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Call Category Comments
BI4OJFSA QRP ALL2014.09.22
BI4SHVSA LP 15M30-Jun-14
BV4WNSO LP ALL1.May.2015
C4ZChecklogLittletime available
CE3CBMSA LP 15M3 element yagi and ts480sat 100watt
CN2AAM2Very bad prop on high bands. As result - low activity and number of QSOs
CR3WSA HP 15MThanks to the CR3W team for providing the station
CS7AJMSA LP ALLAn amazing Contest! Best 73 de CS7AJM
CT1GVNSA HP 15MFinally, almost everybody is sending complete callsigns!
CT5GOJSO LP 10MUnprecedented ! Propagation completely closed to Europe
CT7ABESO LP ALLPlease consider my log for the DX stations that contacted me
CX7RTSO QRP 15MOperated QRP/P from Grid Loc. GF25id Rig: KX3 @ 5W Ant.: PAR EndFedZ 73 de Jose CX7RT/VA3PCJ
DB2MJSO LP ALLLicence 2015-03-31
DB8AHSO LP ALLTnx for Contest Call, 73 Heinz DB8AH
DC4ASO HP ALLI changed from Low Power to High Power after first 12 hours and had much more fun. I got more calls from 9M, BY, HS, VU and YB than ever before
DC9ZPSO HP ALLNice contest, TNX and see u next year. Vy 73 de Manfred, DC9ZP
DD7BWSO LP ALLThanks for the Contest, 73 DD7BW Stephan
DF0BVSO LP ALLI worked with my Elecraft K3. a HYGain TH5DX and my Kelemen Dipol. Again it was a real hard job in SSB and my ears still were ringing 2 days after
DF1MMSA LP ALLAnt: SHORT DIPOLE + LDG TUNER, Tcvr: SDR Flex-5000A, Pwr: 100 Watt
DF2LHSA HP 40Msmall time, small number of qso's :)
DF3TESO HP ALLQSO numbers 067 to 073 were done but lost due to a computer problem
DF7EFSA LP ALLSolar cycle 24 is on his downswing. 10m only open on one day for 60 min
DG2BHBSA LP ALLThank you every one for sharing a nice time on air. CU agn next year, 73s Bjoern
DG6TOMSO LP 40Msome QSO to test an old CODAN 8528 with CODAN 9350 automatic antenna
DG9KBSA LP 20M14MHz Dipol only
DH4PSGSO LP ALLSo much stations...so less time...Sunday we celebrate EASTERN.... SOAB not the best decission for participating See us next year
DH8BQASA HP ALLJust handing out a few QSOs every now and then, was not really up for it. QSO audio files are available at http://qsorder-k3it.rhcloud.com/
DH9DX/PSO LP ALLenjoyed it, cu nest test:)
DJ1AASA HP ALLICOM IC-7800, ACOM2000A, Optibeam OB17-4, QRL kept me to busy. 73 Mirko
DJ3GESO LP ALL80m, 40m: 10 Watt from TS130V via AT130 to off-center-fed dipole FD3 21m long, 8m high 20m, 15m: 100 Watt from TS130V + TL120 via AT130 to 2 Element Mini-Yagi MFB23, 11m high
DJ6TKSO LP 15MGood activity
DK1IPSA LP ALLvy hard to keep a running frequency with low power and without 10m open
DK2ATSA HP ALLYAESU FT-1000MP, PA: 400 Watt ; FD4- Dipoles, FB-DX506 (5 El.Beam )
DK8EYSO HP ALLICOM IC-7400, Ameritron AL-80B Fritzel FB-53, 2x 23m dipole
DK8HESO LP ALLone correction, sri
DK8ZZSA LP ALLIt was a nice Contest weekend. Actually, WPX SSB was not in my schedule, because here in Germany we have some holiday, kids are off from the school, but our trip to 9A/E7/YU was cancelled due to some problems. I've decided 2 days prior to the Contest to be QRV from my home. FB33 @10m high 40 and 80m GP antennas no 160m antenna (well, WPX and 160m... only to be there if yre you M/M or SO2R to catch all 40 STNs in both night). Condx was on Saturday very good, excpet 15m morning opening to the East we had even a small South America opening on 10m on Saturday evening. # Sunday - no 10m QSO here expect one DL STN. 15 and 20m was not so good on Sunday. Livescore battle was nice, but on Sunday evening DF2F was much better than me on SOAPBOX: 15/20m. Respect for 4M+ score. A big thank to DJ4MH, Marco Holleyn. Well, Marco and I decided to use the same Category just prior to the contest. Mate, next year will be even better for both of US :-) And, at the end I've missed last 90m minutes to be QRV. 73s, Zik DK8ZZ (VE3ZIK, YT3ZZ)
DL1GOSO LP ALLThank you! Hear you next year, 73 Richard
DL1NEOSA HP ALLFT2000 +Acom 1000
DL1WTESA HP ALLMy working conditions are as follows: Only one dipole for both 40/15m operation (inv. Vee, installed under the roof) @ 67m a.s.l., Icom IC-7400, small home brewed solid state PA = 400/500W @ 40/15m
DL4EBASO LP ALLTRX:IC-740, 3-Element Beam by Fritzel, Longwire: W3-2000 Power: 100w
DL4JWUSO LP ALLonly few QSO's had a problem with the radio
DL4SKFSA LP ALLWorking just for Fun to Work some rare countries
DL4ZASO LP ALLYaesu-FTdx3000 SteppIR Loop 168 Meter Umfang FC-102
DL5ECSO QRP 15MFT-817, 5 W, magn. loop
DL5LBSO LP ALLlicense 19.12.2014
DL5RUSO LP 40MContest with 100 watts on 7 Mhz is very difficult! ANt : 11 El. -WIRE - LOG- PER. TITANEX 28 Meter high !
DL6CTSO LP ALLWas my first WPX SSB Contest but only some hours activity. Makes a lot fun but next time full time. 10m was vy empty and not much to score. See you next year. 73 Mel
DL7BCSA HP ALLContest started quite promising, but after a PC crash after 7 hrs operating and no backup (!!!) data were not accessible anymore and I could not continue. So had a nice easter weekend w/o radio
DL7UHDSO LP ALLthis is my 1st WPX-Contest

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