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Call Category Comments
CU2YKSO LP ALLFirst license 02-1988
D44PMSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020
DA0CSO HP ALLCategory - Overlay: Over-50
DC5AQSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020. HAM SINCE 2020.07.04
DD5VLSO HP ALLFirst license 12-2020. Licence since 03.12.2020
DF1LXSO LP ALLBad decision to exclude a lot of contester - but ok -
DG2BHBSO LP 20MSpent a nice time on air with good propagation. Thanks to every one. See you again, next time! 73s, Bjoern
DH2RTWSO HP ALLenjoy the test nice to be copied with my small R5 vertical. The quite signal like 'r'ound 't'he 'w'orld. sorry that the condx goes early down on 20m
DH9DX/PSO LP ALL1st day: K2/100, homemade multiband inv. V 2nd day: K2/100, homemade monoband 3/8 wl verticals
DJ1ANSO HP ALLFirst license 06-2013
DJ1HAMSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2020
DJ2FLSO LP ALLThanks to my dad DH1KLF for support with setting up antennas and solving a lot of problems
DJ3GESO LP ALLFT991A MFB23 (2 Ele Yagi 20, 15, 10m) or FD3 (dipole 40m)
DJ3HWSO LP ALLGood condx except 10m here
DJ4MXSO LP ALLOperator age 19
DK1RSSO LP 15MUnfortunately, the splatters from the stations H25A and CR3DX really annoyed me during the contest. It really doesn't have to be like that. That's unsportsmanlike and definitely not polite
DK2OYSO HP 20MI do not agree with the ban of the RA and EW stations. Amateurradio should be no politics
DK5PHSO HP ALLFirst license 01-2020. 12H operation
DK9JCSO LP 10MFirst license 03-2015
DL/E79AASO HP 40M@DM9EE station
DL/SP2RBASO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021. DL/SP2RBA
DL1DVNChecklogFirst license 09-1985
DL1GOSO LP ALLTHX, 73, wonderfull
DL1RNHSO LP 15MJust a short test with G90 - 20W and short mobile antenna from balcony
DL1SBFSO LP 20MSome QSOs only, Lothar, DL1SBF
DL35EUDXFSO HP ALLTo set a sign against the wars i send out ' 73 no WAR 88 ' But I thinks as Hamradio we should not get into poletics. So i disagree with the decision of the organisation. There are to many places were there is war and we do not do anything :-( I think we can not speak of a fair competition. We missing a lot of European multies especialy on low bands
DL4ZASO HP ALLYaesu FTdx3000-ICOM IC2KL-SteppIR-Loops
DL8AAESO HP 15MSuccessfully avoided to work prefixes from zones 19, 18 and 16 in this contest
DL8FANSO LP 40MPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
DL8OBFSO HP 20MCONDX on the first night were excellent, with interesting long path propagation on 20m. The absence of UA-station resulted in overall less tstaions being present, and missing interesting multipliers. But overall the bands have been much quiter, e.g. allowing to copy week NA-stations without QRM from the backside of the beam. Overall I believe our core competence - as radio amateurs - is communication. I.m.h.o. it is the thus a wrong step to exclude Russian- and Belarus-stations from WPX. Of course I totally condemn the illegal attack on Ukraine. However the radio-amateurs should continue communication, provide information and bridge the gaps between nations
DL8RDLSO HP ALLWhat a nice condition of the bands the whole weekend! Here, in the south of Germany, it was overwhelming in my opinion. It seemed that everybody is workable with my TS-850, Expert 1k-FA, Hexbeam (10-20) and morgain (40/80/160)
DL8SYLSO QRP ALLFirst license 07-2020
DL9DXSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020. first licensed: 22.07.2020
DL9GMNSO LP ALLUsing Cushcraft A3S and 84m lazy loop, 40 feet over ground. Hope, the overlay category is okay
DL9MFYSO LP 10MIn a world prefix contest all ham prefixes should count
DM3CHSO LP 80MFirst license 10-2020
DM5RESO LP ALLFirst license 02-2022
DM6LESO LP ALLFirst license 08-2021
DM7AKSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2022
DN1ADASO LP ALLOperator age 10. German trainee callsingn, supervised by DM6BS
DN4PSGSO LP ALLOperator age 11. Trainee Call, OP: Linus, 11 years. Great fun and interest in Ham-Radio. 73 de Peter, DH4PSG
DO1FDKSO QRP 15MOperating from DL0BTU with a 3 element yagi and an IC 705. Only loud stations were workable with a bit of patience. The condx on 15m were fun
DO1SLBSO LP 15MFirst license 08-2020
DO1TKLChecklogQSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-26 1410 DO1TKL 59 14 WZ7X 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 0913 DO1TKL 59 14 UP0L 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 0925 DO1TKL 59 14 5B4KH 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 0930 DO1TKL 59 14 TA3DE 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 0952 DO1TKL 59 14 PV2P 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1042 DO1TKL 59 14 4X6FR 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1202 DO1TKL 59 14 TC3X 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1251 DO1TKL 59 14 KUZM 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1302 DO1TKL 59 14 CR3DX 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1302 DO1TKL 59 14 WX3B 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1556 DO1TKL 59 14 CJ3A 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1600 DO1TKL 59 14 VC2A 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1608 DO1TKL 59 14 ZB2BU 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1618 DO1TKL 59 14 NE1C 59 59 0 QSO: 21000 PH 2022-03-27 1624 DO1TKL 59 14 A44A 59 59 0
DO2MAVSO LP 15MFirst license 08-2021
DO2YXSO LP 15MOperator age 19. I am 19 years old and thx for the nice contest! 73
DO5MNSO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021. Rookie

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