Call | Category | Comments |
US6IKF | SO LP ALL | TNX/73! |
UT4USA | SO LP ALL | TNX 73! |
UT8AS | SO LP ALL | TRX - MiniYES + PA 100W Out, Ant - 1-el Delta Loop 85m |
UV2IZ | SO LP ALL | Elecraft KX3 & PA 100 W |
UW1U | SA LP 160M | trcvr FLEX-3000, Inv L Antenna. Manu thanks for the great contest! |
UW5EMC | SO LP ALL | 26.04.2019 |
UX1CL | SO LP ALL | TNX! 73! |
UY3U | SA LP 20M | IC-756PRO3, Multiband home made Yagi |
UZ1WW | SA HP ALL | 73! |
VA3AMX | SA QRP 20M | Well, QRP SSB is not something easy. With the double of power compared to 5W CW, it is very difficult to be heard. Some very strong signals which brings you some hope for a QSO to find out the other side cannot hear you. Anyway, I spend some quality time and was able to put some into the log. My objective was not to win but to get QRP SSB QSOs on the log towards my DXCC SSB and WAS. Thanks everyone. 73 VA3AMX - Eric |
VA3CME | SO LP ALL | wire dipole on 15th floor apartment building |
VA3DKL | SO LP 40M | Licensed 2018-06-13 |
VA3IQ | SO LP 40M | Wish I had more time to operate -- had a blast on 40 Metres |
VA3JFZ | SO LP 40M | 13-Jun-18 |
VA3KRT | SO LP ALL | Would have used ROOKIE, licensed 2002, but HF since only 2019 |
VA3MW | SA HP ALL | From this latitude, it turned into a slug fest! :) Due to the t-storms on Saturday night, the diversity reception on the Flex 6600 was a game changer and I was still able to run on 80M |
VA3PC | SA HP ALL | Had to attend my nephew's virtual wedding on Saturday. Never got back to the station on Sunday |
VA5KMG | SO LP ALL | Date of license: 05 March 2018 |
VA7BDG | SO LP 20M | Blind Ham here in case this gets screwed up |
VA7GI | SO HP ALL | Operated remote with solar power. Batteries ran low |
VE3BK | SA LP ALL | Had fun for the time I put in. 73 Rick VE3BK |
VE3EL | SO LP ALL | First two contacts 'ok' but wrong timing as Program acted up. Needed to be fixed by a tech! Good Grief!! |
VE3OJN | SO HP ALL | My first semi-serious contest had a blast. Slowly getting back into more serious contesting. 73 Mel-VE3OJN |
VE3QEE | SO LP ALL | Submitted as a verification log |
VE3RKS | SO LP 40M | This was a low key effort from my vehicle. Rig is a Yaesu FT-857D, antenna is a Yaesu ATAS-120A |
VE3RVZ | SO LP ALL | ROOKIE - 1st Amateur Radio operator certification 2017-07-04 |
VE3SST | SO LP ALL | Did what I could in the time that I had |
VE3VY | SO LP ALL | Single element wire antennas only |
VE3XNS | SO LP ALL | Licensed in May 2018 |
VE3ZY | SO LP ALL | Confirmed that it is not my cuppa tea |
VE5GC | SO LP 20M | Lots of activity on 20 |
VE6/K0XF | SO LP 20M | Surprised to work anyone because I am living in a condo and only had a ham stick dipole and 100W. Thank you everyone who gave me a contact! |
VE6AO | Checklog | We submit our log as a check log as we were unable to comply with all regulations established for amateur radio in our country due to the COVID19 pandemic |
VE6IVN | SO HP ALL | Thanks for a fun contest |
VE6KDX | SA HP ALL | 18th December 2018. Enjoyed all 240 of the QSO during my short time on the radio. And what a great hobby to have in this time of world isolation And sorrow for so many of our population |
VE6SVN | SO LP 20M | Basic with Honours (2017-11-17) |
VE7BGP | SO LP ALL | I had a lot of fun operating this contest despite the poor band conditions. vintage FT-301D and IC-751A on Sunday |
VE7BNR | SO HP ALL | IC-7300, IC2KL @ 400 Watts into home made 80-40-20 vertical antenna |
VK2PN | SO HP 20M | Just to give a few stations the number. 73 |
VK2PW | SO HP ALL | Very enjoyable competition, was not able to run the whole competition timeframe this time around. Thanks to the organisers. VK2PW |
VK4HH | MSH | Lots of fun other than a TX problem found to be a local pc network error (radio is Anan 100D SDR) which took out about 5 hours of prime operating time |
VK4NM | SA HP ALL | Was all set up to give this contest a real good effort - unforutnately in the 30th hour (after already taking 8 hour rules break) It all ended with good old murphy striking |
VK6MIL | SO LP ALL | Please cancel previous submitted log.Points claim error.Should be 45 but please check |
VK6WX | SO HP ALL | Only a part-time effort. Had family stuff to do. Operated remote station of VK6ANC. Good to work SA, and LP into VE/USA on 40m. Made no QSOs late on Sunday - I wasn't heard. Hope to be on the air again for WPX 2021 |
VO1IDX | SO QRP ALL | Flex 6300 (5 watts), Mosely Pro-57b Yagi, 43' Vertical, 80m Dipole |
VR2YAK | SO LP 10M | IC 7000. Dipole Inverted L Configuration 250ft Above Ground Level |
VU2CVS | SO HP ALL | Band conditions are bad and QRN is quite high. I used Kenwood TS 480 HX with G5RV and Hex Beam antennas |
VU2GRM | SO LP ALL | Lower band conditions 80, 160 was very bad from VU2 this year |