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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
BD7KUESO LP ALL2016.04.05
BI4XDTSA LP ALL 10/30/2017
BI8CSYSO LP 20Mget first licensed 2017.12.22
BV0WPXMMWe got a well location where is a watering reservior around our shack, no QRN nor QRM by radar. That make our system much efficency than any other previous one. Althought 10 meter band still dead, 15 meter short open and workable time to time, but 80, 40 and 20 meter open as usual that made us very happy
C31LKSO LP ALLI'm sorry, but due to a health problem I had to stop the transmission. Tnx & 73
C4WSO HP ALLPartially remote operation
CK3LRLSA HP ALLPrefix for the 50th Anniversary of the Official Languages Act of Canada!
CK4EVSO LP ALLCK4EV special event station
CL8HCSO LP 40M2-Jun-18
CN3AMMAnother great contest from CN3A! thanks to all the callers!
CQ3JSO LP 80Mlost 55 qsos due to log error
CR5KMSHPoor propagation Good work 40/80
CS5CCMMARRLx Team with CS5CC Callsign
D4CMMEvery contest is a different chapter and has its own character and story. This time, a group of 7 operators aged from 18 to 80 years that never worked in such a team nor from Monteverde, gathered together by finding its way to Cape Verde. Good mood, wish to learn, experience exchange along with brand new equipment made our weekend. We have been honoured being able to host two YOTA members YL3JA Kristers Misa (20)and YU5EEA Ljubomir Zivkovic (18)as Team Members allowing them to realize a dream. The first night we had very high atmosferic noise from 160m to 20m that fortunately decreased slowly till nothing on Sunday. Thank you to all callers and a note of merit to CN3A team for the claimed victory. They performance showed how important is to stay focused and to work hard. Congratulations!
DA2XMSHWork-weekend at the clubstation - and some operating in the WPX! Thanks for the QSOs
DB2BSA HP 80MExcellent DX-conditions @1st night, but 2nd night was significantly weaker
DB8AHSO LP ALLTNX for WPX Contest, 73 Heinz DB8AH
DF6YCSO LP ALLonly e few hours on the air
DG3FKSA HP ALLHard to use DG-Prefix with F and K in the Suffix. -)
DH1AKYSO QRP 40MFrom 2nd QTH at JO61GI QRP about 4 Watts using a lamdbda/4 SOTA pole
DH6DAOSA HP ALLworst condx ever
DJ1AASO HP 20MANT Optibeam OB17-4 - 4 ele. monoband 20m TRX ICOM IC-7800 and PA ACOM2000A, 750Watt
DJ5ANSA HP ALLHad a 5 hour power break down on the Saturday prime time. At first i had my amp in mind because the Circuit Breaker dropped down too. Later i found out my neighbor hit one of the 3 phases coming from the transformer next to my house
DJ6TKSO LP 20MOnly a short Antenna Test for me.Sorry, but SSB is not my mode
DL1MHJSO LP ALLMni tnx for nice QSOs. Vy 73 Torsten, DL1MHJ
DL1RNNSA LP ALLOnly very limited time for operating
DL4LAMSA HP ALLThank you to Stefan, DL6LSM, for hospitality
DL4RCESA HP 40MMy first time mono-band. what a blast with my flex 6600 and om power 2000a+
DL4ZASO HP ALLYaesu FTdx 3000 - Icom IC-2KL - SteppIR - Loop
DL5RUSO LP 40MYaesu FT-950 Ant. 11 EL.-WIRE-LOG-Per
DL6SBDSO HP ALLICOM IC-730, Yaesu FL-2100B Dipole for 40/80m Fritzel Beam FB-53 for 20m Member of DARC
DL8AAESA HP ALLThis year I tried out my home brew Morgain antenna for 160 and 80 meters
DM4EAXSA LP ALLLicensed since July 1st 2017
DM9KCSO LP 20MWorst band condx ever!
DO4APMChecklognumber 007 was NOT given, my fault
DO4TPSA LP ALLtnx fer cq-wpx-ssb contest vy 73 de do4tp
DO6GSSA LP ALLHam-License (Novice) since Oct 6th 2018
DO7GJSA LP ALL09.03.2019
DO9STSO LP ALL20m wire only
DR4WMSHHad some fun
DU6KT/7SO HP 20MI enjoyed the contest. I had 10 hours blackout on the contest
DU9WTZSO HP 20MPropagation not good.. But enjoyed the contest...No contacts made with US mainland.. was running 350W to my homebrew 3 ele yagi....Congrats CQ for organizing the contest...CIAO
DV7RARSO LP 40M1st Licensed on May 25, 2018
DW3TDJSO QRP 40MGudluck and 73
DZ3XSO HP ALLMy first WPX Contest since 1992!
E6AWSO LP 80MThe US did not hear me, amazing gray line to CN,D4 huge signals Though

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