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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
LU8CGGSO LP 10MFirst license 02-2023
LW2DJGSO LP 10MFirst license 09/2023 Licencia emitida el dia 3 del mes 9 del año 2023
LW7DXSO HP 10MVery good condx on 10m. , funny test
LX1NOSO HP ALLQuite some people omitted the RS report as per rules to gain time which resulted in NIL. Used 1 radio/1 VFO/run only
LY4NZSO LP ALL12/16/2011
LY7JSO LP ALLOperator age 22 22 y.o., remote operation
LZ6VXSO LP 20MOperator age 17 2006
M0AUGSO LP ALLGreat to use SD, as usual
M0GVZSO QRP ALLFantastic propagation on 10m, great for QRP ops
M0HHGSO HP ALLI enjoyed using SD
M0HOMChecklogI was just on looking for some interesting DX, I wasn't too disappointed. condx seemed down, but a few difficult path QSO's made quite easily. 73 & GL all
M0IPUSO LP ALLDXspider: dxs.ddns.net:7300 AR-Cluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373 CC Cluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M0LDWSO LP 10MOperated with 30w and a 4 el monoband yagi
M0MCVSO HP ALLA free weekend allowed me to make a serious effort this year. Pity about the Saturday evening Solar Flare but that allowed more time for points on 40/80m
M0NSO HP ALLGood fun. A little dx worked. 73 Phil
M0ORYSO LP ALLOperated from stationary van from multiple spots around Southwell, Notting hamshire with Ampro whip antennas, Icom 7100 and solar power
M0QSO HP ALLAntennas:
M0RNRSO HP ALLenjoyed the contest, found Sunday hard going and 15m for me was really poor which is unusual. Thanks to all who worked me
M0SSKSO LP ALL34 QSOs on each band 10M 15M 20M 40M for my token effort
M0TVZSO LP ALLICOM IC7600, Hy End fed long wire for three bands
M0VLXSO LP ALLFirst license 07/17
M0XLTSO LP 15MOnce again an enjoyable time, although limited. Excellent band condx on the Saturday
M6TMMOur first attempt at Multi-Multi for WPX and with a pretty thin operator availability - but happy with the result. Great conditions Saturday - less good Sunday. The result in memory of Vernon, G0EGW - a rock of a member of our team and an amazing friend to us all who sadly passed just after the contest
M7CAXSO LP ALLCQ WPX 2024 Contest Log
M7DGESO LP ALLRadio: Xiegu X6100 with external battery, 10W max output, monoband dipoles for 10 metres and 20 metres
M7ENWSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2023
M7ESSSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2021
M7SQISO LP ALLFirst license 07-2023
M7WSWSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2023
M9BSO LP 20MOperator age 20
M9TSO LP ALLGood fun. 10m was great on the first day, but poor on the second
ME0RDNSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2022
ME9ASO HP 10M24-hour operation
MM0KLQSO LP ALLOperator age 15
MM7BWKSO QRP 15MIcom 705 and homemade magnetic loop
MM7JNTChecklogFirst license 05-2022
MM9ISO HP ALLGreat condx Saturday but Sunday was horrible. Thanks for all the QSOs
N0UUSO HP ALLSorry this is late, just got back from DisneyWorld with Grandkids
N1FTPSO LP ALLHighest score for me ever...good time
N2BZDSO LP 10M10 m Propagation was great
N2JNRSO QRP 10MInitially I was planning to use my buddihex and to head out to a park to operate, though the lousy weather over the weekend kept me inside, so I used my buddipole in the yard (HOA community) with my kx3 and decided I'd stick only on 10 meters and operate QRP. QRP on SSB was definitely work requiring a lot more patience. S&P really was the only option here as the few times I tried calling CQ brought little/no results. My first 2 contacts back-to-back were with France following Belgium and Spain, that made it rather exciting with only 5 watts and my buddipole only up about 12'. Cyprus, Morocco and Madeira Islands all brought a smile to my face. If I could hear them, I did my best to work them! Some solid QRP DX: Morocco, Cyprus, Madeira Islands, England as well as South/Central America, Australia, Japan and a handful in the Caribbean. So glad many of the stations were patient and took the time to pull my signal. Though, the amount of contacts wasn't high at all (87) nor my score, the results as a QRP station on SSB with my buddipole couldn't have been better and made it both fun and exciting to see what 5 watts on SSB can do
N2TOSO LP ALLPortable: FT-857D, 20W PEP, 88' inverted-vee doublet up 18'
N3BMXSO HP ALLFirst license 11-2021 Ground mounted 6BTV
N4ALNSO HP ALLIt was a pleasure working you all
N4EFSChecklogCheck Log Only
N4IWSO LP ALLThis week I was ready when the contest started with N1MM, and the station was all set up beforehand. I had set things up to be fully automated, if necessary, but my voice held up ok. At first, I used the automation some, but I found that I had many less requests for repeats for serial numbers when using my live voice rather than my automated recordings which I think need tweaking with Audacity to amplify them a bit. I tried to run a few times but was never really successful with my puny signal only getting just a few calls. I?m guessing not many people needed another run of the mill North American N4 prefix. I knew Sunday was going to be busy with running sound for two services at Church and with a big family lunch, so Saturday was the day. It was fun to have so many multipliers available almost all the time. I found 40 to be rather chaotic with stations on top of each other most of the time. I enjoyed being on 15 and especially 10 which is always very quiet for me. The stations on 10 were always nicely spread out and easily workable, but I tried to stay on 40 as much as possible since the point values were higher. Still being a N1MM newbie, I never quite got the band map working where it was very helpful for me. I need to spend more time in the documentation to figure all the filtering out. Also, I am looking forward to our next Central VA PVRC meeting later in April where this topic will be covered. I worked many Europeans, a couple of JAs, VKs, and a ZL. I was surprised how few South American stations I heard. I was sorry I was unable to contribute more to the club's total, but my time was very limited. By the time all my events were over late Sunday afternoon, I was too worn out to get back on the radio. I was really surprised by how badly we were beaten by some of the other contest clubs and how few of our members were listed on Contest Online ScoreBoard. Hopefully many of our members were not logged on there and the results will be better in the official tally done by the contest sponsor. Also, I am guessing many others had activities that kept them busy just like I did. Easter weekend is not the best weekend for a contest, but it was fun, nonetheless

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