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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
VK1NSSO LP ALLGreat comp - many thanks to all who contacted
VK2MSO HP ALLSurprised by some of the 10m openings late into first night. Definitely improving conditions
VK2MTMSO LP ALLyaesu 991a with dipole antenna
VK2PWSO HP ALLThanks to organisers, great conditions especially on 10m Good luck all competitors
VK3GSO LP ALL10m - IC7610 into mobile whip vertical 15m, 20m - IC7300 into AH-740 vertical Antennas on roof of apartment
VK3IOSO HP ALLFor this contest, I only had time for a search and pounce operation and I hardly did any CQ'ing myself. Consequently my score was low, but I was happy to possibly be a new mult for someone. Mostly good conditions and signals here, except for 80m, where USA was poor and so I had no contacts to USA on 80 or 160. For the next ssb dx contest, it should be noted that here in Australia, we can only operate from 3779 to 3800, when on LSB. I was again only using my 160m dipole on all bands and so was surprised for the big signals from Europe and USA, especially on 10 and 15 metre bands. Cheers, until next dx contest, from Ron
VK4AMSHConditions are certainly on the improve
VK4OTZSO QRP ALLOperator age 14 Operator age: 14 Great contest! Not as much on 40m as I was hoping for
VK5RSSO HP ALLThank you - it was great fun
VK5YSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2021
VL6KSO LP ALLPart time effort again. 6m was open! IC7300, 80m OCF dipole @ 6m, 50W
VU2EIISO HP ALLFirst license 06-2021 06/14/2021
VU2MBChecklogCheck log
VU2MZTSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2022 ROOKIE
VU3TPWSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020 date of issue of license : 28/09/2020
VY0ERCSO HP ALLThis was a case of 'if it could go wrong, it did go wrong'. We had high hopes of achieving our best finish from Eureka. We had a new Spiderbeam to build and install on a telescoping pole which improved the antenna situation considerably, although it took too long to complete and so didn't go on the air until Saturday morning. The time lost in building the Spiderbeam meant that the 40m antennas were not installed. The amps were in place to give us a bit more punch, but the primary NCL-2000 began arcing early Saturday afternoon. The backup HF600 was slow to get going. It seems the safety switches were stuck open, but that problem was solved. Finally, after years of surviving on a diet of mostly 20m, activity on the high bands was possible. Aaaand then there were the ionospheric conditions. No getting around the impact of elevated A and K indices. It was a pleasant surprise that we got out as well as we did. Finally, for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon it was possible to run, with contacts throughout Europe. Not so much success into southern North America (aka everybody else on this side) or to the Pacific, but VU2ZMK was a fun pickup. South America was at times strong and easily worked. Many thanks to Erik and Ramina, my non-ham fellow scientists that provided an extra pair of hands from time to time. Thanks also to VE1RUS for organizing the Spiderbeam acquisition and providing moral and technical support from the south, and to all those who have supported VY0ERC with equipment donations, financial donations, and in general, good vibes! The interest and support from amateurs around the world make it possible to put this station on the air. Thanks all for the QSOs and see you next time!
VY2LISO LP 10MSolar hangover killed 10 meters here!
W0BFSO LP 10MWas just playing around. Great signals from VK/ZL finally. Also great signals from West Africa but just a short opening to Europe , at least for me ! Just worked 10 meters. Love that band !
W0JOPSO LP ALLUse multiple lines if needed
W1ASTSO LP ALLWish I had more time to operate
W1BBUSO LP ALLKnown errors in received numbers. Consider use as a check file
W1JGMSO HP ALLContest: CQWPXSSB 67 248 49 3.7 132 253 112 1.9 Total 329 798 243 2.4
W1KBNSO HP ALLOperator age 19 OP BDAY 04/2003
W2XXSO LP ALLPart time, made a few QSOs whenever I passed by the radio over the weekend
W3AZTSO LP ALL9' whip antenna
W3FOXSO HP ALLFun contest as always. Good conditions most of the time. My goal this year because of other obligations this weekend was 500,000 points or or 500 contacts. I actually beat both of those goals operating 17.1 hours. Ran 1KW with a Hex Beam on 20, 15, and 10 and 90 watts with dipoles on 80 and 40
W3FRSO HP ALLFirst license 12-2020
W3MLJSO HP ALLOperator age 17 A few hour OP just to play around a little
W3POTSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2023 01/06/2023
W3RESO HP ALLEnjoyed this contest. I spent time at NE3F as well. Limited time this weekend. Nice to work CY0S and HH75RCH with my friends in Sable and Haiti Looking forward to the CW version!!
W3RFXSO LP 20MMy second CQ WW WPX and it was great
W4CWOSO LP ALLI am uncertain of scoring, did the best I could. My first CQ contest. Thanks
W4ETASO LP ALLFun run for my first SSB WPX contest. Great time and thanks to everyone I worked!
W4KWSO HP ALLTnx for the contacts, 73's, Bert
W5GAISO QRP 10MOp time 11.7 hours. Propagation was not as good as the ARRL DX CW, also lots of noise on 10M. Most QSOs were US and South America. EU was weak, JA was rare, worked 2 in last minutes
W5GCXSO HP ALLGood Conditions
W6AWLSO LP ALLQSO Serial 1-4 where lost
W6USSO LP ALLGreat contest!!! Lots of activity on all the bands. There are still a LOT of stations that are not IDing at least once every 3 contacts. That does not save time, especially for S&P stations who may have to wait a few minutes to find out it is a dupe.... Most of the beginning contesters will do unassisted S&P and this will discourage them
W7IBISO LP ALLThis is still a great ride even after 32 years. Let's do it again in '24
W7MTHSO LP ALLOperator age 16 100w 3 ele yagi on 10m. 80-10efhw @ 80ft everywhere else
W8BOSO LP ALLFirst time I have entered an SSB contest The new rig, the Icom 7300 made this a pleasant experience
W8HFSO QRP ALLExtremely high winds knocked out power several times but didn't knock out antennas!
W8IDWSO LP ALLArea power outage from 2 pm Saturday till Monday evening prevented full participation
W8OMGSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2021
W8RKWSO LP 10MFirst license 11-2021 Rookie Overlay: Licensed 11-30-2021
W8ZDTSO HP ALLS&P for 3 hours Saturday afternoon. High winds power went out, seemed like a good time to quit
W9DCTSO HP ALLFirst license 04-2022
W9GNWSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2022

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