Call | Category | Comments |
HK1T | SA HP ALL | A lot of Fun, sorry for my hi QRM, 73 |
I0/S58Y/P | SA LP 20M | Hi! It was very difficult to work only with dipole antenna surrounded by high buildings, but anyway I had a lot of fun. My equipment IC-7300, 100W, dipole for 20m, N1MM+. CU in CQ WPX CW. Maybe from home QTH? 73 ES GL DE Robi, I0/S58Y/P |
I1JTQ | SA HP 40M | From home, in the middle of a big city, with covid-19 knocking at the door |
I3MDU | SO LP ALL | Few qso but always fun |
I5KAP | SO QRP 10M | My radio ten meters, 20 m high, Finally good propagation in 10 m and thanks to the attention of my correspondent stations this important log was possible |
I5MXX | SO HP 40M | good propagation. worked about 350 W/VE stations |
I5NSR | SO HP 15M | WPX 2020, we will remember him for the Corona Virus contest! Stingy propagation of large pile ups, good transecuatorial propagation for central and south america. Where were friends from the USA? I5NSR Sergio |
I7CSB | SO LP 15M | Contest old style, 70 W and 2 el. quad, no cluster , no power, just electronic log, very difficult to pass on pile up, propagation not very good, and directional, on mid day from south of Italy only YB and VU, around mid day, Spain and in the afternoon South America, only 2 qso with USA and hear VO station |
IB1C | SO LP ALL | Forthe COVOD-19 emergency which hit Italy, I was unable to operate from the main station I installed a vertical with 10 meters of wire and a 9 balun, all homemade. I still had fun. '73 de IB1C / IK1XPK Claudio 'Clay' |
IB2M | SA HP ALL | WPX from home in full lock down in between 2 breakfast, 4 meals and 2 homemade breads for a family of 5.... Lot of fun anyway in the spare remaining time. Thanks everybody for QSOs. Stay safe Gil IZ2DLV /IB2M |
IB9BP | SA QRP 20M | Ft 817 nd End fend Dipole home made |
IH9YMC | SO LP 10M | poor and sporadic propagation on 10 meters |
II4K | SA LP 10M | 5B4ALX |
IK0VWH | SO LP ALL | This contest helped us stay at home... the only way to defeat coronavirus!! Good propagation to west, some QRM Using Sommerkamp FT-7, small 100w boost, Trapped Inverted V Thanks Everybody!! |
IK1BBC | SO LP ALL | After 3 years I decided to switch on the radio again to work in contest, it has been a pleasure to listen friends that i missed time ago. Hope next time to be on the air with better antennas. 73 de John |
IK2AIT | SO LP ALL | Somebody must be the last one. Surprise 10 metres open! I have just put my feet in age 85, will I see again 10 metres open for some hours? with my mind still working? God knows! 73 Gio ik2ait |
IK3SSW | SO HP ALL | Peccato la scarsa propagazione. Divertimento comunque garantito |
IK4XQT | SO LP ALL | rtx ten tec scout 555 50 w ant. windom nvis on balcony of condo! |
IK5MES | SO LP 40M | notevole attivit�. complimenti a tutti |
IN3IGL | SO LP ALL | PATENT CLASS A N 3360 Date 28-10-2019 |
IO2S | SO QRP 40M | Licensed from 02/2017 |
IO6A | SA HP 40M | Lockdown contest station in my city house (using a vertical biband antenna for 30 and 40 mts) |
IO7T | SA HP ALL | Fantastic. It has always been one of the most fun contests. I thank all those who have managed to connect and I apologize to those who could not listen. See you at the next contest. 73 Tommy IZ7ECL |
IO9R | SO HP 20M | FT-2000, ZZ1200 AMPLI, OB6-3M |
IR2Q | SA LP ALL | Since stuck @ home for Covid19, I put up at home two dipoles for 20m and 40m, almost at ground level, and did some QSOs. Very hard to be heard, but at least I was on-air and gave IR2 mult to somenone |
IR9Z | SA HP ALL | Total activity 24 hours |
IS0GSR | SO LP ALL | good |
IS0ILP | SO LP ALL | Ottimo contest con grande partecipazione,buona propagazione verso sera con ascolti da ogni parte del globo. Al prossimo WPX 73' |
IS0ZOD | SA HP ALL | 73' de Marco IS0ZOD! |
IT9ATF | SA LP 20M | Numerosa partecipazione, anche per l'obbligo di rimanere a casa a causa del 'corona virus'. Spero l'anno prossimo di operare con IF9A. 73' Raffaello |
IT9DBF | SO LP 10M | I testing my new Cubical homemade |
IT9GHW | SA LP ALL | I Can't upload the log after 5 april because i have technical problem with my computer. if i can partecipate in the classification i like this,. 73 de Carmelo IT9GHW |
IT9IHB | SO LP 10M | i'm a rookie my first license are started on 03 22020 |
IT9OPR | SA HP 20M | I worked the contest only 0n 20 Mt.I can say that propagation was good only for european countries.I can't met Japanese stations or VK-ZL prefix.Anyway Thants to all station that i worked during the contest.Hoping better next year.All the best.73's |
IU0LFQ | SA LP 80M | Licensed first time on August 14th 2018. Great contest, with many stations on-air. Operated in 80m using HomeMade End-Fed, Yaesu FT-450D and RSPDuo |
IU0LRV | SO LP ALL | ROOKIE.A Fantastic Contest.Good Propagation in 20-40-80 m.Thanks CQ |
IU1FIB | SO LP ALL | Very fun contest a lot of loud stations |
IU1KAE | SO LP ALL | LICENSED 2018/01/05 |
IU1KBL | SA HP 40M | 23/01/2018 |
IU1MRG | SA LP ALL | licenced on june 2019 |
IU1MVI | SO LP ALL | license date 25 september 2019 |
IU2KMA | SA HP ALL | rookie licenzed 16-feb-2018 |
IU2LWL | SO LP 20M | License 07/11/2018 |
IU3GJD | SO LP ALL | This is my first contest to CQWPX. I'am verry happy to contact many people on air. A good propagation on the week end. In Italy and the world a very important moment for the 'coronavirus'. Thanks this passion for the radio this moment is minor terrible. It's very important to stay at home. thanks a lot for everyone o answercalle to my calls, the wish every all the best. IU3GJD Gabriel |
IU3GNH | SO LP ALL | Kenwood TS850SAT (100W) Original Mic Dipole 80mt fullsize Dipole 40mt fullsize Quanrantine mode ON 73 de IU3GNH |
IU3KPJ | SA HP ALL | Licence 20/02/2018 (DD/MM/AAAA) |
IU3LYJ | SA LP ALL | Licence:18 december 2018 |
IU4BUQ | SA LP ALL | TNX at all CQ Team & organization |