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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
AH6FCSO HP ALLLived dangerously....raised the moxon to 15 feet and still avoided the HOA police. Noisy band, not great condx, but lots of fun
AI1TTSO LP 20MNonAssisted 20m band only. Tribander Wires, single radio, no sep RX ant, less than 24 hrs operation. AI1TT Club call
AJ6RXSO LP ALLVery first HF contest!
AK1WSO HP ALLToo burned out to do the whole contest. But, the time I was on the radio was lots of fun! Love chasing prefixes
AL7LOSO HP ALLInteresting propagation up here in Alaska, with K going to 4 and then quickly to 1 and 0. Made the bands interesting!
BG5GDPSO LP ALL 11/8/2020
BH4ESKSO LP ALL2020.09.27
C4WSO HP ALLRemote operation
CD3FJKSO LP 10MLicense 09.January.2020
CE4JZOSO HP ALLPropagacion muy diferente al ARRL
CL2JRSO LP 40MFecha primera licencia: 16 de Septiembre 2019, # licencia: 54432, expediente: 15483
CN8DEMSO LP 20M 4/11/2020
CN8YESO LP 15MI had a lot of fun operating the contest. Tnx 73's de CN8YE
CO2SGSO LP 80MBad propagation in the first 24 hours
CQ7BWWSO LP 20MEven with pandemic situation all over the world, nothing stop the Hobby! Lot of fun CQ WPX
CT1BOLSO HP ALLsome vision problems, if many typos, be patient, thanks Jorge
CT2JBDSO LP ALLGood propagation with pile-up on 15m. Conditions: Rig Yaesu FT-920 Ant. Cushcraft MA5B and Sigma SE HF-360
DB4LLSO LP ALLFirst licensed on 19-Apr-2018
DB5ABSSO LP ALLmissed Oceania again this time. 100 Watts and a wire weren't enough. Maybe the next season
DB6MCSO LP ALLI did some QSO with my FTDX 3000 - Hexbeam Focus was on DX stations. I wanted to reach 300 QSO, managed some interruptions for doing windsurf session at my local spot. Condx were nice on 20,40,80. 15m was difficult with rare bursts. I tryed 2 times 10m but heard nothing. It was a nice contest from home, but I miss the Multi operations at my contest club with DP6T. 73's Lucas - DB6MC
DF2LHSO HP ALLLOF (lot of fun :-)
DG3TSO QRP ALLMy frist QRP effort in WPX SSB, with ups and downs on the conds. Running 5 Watts K3/KX3 intoo dipoles, vertical and tribander
DG4OSO LP ALLLicensed since 14.12.2019
DH0GDSSO HP 20MAlways a big pleasure. Also a good time to proof propagation and equipment. The operator skills also. -)
DH1AKYSO QRP 40MWorked 1st time from JO61GI using Multus Proficio QRP SDR on At the end static caused by a snow-/thunderstorm killed some parts in the SDR including SPDs but not me, hi. Because I forgot my EFE QRP TRX at home for me the contest ends suddenly after less than 8 hours working. I think I'll never forget static protection anymore
DH1PALSO HP ALLEquipement: FT100MP MARK 5 - 200 Watts max. - Antennas: 15 and 20m: 3 Element Yagi (FB33) 10m over ground - 80/40m: Inverted V
DH1TTSO HP ALL3Bands, 17hrs, started as 15m SB, decided to switch to AB to enjoy some nice runs. 1mil pts. enough for a parttime contester. TNX all!
DH2RTWSO HP ALLCushcraft R5 20, 15 and 10m if condx a good enough - otherwhile 20m only (preferred) Titan 2 running 500Watt out to R5 meet my 'contest instructor' Karlfried DL1EK in the contest via air. More than 10 years ago !
DH6DAOSO HP ALLDifficult condx on high bands with a windom antenna only
DJ3GESO LP ALL2 Element-Mini-Yagi on 20m, 15m)
DJ3HWSO LP ALLStrange condx on 20m, on 15m oly South America and Indonesia, nothing on 10m. May the sunspots be with us,
DJ5ANSO HP ALLVery nice contest again, nice openings on 20m to North America and gd prop on 15m to South America. As usual it is sometimes hard to copy the station trough the QRM, some signals could be little less splatering. Big Thanks to everyone who called me and had some patience if i did not hear you first time
DJ6DOSO LP ALLIt was great fun and moderate conditions
DJ7PRM/PSO QRP ALLHard QRP-SSB work but fun. Activating caslte DL-00231 for WorldCastleAward. Some Oaktrees where a good target for my multicopter-putting-the-line-action. 20m high dipole (2x50m including feederline) and a GP (40m). I need to check up my modulation. tnx all the patience. On saturday morning we had snow. So all in all, one more adventure!
DK2CWSO LP 20MLicensed since 2020-07-06
DK2WHSO LP 10MHard work under very poor conditions
DK6VCOSO HP ALLGood conditions on 15m. Lots of fun !
DK8ZZSO HP ALLJust for fun
DL1GOSO LP ALLDanke / Thanks / Merci :-))
DL1MHJSO LP ALLMni tnx for so much nice QSOs. CDX seem to get better :-) Vy 73 de Torsten, DL1MHJ
DL1SDXSO LP ALLonly had a few hours to work in the contest- still I had lots of fun! Thanks to the whole organsiation team!
DL2OHLSO LP ALL11.05.2019
DL3SKFSO HP ALLA super weekend, 3 single operator's, double-RIG, 4 antennas high power action. Saturday was very stormy but due to careful tensioning of the antennas no failures. Thanks to my fellow operators DL1CG and DL4SKF and to all HAM-Radio friends who worked us. Everyone involved did a negative corona self test right before setup. All the best to you all, stay healthy! We would look forward to hearing you again at the CQWW-SSB Contest in October 2021
DL4JWUSO LP ALLdid only a few QSOs just for fun. enjoyed radio and my garden-work
DL4RCESO HP 40MFlex6700 und PG XL worked perfectly. Great contest, every year a joy!
DL4SKFSO HP ALLA super weekend, 3 single operator's, double-RIG, 4 antennas high power action. Saturday was very stormy but due to careful tensioning of the antennas no failures. Thanks to my fellow operators DL1CG and DL3SKF and to all HAM-Radio friends who worked us. Everyone involved did a negative corona self test right before setup. All the best to you all, stay healthy! We would look forward to hearing you again at the CQWW-SSB Contest in October 2021
DL4VDASO HP ALL 4/19/2018

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