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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
DL7EDUSO QRP 20MLots of fun with trUSDX
DL7RBASO LP ALLFirst license 07-2021
DL8AAESO HP 160MIn this years WPX contest I tried to improve my DXCC score. Therefor I worked very few stations only and finally decided to send in a log for something unusual for me: 160m single band. I never did that before because I have small antennas for this band only, a homebrew MorGain wire antenna and Butternut HF-2v/BR-160 vertical
DL8AISO LP ALLFirst license 02-2023
DL8SYLSO QRP 20MFirst license 07-2020 First Licence: 25 July 2020
DL9DXSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020 first licensed 07.23.2020
DL9LASO LP 80MFirst license 03-2022
DL9MFYSO LP ALLOld IC-730. Inverted vee dipole 2x20m down in a valley, but quiet - no noise. Astonishingly, I could reach VU2ZMK 20m Sunday evening. Thanks!
DL9ZBNSO LP 10MHi there, I only made 65 QSOs, so there was more offtime than busytime 73 de DL9ZBN / Kurt
DM1KMSO HP ALLFirst license 10-2021
DM3FAMSO QRP ALLFT817, End-Fed, 5 Watt. 73
DM3YMSLnice propagation
DM7XXSO HP ALLOperator age 18
DN1MGFMSLOperator age 17 training callsign, schoolstation, 4 pupils under 18 years of age
DO1FDKSO QRP 10MIC 705 and a 3 element beam. Operating from the University of Kassel club station. Operating QRP was challenging to get copied at times, but the conditions on 10m were pretty good with many loud stations
DO1HKLSO LP ALLFirst license 07-2020 14.07.2020
DO1TLPSO LP 80MFirst license 09-2022
DO2ANWSO LP ALLFirst license 12-2022 First licensed since 14. December 2022
DO2NBSSO LP 80MFirst license 03-2023
DO3LZSO LP ALLJust for fun (and fun it was). Hope my points help some big stations to make their day!
DO4ADHSO QRP 10MFirst license 08-2022 rookie
DO6JSASO LP ALLFirst license 06-2021
DO6NIKSO LP 10M100W Antenna IMax 2000
DO6SGBSO LP 15MFirst license 04-2022
DQ5MSO LP ALLOperator age 25
DU6/N1MYMSO LP ALLFirst license 01-2021 Overlay: Rookie
DU6/N7MOTSO LP ALL10-meters was great for this contest. A lot of fast-paced activity and clear signals. Thanks for hosting this contest
DV3SBSO HP ALL40-20-15-10 Wire Vee beam was used
DX1ARCMMClub Callsign - DX1ARC Club Name - Amateur Radio Communications Of The Philippines Inc
DX1EVMMSLGreat contest thanks to all stn participate in the contest see u again nxt year mabuhay 73
E2ASO HP ALLDespite the A-index starting out at 60, the band conditions improved overtime with some good openings to NA on 15m. The highlight for me was working CY0S on 15m. Overall, it was great fun as always and it looks like a new record for HS SOAB HP will be set. I must admit, I had overslept this time round otherwise the score would have been even higher. I miss hearing 'Kilowatt-Three-Zanzibar-Ocean' on the air. This is the first year without him. RIP Uncle Fred. Tnx for all the QSOs! 73, Champ E21EIC/E2A
E70AWSO LP ALLOperator age 18
E70YSO LP 40MI had big plans to prepare for WPX SSB lineup for score high in the end. After analyzing the logs from before, made an exact plan of what and how, and how to react if it doesn't work. Given the few days of the week before, expected a lot. But, but, but something similar to last year for the CW part, the storm monster G4 appeared, A and K index was high. I give up from contest location and stay at home, automated the setup because I know that my girls would go crazy if I made too much noise :). Contest on 40m is always difficult, but SSB in these conditions will be very difficult. Crossed from my mind, you are good in these conditions, you have a chance for good score. The contest begins. First hour, 10 Qs S/P, no one copy my LP and wire. Maybe does it make sense to continue on 40m. I'm gambling, taking a big break with the idea of taking as many breaks as possible on Saturday so that I have more time to work on Sunday because I expected the storm to calm down. During Saturday, I even considered switching to ALL, but persistence paid off. In the end, good decision, have a good result. I can't wait for the CW part, hopefully with couple antenna fully installed. 73 Marin
E73ENSSO LP ALLOperator age 18
E77YSO QRP 40MFT 818+ deltaloop for 40 mtr
E78CBSO QRP 20MtruSDX 5w, Delta Loop
EA1FQTSO LP 10MOperator age 16
EA2CCGSO HP ALLConditions where not very good and I only could make some running on 20m with EU.Due to my work and family duties my time was limited but I am happy of being there,others cannot say the same!!!
EA2ECASO LP ALLIC-7300 Ant Vertical MM
EA2ETKSO LP ALLOperator age 23 BIRTH 1999/11/07
EA2EWLSO LP ALLFirst license 04-2021
EA2QUSO HP ALLALMOST 80 YEARS (13JUN1943) and poor hearing with headphones
EA2XGSO LP 20MToo noisy for my MFJ-1940T on the balcony of my building, but we hung out. 73
EA3CXSO LP 15MThanks fer the Qso´s, it was hard with 100 W and challenging condx
EA3OHSO LP 20MOperating remote
EA4AQQSO LP 40MKenwood TS-590SG Mosley TA33-WARC
EA4HKVSO HP ALLFirst license 11-2020

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