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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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Call Category Comments
JR2ALASO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2KQESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR4LRYSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR7ASOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2PHOSO LP 10Msee you next contest 73
JW2TSO HP ALL250W battling QSB, QRN, QRM
JW7QIASO LP 20MTo join WPX from the High Arctic with just 100W and a vertical is madness and with these condx I have to thank everyone who digged out my call and reports. CU soon
K0JJMSO LP ALLSure wish some operators would leave more than 1 -2 seconds between CQ calls. Some of them just never gave a person much of a chance to respond because of that. I would think their success rate would go up if they gave people more of a chance to respond
K0TEASO LP ALLFirst time for this contest- enjoyed all the great ops!
K1AUSSO LP ALLThank you for the contest. See you next year
K1LOKSO LP ALLNice to see 15 meters open up
K1SOSO LP ALLHad many major storms go thru the area during the contest
K3AUSO HP ALLI took time out for family activities. I had to stop a 10pm on Friday and Saturday and started late on Sarurday and Sunday, so I missed the overnight action (but slept well). I worked 95% S&P, finding it hard to find a frequency and then to sustain a good rate. I stopped at 700 Q's on Sunday at 4pm after morse than 16 hours combined. It's always fun to see your scores grow quickly in this contest. I never intended to spend this much time but got drawn in looking at the score. Thanks for the Q's and especially the Mults
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. In WPX SSB 2021 N3UM and W3GB operated HP Multi-2. Our goal was to beat our best WPX SSB result of 1252 Qs and 2.03M claimed score in 2020. But, we worried about SWPC forecast Ap of 25 and Kp of 3-5 for Sun. this year. Hah SWPC was wrong. Kp was 1 for only 9 of 48 hrs, only a bit worse than 2020. So, we met our goal 1.07X as many Q points and 1.06X as many mults for 1.13X our 2020 claimed score. It helped that we did 1.3X our 3/20 BIC hours. At start 00-03Z N3UM got 30 Qs on 20 M, then ran for 132 of 170 Qs on 80 M and quit to sleep and return early. W3GB got 86 Qs on 40 M 00-04Z, then ran for 76 of 106 Qs on 80 M by 0622Z QRT. N3UM 12-15Z got 116 Qs on 20 M and 12 on 15 M. W3GB 15-22Z got 135 Qs on 15 and 20 M, then 130 Qs on 40 M by his 0310Z QRT. N3UM got 46 Qs on 40 M by his 0520Z QRT, but only 69 Qs on 80 M 01-05Z. So, Kp=4 21-06Z slowed 40 M but ruined 80 M. W3GB Sun. 1130-16Z got 54 Qs on 20 M and 35 Qs on 15 M. We both did 40 and 20 M with offset breaks till 24Z, and worked some JAs and a BA
K3KEKSO LP ALLRookie, licensed in 05/13/2020 as KI5IXP
K3RLWSO LP ALLLicensed Sept 2019
K3TWSO LP ALL'Band conditions were good for low power,'
K4ADZSO LP 20MRookie Licensed Tech 8/4/20 General 2/16/21
K4CGYSO HP ALLGreat Contest, OK conditions
K4FJWSO LP ALLStorms limited and discouraged operating
K4KKCSO HP ALL1 Mult = 1.4 Q's
K4SHWSO HP ALL 6/6/2018
K4WWPSO LP ALLICOM Pro 756, Trap Dipole (40-80)
K6CSLSO LP ALLRough Conditions for 100W and 'Invisible' antennas!
K6GHAChecklogThis is a checklog. System and Operator Error at beginning of contest. Corrected and started a new log for the event
K6NRSO HP ALL10 was open a tad, 15 was OK stateside on Saturday not great Sunday. 20 was good the whole weekend, although Eu seemed stronger on Sunday. 40 was hopping, hard to squeeze in for a CQ in the morning when broadcast takes over 7200-7300. I didn't hear a lot on 80 through the noise. It was nice to have 1300 watts from my AL-1200, filling in for my KPA-1500 which is still in the shop. Thanks for the QSOs. Dana
K6PFSO LP ALLS9 power line noise wiped out 20m band entire contest. Rig: YAESU FT-847 barefoot running 85 watts out. Antenna: GAP Titan DX Vertical
K6TUJSO LP 15MNo matter the band conditions, CQWW WPX SSB is the best contest there is
K7RMZSO LP 40MTesting a new antenna configuration so might as well hand a few points out
K7VITSO HP ALLThanks to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
K7XCSO LP 40MTried to set a new 7 land assisted low power 40M SSB record. Was fun keeping mostly to one band. Still amazes me what 100W into a Inv Vee at 38ft can do. Thanks to all who pulled me out of the noise
K8GLSO HP ALLNo assistance of any kind. I did not have a lot of time to operate. 15 meters showed signs of life!
K8LFSO HP ALLOnly had a few hours in the contest. SSB is not my best mode
K8NWSO LP ALLlicensed 2019-09-17
K9FROSO LP ALLMinimal operating time with a new baby at home but still fun to participate!
K9STMSO HP ALLOriginally licensed on 6/26/2020
KA0PQWSO LP ALLFun contest thanks for having it. 73 Matt ka0pqw
KA1CSO LP ALLI thought too many SSB stations were muffled, or had bad audio. Imagine my surprise when I tested my own hearing (audio generator & headphones), and discovered my high frequency hearing loss was quite substantial. I had bought a used MFJ-616 Speech Intelligibility Enhancer years ago at a hamfest. I had put it away, thinking I might never need it, but I had it if the day came. The day came. After reading some eHam & QRZ posts, I quickly connected a small 12-volt power supply, some patch cables, and started turning knobs. Once I got the frequencies adjusted, what a difference! I could actually understand SSB voices again. I will have to wire this thing into my audio chain permanently. Glad I bought it. Also have an appointment for a commercial hearing test & hearing aids. I wonder what else I have been missing? Steve - KA1C
KA3BZOSO LP ALL 8/16/2018
KA3CZYSO HP ALLI hoped to work more OC and AS stations. However, the contest was fun and had lots of good contacts. Used only a fan dipole for my antenna, but had great results!
KA3GIKSO HP ALLAlways a lot of fun. Bands in pretty good shape. Still waiting for 10 and 15 to open up. Thanks to all that called in. 73'S Pat/W3FiZ
KA8ZEPSO HP ALLFirst time in this contest

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