KQ4MYCChecklog12/6/2024 Rookie
KQ4MZZSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2023 Rookie
KS7TSO LP ALLThere was nothing normal about what was happening on the bands at my qth and as AL7LO said to me while wrkg him off the side on 10 with a loud signal while we were marveling about the huge signals from EU late at night on 20 he said thats why we do what we do after I said I love surprises. They were so loud I had to turn the attenuator on and the preamp off and they still overloaded my 590sg!
KU2MSO HP 15MEthereal conditions - at times, 15M seemed open everywhere at the same time!
KU7OSO LP 10MFirst license 09-2021
KV4ZYSO LP ALLCasual operating just for fun
KW4GFSO LP ALLThird Revision-Sorry!
KX1BKSO LP 15MThnaks for the contacts. Thanks to the WWROF for sponsoring the contest, processing the logs, and compiling the results. 73 - Dan, W1QK - KX1BK Operator
KY2NSO HP ALLGreat conditions, great contest...let's have another one tomorrow
KZ4MKJSO LP 10MFirst license 05/2021 love you guys for putting these contests together .. thank you
KZ5DXSO HP 15MHappy Easter!
LA3CLASO LP ALLHad a powerout for 8hours
LA4CM2Main goal was to check out new antennas for 28 and 21 MHz. That was a success. We look forward to further contests with this setup
LA8OMSO HP ALLAlways, Easter time = Full week mountain cabin snow time. However, this year lousy weather had us chicken out and return home for this week-end. Thus, WPX SSB suddenly became a good opportunity to give the newly installed DX Commander vertical antenna a good try. And it did a super job on 10-40m, while a dipole handled 80m. Though unusual for me to spend 25 hours in a non-CW contest, the good conds on Saturday made this worthwhile and at times quite fun :-)
LB0WISO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021 23.april. 2021
LB9CJSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2023 First licenced 05.12.23
LC0MSO LP 40MFT-2000 SGC-230 40m longwire
LC5PSO QRP ALLThank you for your patience as you where dragging me out of the noise! 5W and a vertical and a lot of fun. CU in May :-)
LS7XSO LP 10MParticipe solo en banda de 10mt, gracias 73
LU1XAVSO LP 10MFirst license 05-2021
LU2PWYSO LP 10MFirst license 02-2024 firts licence 02-2024

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