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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
V4/G0TLESO HP ALLGreat fun operating during my dxpedition to V4. Thanks for all the patience with the V4/G0TLE call - what a mouthful. I'll get a proper one next time!
V47TMSHGreat conditions for the first day. Not so much the second. Second submission to fix sent serial number problem
V51MASO LP ALLNot so easy from V5 Namibia in AF using LP but loads of fun.Thank You
V73AXSO LP ALLEncouraged and inspired by the kindness, support and general good will. Despite a failing antenna system, had a lot of fun. Tnx/73
VA3CRLSO LP ALLFirst license 03/2022 Licensed 2022/03/04
VA3KBISO LP ALLFirst license 12-2021 12-2021
VA3KKRSO LP 10MFirst license 122022
VA3OOLSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021
VA3PMHSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2023
VA3RSASO LP ALLI operated as Single Operator, Unassisted in the CLASSIC overlay. I used search and pounce 100 percent of the time rotating the radio dial up and down the band one signal at a time. My Equipment, Antenna, and Software: ICOM IC-7300 at 100W. Antenna 1 (20-15-10m): Vertical whip, 21.5 ft long, 4:1 unun at base 3 ft AGL. Two 14 ft horizontal radials 3ft AGL. Antenna 2 (160-80-40m): 66-ft long horizontal wire up 25 ft. Single-wire feed point at 21 ft from one end. The single wire feeder drops down to a 9:1 unun near ground level. There are 20 on-ground radials ranging 13-39 ft. About 50 ft of RG-8X from 9:1 unun to radio shack & ATU. ATUs: Palstar AT2K ATU and/or IC-7300 internal ATU. Software: N3FJP CQ-WPX-SSB logging software. 73, Rich, VA3RSA
VA3RTGSO QRP 10MIcom IC-7300, ZS6BKW, 40 foot vertical dipole for South America. 5W
VA3SPSO LP 15MHonourable mention to CR6T operator who got held up at the start of the contest on 15m by a last minute precontest QSO with an 87 year old operator, but he nicely completed the contact rather than QSYing to get going. FB!
VA3TUKSO LP ALLFirst license 11-2023 The thrill and excitement of CQ contesting continues to feed the addiction
VA4ADMSO LP ALLFT-891 and Buddistick antenna
VA6RCNSO LP ALLAgain, no other Alberta stations heard. Sigh!
VE2CHXSO LP 10MFirst license 04-2023 Date first licensed: 2023-04-12
VE2HTCSO HP ALLFirst license 11-2021
VE3MHSO LP ALLwas fun thanks
VE3OMVSO LP ALLOperator age 14
VE3QUSO LP ALLAlways a good time in this Contest
VE3RGOSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2022 2022
VE3UZXSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021 Licensed 7 July 2021
VE3VYSO LP ALLSingle-element wire antennas only
VE5CPUSO HP ALLA couple of hours of fun
VE6DKCSO LP ALLGreat conditions on 10 and 15 meters!
VE6IVNSO HP ALLGreat conditions look forward to the fall world wide
VE6NROSO LP ALLGood conditions from Calgary AB
VE6SYDSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2022
VE7BGPSO LP ALLCQ WPX was a lot of fun this weekend again. I got to work a lot of great countries
VE7BVSO HP ALLI noticed a lot of offshore stations using digital memories for calling CQ.... but the phonetics are often not even conventional or possible to understand.... many are basey and distorted, and too fast, and the highs have all been removed. Some even use different phonetics in the same call.....Kilo and King...... Quebec and Queen...... some are just to fast and muddled.....then when the persons true voice comes on it is clear.. !!!!
VE7MHISO LP ALLHad an amazing time. Many personal bests and firsts. Tactics and practises continue to evolve. I think it's my third year in this 'test. Glad to keep doing it. Hearing and working many countries/ entities I've never heard in my radio life. Just a fab time. On balance many patient and kind ops. Thanks all for the fun, challenges, contacts.Had an amazing time. Many personal bests and firsts. Tactics and practises continue to evolve. I think it's my third year in this 'test. Glad to keep doing it. Hearing and working many countries/entities I've never heard in my radio life. Just a fab time. On balance many patient and kind ops. Thanks all for the fun, challenges, contacts. practises continue to evolve. I think it's my third year in this 'test. Glad to keep doing it. Hearing and working many countries/entities I've never heard in my radio life. Just a fab time. On balance many patient and kind ops. Thanks all for the fun, challenges, contacts
VJ2JSO LP 10MTS890S into a stack of 6 element OWA yagis on 10m
VK1CHWChecklogFirst license 12-2022
VK2PWSO HP ALLThanks to organisers, 15m SP was amazing most evenings from VK2. Bit of fun - good luck to all
VK2WTTSO LP ALLOne of the best in recent years!
VK3TDKSO LP ALLFirst license 18/11/2021
VK4ANSSO LP ALLhome station, hex beam at 8m, TS-890S at 90W
VK4XASO HP 10MI had a great time using my Elecraft K-Line and a half wave vertical for 10 Metres.. Thanks!
VK4XESO HP 15MPart time operation, antenna fixed EU / JA, thanks for the contacts
VK6DAVSO LP ALLFirst licenced 15-8-2021
VK6MIKSO LP 20MFirst license 07-2022 First time!!
VK7STOSO LP ALLVery trying conditions in Tasmania. Thank you to all that made contact. Best wishes to all contestants
VK8DSO HP 15MUsing a K3, 400 watts and a 2 el. tribander. Just a brief contest for me
VL2WSO LP 20M100 watt - Wire Dipole-
VL3ESO HP ALLA very part time effort due to the Easter long weekend and the surf was too good to pass-up before the cold weather in VK sets in, but still a bit of fun. Still getting a few who can't grasp that my 2x1 is Australia VL and not ZL. Great to work a couple of the stateside big guns on 15m LP at 1.00am local
VL6KSO LP ALLHad visitors over the Easter break. Not able to put in a full effort. IC7300, 50W, 80m OCF dipole at 6m. Maybe next time I will have a beam up. (?) Glad to make some good contacts. Missed out on V26K. :-(

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