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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
AB3GSSO LP ALLFirst time and enjoyed it
AB5XMChecklogThanks for sponsoring the contest. Enjoyed it!!
AB5ZA/7SO LP ALLKenwood TS-440SAT, and ALL wire antyennas at 25-32 Ft, AGL/DN35RW/5430 Elev
AC1EVSO HP ALLHexbeam @ 33 feet and Inverted V Dipole for 40/80 @ 45 feet
AC1MTSO LP 20MFirst license 04-2021 April 1, 2021
AC1NOSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2022 Thank you all for the QSOs!
AC2XCSO LP ALLbands were uuugh in fn02
AC4GSO LP 10MWas able to operate approximately one and half hours before an EF2 tornado, high winds, and thunderstorms passed through on Friday night. Bands on Friday night were not so good before stormy weather passed, but was able to pick up a few VK/ZLs, South America, and 3D2. Otherwise, most was stateside west coast as the band closed here at my QTH. Spent day Saturday picking up limbs and debris and finally was able to check antennas, feedline, etc. I ran an hour and half Saturday night and picked a few more VKs/ZLs and additional stateside west coast stations. I did not operate Sunday due to personal injury to back. Never worked the first European or African station. Thanks for the QSOs. Maybe better luck next year
AD1LSO LP ALLThanks to all involved for keeping this alive. We need to bring more young folks into the hobby. See you all for CQ-WPX-CW. '73'
AD2DUSO LP ALL63' EFHW, IC-7300 100W. Had a blast! Not sure how to calculate score--got 43 contacts. Was great to see the bands so active
AD2PSO HP ALLMissed Saturday 20HRS
AD3PAMSLFirst license 05-1976
AD4GGSO LP ALLEnjoyed participating in this contest for the first time! Hope to do it again next year
AD6WLSO HP 15MWow, I operated 15 meters only and the band was hoping all day
AD7CMChecklog1st time back on ham equipment in many years. Heard the many contest calls, picked the strongest one that was not busy, so made the call. WY to TN on PWR 50w. I was happy and impressed XYL/KK7LMT
AD9BTSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020
AE0DXSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2021
AE0PNMSLthe bands were very bad on sat with a index at 66 much better on sunday
AG5XWSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2020
AI4WUSO HP ALLIt seems the days of marathon contesting sessions have passed! Two to three hours in the chair is about all I can do anymore without taking a break or maybe even a nap. I set a personal goal of 500 Qs for this contest and almost made it. Total operating time was 11.25 hours all search and pounce. Lots of fun, no significant equipment issues, and decent propagation!
AI7JUSO LP ALLFirst license 02-2021
AJ4DSO LP 40MFirst license 11-2021 Rookie - first licensed 11/13/2021
AK1WSO HP ALLJust playing around when not operating as ZF1A
B7CMSHFirst license 10-2020
B7PMMFirst license 12-1995
BA3AXSO LP 10MFirst license 05-2005
BA3GGSO LP ALLFirst license 01-1995
BA3MCSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2014
BA3QUSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2006
BA4DLMSHFirst license 04-1995
BA4SCPSO LP ALLFirst license 08-2019
BA4TBSO LP ALLFirst license 09-1995
BA7LCSSO LP 15MFirst license 11-2021
BA7LFISO LP 15MOperator age 21 birthday: 2001.09.26
BA7LTZSO QRP 10MFirst license 04-2021 first license on 2021.04.28
BA7LYSSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021
BA7MTMSHFirst license 07-2012
BD2SHVSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2020
BD2TBJSO LP 20MFirst license 01-2005
BD3MOSO LP 40MFirst license 12-2007
BD3ODSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2006
BD3OKOSO QRP ALLFirst license 06-2021 2021-06-02
BD4HZXSO LP 15MFirst license 05-2005
BD4QASO LP 10MFirst license 11-2021
BD4QBSO LP 15MFirst license 01-2019
BD4QXRSO LP 15MOperator age 22
BD4STGSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2020
BD4TRSO LP 10MFirst license 08-2003

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