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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
JR0DZHSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR0GXASO LP 20MANT 3ele Yagi RIG FTDX5000MP Limited
JR1AKD/1SO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR1AQISO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR1EMOSA HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR1EMTSO LP ALLHard conx for a dipole
JR1JCBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. thank you
JR1JRWSO LP ALLThank you I enjoyed the contest
JR1LEVSO LP ALLJST-245/DP.SG-230+Wire I enjoyed the contest
JR1MEG/1SO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR1NKNSO QRP 15MThe maximum output power in the contest was five watts. I'm very glad to have many QSOs
JR1QBASO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR1USUSO LP ALLPortable:Midori-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Pref. 2.5W
JR2BCFSO HP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 40MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2KQESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2WLQSA HP 20MI enjoyed the contest,Thank you
JR3JRISO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HP ALLCondition is better than last year
JR8NODSO LP ALLI try to submit this log 1st time
JS1NDMSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1WWRSO LP 20MThis contest is my first participation so please take a look
JS2AUXSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2PHOSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
K0BAKSO HP ALL1200z Sunday that I never even heard before, so it was worth it. Casual participant, but got Pacific countries on 40m SSB around
K0DDDMSHMni tks to the vy fb Ops that we were able to QSO
K0UKSA LP ALLGod Bless. PTL bill K0UK Visiting with old friends was the really cool part
K1GJYChecklogIC 7300, G5RV
K1HGSO LP ALLVery part time working only new prefixes
K1MTDSO LP ALLMarch 18, and his funeral was March 24. 73, Bing. Down the log... great Elmer and friend, Bert Bing Bowen, AB1NG. Bing became a Silent Key on who participated, as we mourned the loss of one of our founding members and It was a bittersweet contest weekend for those of us in the Hop River Radio Club
K1VRFSO HP ALLLicensed April 2017
K1WDYSO LP ALLfirst licensed 2015/10/19 (as KC1EOG)
K1YWWSO LP ALLThanks for a fun contest!
K2AKASO LP ALLFirst licensed on 03-08-2016, call- KD2KPN
K2LNSSO LP ALLBrutal QRM - Can't wait to turn the filters on during WPX CW
K2XRSA LP 80MHigh A index preserved existing records in this class
K2ZR/4SO LP 20MKEY WEST IOTA NA-062 GRID: EL94cn DICK. K2ZR/4 73, TIME: 00:55 MIN Condx poor. RIG:K2 @ 90w ANT: 40M 0CF WIRE LOG: N1MM+
K3AUSA HP ALLFew hours on time available from other weekend activities
K3CCRM2calls not spotted. Worked 87 countries including JA and A6. was, well, spotty, worth maybe another 1/3 of Qs. S&P found many 309 Qs running, 34% of our total. When runs died, clicking spots W3GB made 3 more runs on 40 m. of 14 to 31 Qs. In all we made and QSY���d to work W4MYA, and didn���t lose the run freq. Yes! ran on 80m. for 129 Qs 0109-0226 Sun, 101/hr. He clicked a spot 2303 Sat. W3GB ran on 20 at 75/hr, 40 Qs in 31 min. Next N3UM 20 m. by N3UM peak of 81/hr for 22 min did not last. Then 2231- we could. First good run was 51 Qs in 1 hr. 1820-1920Z Sat. on came back. 0n 80 thru 20 we tried often to ���Run ���Em!��� sometimes our T antenna went offscale on initial PA tuneup ~03Z and never 10m., nearly all with SA and Caribbean countries. On 160, SWR of surprise to get 11% of our Qs and 10% of our mults on 15 an and mult totals on 20, good on 80, briefly OK on 40. A pleasant 12-16Z Sat. AM. The whole contest was like that very good rates rates did not last on 40m. But 80m was good till 04Z, and 20m 40m at the 0Z start, then 40 and 80 after the first hr. Good better score than we did in 2017 in 13.2 hrs. We were on 20 and W3GB operated Multi-2 for 25.7 hrs, and as hoped we got a much retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care
K3NPSO HP ALL1st time using an amp
K3ORSSO LP ALLFun as always. Wish i had more time to operate this one
K3TCSO HP ALLBlown RF amp before contest, spare amp flaked out during contest. Fixed spare near the end and got 92 QSOs the last hour!
K3TWSA QRP 80MBand conditions were very good for QRP (5 watts).
K3ZJSO HP ALLhave more time and better conditions. was my major operating day. Bad choice. Next year I hope to reports 20M was much better Saturday than Sunday, but Sunday I was happy to say hello to so many friends, although by all is the first WPX that I had to shovel snow to open the door. had to have assistance to get up the road due to ice. But this had light snow on the ground for WPX, and one year I even Got on the air at 2100 UTC. Past years we've sometimes I was able to drive out to the shack in WV late Saturday
K4AFESA HP ALLFirst Licensed October 22nd, 2015
K4AKKMSHFun Contest, decent band conditions

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