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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
9W6EZSO LP 10Mglad that the 10m is back!
AA2EQSO LP ALLNo use of commercial AC power. Temporary antennas. Worked contest while camped out in the back of my 4x4 truck miles from AC
AA3RSO HP ALLFirst license 09-2019
AA6XSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2021
AB1QPSO HP ALLBack after a 10 year layoff ....Fun!!
AB2NMSO LP ALLGreat fun and learned lots. Station was Single Op, Unassisted, Low Power, 'Classic'. Worked 15.5 hours. Logging with paper is SLOW need to learn electronic logging. Also S&P is slow. When I ran 7272kHz near the end of the contest my rate increased to 1 QSO per minute. S&P rate was ~ 1 QSO every 5.4 minutes. Memorable QSOs were joking with ND8DX about his beagle laying his cold nose on the keyboard while Karl entered our contact. [CQ: maybe a new category for 'canine assist' is in order. Others may ask for a 'feline assist' category also.] Karl has a great contest attitude and sense of humor. Also finding Senegal on 40 M at 4AM local time. Wow! So many ops were polite, patient and having fun. Had a great time
AB2TCSO LP ALLGood contest with fair to good band conditions
AB4PPSO LP ALLGot on a few times to give out numbers and help others out. Not a big SSB fan. Got a few nice DX stations to fill in slots on the bands I needed. Also heard a lot of good DX from Asia and the Pacific as well as all over Europe and Africa. Tried to work as many as I could. Had a lot of fun even though I don't like SSB
AC1KMSO QRP ALLFirst license 11-2020
AC2ZZSO LP ALLEnjoyed working Europe and South America on 15m and 10m bands! great propagation with the new solar cycle
AC3DSO LP 20M90 min with 20 mins in breaks
AC3MBSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020. License Issued : 2020-06-18
AC4AGSO LP 40MFirst license 06-2020. licensed 2020-06-23 as ko4eon
AC9XXSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2020
AC9ZUSO LP 20MFirst license 02-2022. License date Feb 26, 2022
AD2BOSO HP ALLAntennas. My Antennas End Fed Dipole 40-10 My Antennas End Fed Dipole 80-10 iCom 7610 iCom 746 RM Italy BLA 350 Amplifier
AE0DXSO LP ALLPart timer
AG5XWSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2020. 01-23-2020
AI2CWSO LP ALLOnly had a short time to operate, family got me this weekend. Great time on 80 and 40 overnight, happy to bring out the club call to hand out mults
AI5ASO LP ALLFirst WPX contest!
AI8OSO LP ALLI was logging by hand using paper and pencil. I can't read my handwriting for QSO#10 and QSO #3. I just omitted QSO #10 and QSO#3. Consequently, my serial numbers jump from 2 to 4 and 9 to 11
AJ6RXSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2021. ROOKIE Class Single-Op - most QSOs within a single contest
AJ6WBChecklogFirst entry was in error
AL2FSO HP ALLIC7700, KPA/KAT500, Windom @ 45ft, 80/40 vert, N1MM, a woodstove and B.I.C. This was a lot of fun, until the bands shut down when the K went to 5. Great to work everyone! 73 - Kris
BA3AXSO LP 15MFirst license 05-2
BA3MMSO HP 15MFirst license 06-2006
BA4DLSO HP ALLFirst license 05-1995
BA4SCPSO LP 40MFirst license 08-2019
BA5ABSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2010
BA7LOKM2First license 12-2013
BD1RCRSO LP 15MFirst license 08-2000
BD4JASO QRP 80MFirst license 03-1990
BD4QJPSO HP ALLFirst license 09-2017
BD4QXRSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2021. 2021-01-22
BD4STGSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2020
BD4SVUSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2021. November 2, 2021
BD4TWZSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2019
BD7LQMSO LP 15MFirst license 06-2019
BG2VIASO HP 15MFirst license 06-2009
BG3GBZSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2005
BG3ILYSO LP 15MFirst license 01-2013
BG3ODZSO HP 15MFirst license 06-2021
BG4FRZSO HP ALLFirst license 05-2010
BG5BAASO HP ALLFirst license 06-2015
BG5GDPSO LP ALLOperator age 19. 2002
BG5MVDChecklogFirst license 04-2012
BG5UZWSO LP 15MOperator age 16
BG7LDMSO LP 20MFirst license 05-2008

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